More Information
ISBN: 9781783685349
Imprint: Langham Global Library
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 9
Publication Date: 14/10/2018
Pages: 172
Series: Collection ICETE
Language: French

Sommes-nous performants ? Étudier notre contexte pour améliorer nos programmes d’études

Ressources pour institutions théologiques


« Enracinés dans la Parole, engagés dans le monde », tel était le thème de la consultation internationale du Conseil International pour la Formation Théologique Évangélique (ICETE) en 2012, à Nairobi, au Kenya. Deux questions ont émergé de ce thème : Comment savoir si les formations de nos institutions théologiques contribuent bien à la croissance de l'Église ? Peut-on mesurer l’impact de la formation théologique sur l’Église et la société ?Pour répondre à ces deux questions fondamentales, l’ICETE a tenu une consultation triennale internationale en 2015. Des acteurs de la formation théologique issus de divers horizons mondiaux ont présenté le projet de « révision du programme d’études axée sur la recherche », destiné à améliorer la compréhension des besoins réels du ministère et à mieux préparer les étudiants à servir dans leurs propres contextes. Ce livre présente les réflexions et les expériences de divers auteurs, dans leur volonté de comprendre leur contexte pour améliorer la qualité et la pertinence de la formation théologique.

Author Bios

Stuart Brooking
(Edited By)

STUART BROOKING is Executive Director of Overseas Council Australia, one of five organisations in the Overseas Council network dedicated to assisting the development of theological education in the Majority World. Stuart has degrees in five fields with doctoral studies in Theological Education from the University of Sydney, Australia. He also contributes to the training of women and men for gospel ministry in his own context, as Head of Department of Ministry and Practice at the Australian College of Theology in Sydney.


Les témoignages des institutions théologiques et des divers responsables impliqués dans la révision des programmes d’études nous ont permis de comprendre l’importance de la sensibilité, de l’ouverture, de l’innovation et des efforts de collaboration pour apporter les changements nécessaires.

Pasteur Luke Cheung
China Graduate School of Theology

Ce livre est indispensable pour tous les responsables et éducateurs soucieux d’optimiser l’impact de leurs programmes de formation !

Theresa Roco-Lua
Asia Theological Association

Ce livre encouragera d’autres institutions théologiques à s’assurer qu’elles atteignent bel et bien leurs objectifs. Il a sans aucun doute aidé le SAIACS dans son cheminement vers « l’excellence dans l’intérêt de la mission ».

Ian W. Payne
South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies (SAIACS)

Table of Contents

  1. Remerciements
  2. Préface : Engagés et performants !
  3. Introduction : « Nous voulons savoir si nous sommes performants »
  4. Section I. Évaluer le contexte : Raisons, objets, méthodes
    1. 1 Une perspective biblique de l’efficacité et de l’impact de la formation théologique
      1. Christopher Wright
    2. 2 Aller au-delà des quatre « B » dans l’évaluation
      1. Scott Cunningham
    3. 3 Relier le programme d’études et le contexte : Les fondements de la pertinence dans la formation théologique
      1. Rupen Das
    4. 4 Mon parcours dans l’évaluation du cursus
      1. Ashish Chrispal
  5. Section II. Sur le terrain : Témoignages d’institutions qui ont évalué leur contexte et changé leur programme d’études
    1. 5 Une expérience colombienne : Faire de la recherche dans un contexte de déplacement de population
      1. Jhohan Centeno
    2. 6 Une expérience indienne : Découvrir les lacunes
      1. Havilah Dharamraj
    3. 7 Une expérience zimbabwéenne : Parcours vers la maturité
      1. Roy Motsi et Robert Heaton
    4. Annexe : Modèle de cursus proposé
    5. 8 Une expérience Sri-lankaise : Des résultats surprenants
      1. Lal Senanayake
  6. Section III. Les problèmes liés au changement
    1. 9 La conduite du changement : Le point de vue du doyen
      1. Élie Haddad
    2. 10 Développer la bibliothèque : Quelle importance ?
      1. Melody Mazuk
    3. 11 Notes pratiques sur le développement de cursus axé sur l’impact
      1. Scott Cunningham
    4. 12 Une évaluation critique de l’impact
      1. Marvin Oxenham
    5. 13 Culture, communication et recherche sur l’impact
      1. Perry Shaw
    6. 14 Qu’est-ce que l’évaluation fondée sur l’impact change réellement ?
      1. Elizabeth Sendek
  7. Postface
  8. Bibliographie
  9. Ressources
  10. À propos des auteurs


Jhohan Centeno

JHOHAN CENTENO is a professor at the Biblical Seminary of Colombia (FUSBC) in Medellín and also oversees the virtual programs. He is an authorized minister in the Foursquare Church. He has a master’s degree in E-learning and is currently pursuing his doctoral studies in Theology.

Ashish Chrispal

ASHISH CHRISPAL, PhD, is a pastor, grassroots missionaries’ trainer, and theological education facilitator. Ashish has served with Overseas Council for the last ten years equipping seminaries in Asia to rethink theological education through being missional and ministry-oriented with a scholarly focus for the Lord’s glory.

Scott Cunningham

SCOTT CUNNINGHAM, PhD. Scott’s experience as a theological educator began as a missionary faculty member in Nigerian seminaries. He later served the Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA), assisting seminaries with accreditation. Scott currently serves the international team of Overseas Council as Executive Director.

Rupen Das

RUPEN DAS has been involved in missions and Christian international development for over forty years, partnering with the Navigators, World Vision, the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, and local NGOs, among others. He currently serves as President of the Canadian Bible Society and is a research professor at Tyndale University, Toronto, Canada. He writes on topics of global Christianity, missions, poverty, and ministries of compassion.

Havilah Dharamraj

HAVILAH DHARAMRAJ, PhD (Durham, UK), is the Academic Dean at the South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies, where she teaches Old Testament. She is one of the editors of, and a contributor to, the South Asia Bible Commentary.

Elie Haddad

ELIE HADDAD is President of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) in Mansourieh, Lebanon. He grew up in Sidon, Lebanon, before moving to Canada where he lived, worked and studied for fifteen years. He returned to Lebanon in 2005 when he joined the staff of ABTS. He became President in 2008. He holds Canadian and Lebanese nationality.

Robert Heaton

ROBERT HEATON, PhD, is registrar at the Theological College of Zimbabwe, following decades of ministry at that institution including ten years as acting principal. He has held other leadership positions with national Christian bodies such as the Baptist Union.

Melody Mazuk

MELODY MAZUK has served as a theological librarian for many years in a variety of Christian colleges and seminaries worldwide. She describes herself both as a global Christian and a global theological librarian.

Ray Motsi

RAY MOTSI, PhD, is President of the Theological College of Zimbabwe. His doctoral work was in Peace Building and Conflict Transformation and has worked in this area in different contexts.

Lal Senanayake

LAL SENANAYAKE is the President of Lanka Bible College and Seminary. He is a graduate of Lanka Bible College, University of Nottingham, and Trinity International University (TIU). He earned his PhD in Educational Studies at TIU as a scholar of ScholarLeaders International. He has served at Lanka Bible College and Seminary for over twenty-five years in several capacities – from being a student to being the current president. Lal has many years of experience in pastoral care and counselling ministry. In addition to teaching at LBCS Lal has a passion for writing for the Majority World. This book has provided a great platform to speak to the context of theological education in the Majority World.

Perry Shaw

PERRY SHAW is honorary research associate at Morling College, Sydney, Australia, and author of Transforming Theological Education (Langham Global Library, 2022). Prior to moving to Australia, Perry and his family served from 1990 to 2019 in the Middle East. During the 1990s, he helped to establish extension centres in Syria for the PTEE (the Programme for Theological Education by Extension). He then taught at the Near East School of Theology, Beirut, during the early years of the millennium, joining the faculty of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Beirut in 2007, where he served as professor of education and academic dean. While at ABTS, Perry was closely involved in the development of their highly innovative curriculum, while also becoming increasingly involved in international consultancy for theological education. Perry has authored two TEE texts, The Acts of the Apostles and The Art of Teaching and co-edited the collections Challenging Tradition: Innovation in Advanced Theological Education (Langham Global Library, 2018) and Teaching across Cultures: A Global Christian Perspective (Langham Global Library, 2021). Perry has also published numerous articles in the fields of theological education, intercultural studies, and Christian leadership.

Christopher J. H. Wright

CHRISTOPHER J. H. WRIGHT is the global ambassador for Langham Partnership, having served as the international director for twenty years. He was formerly academic dean of All Nations Christian College, UK, after he taught at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India. He has written several books that reflect his passion for bringing to life the relevance of the Old Testament to Christian mission and ethics. Chris and his wife, Liz, live in London, and have four adult children and eleven grandchildren.

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