More Information
ISBN: 9781839737633
Imprint: HippoBooks
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 24
Publication Date: 14/03/2023
Pages: 472
Language: Portuguese

Teologia Pública Africana


A África precisa de líderes e cristãos de todas as esferas da vida para redescobrir a sua identidade e propósito em todas as esferas da sociedade. A Teologia Pública Africana soa um toque de clarim para realizar esta tarefa vital. Deus criou todos os seres humanos igualmente, pretendendo que vivamos em comunidade e assumamos a responsabilidade pelo mundo ao nosso redor – um mandato sobre o qual precisamos agir.

Através da aplicação fiel das Escrituras aos contextos comuns no continente hoje, colaboradores de toda a África se unem para apresentar uma visão para a África que Deus planejou. Nenhuma solução simplista é oferecida – em vez disso, a Teologia Pública Africana desafia cada leitor a pensar através da aplicação dos princípios bíblicos na sua própria comunidade, local de trabalho e esfera de influência. Se prestarmos atenção aos princípios e lições que a Palavra de Deus tem para a sociedade, cultura e vida pública, então os países de toda a África podem ter esperança dum futuro livre de corrupção e autopromoção e, em vez disso, caracterizado pela administração coletiva e liderança de coração de servo.

Author Bios

Sunday Bobai Agang
(Edited By)

SUNDAY BOBAI AGANG is Associate Professor of Ethics, Theology and Public Policy at ECWA Theological Seminary Kagoro, Nigeria. Sunday holds a BA (JETS), MDiv (Palmer Theological Seminary, Phildalphia, Pensylvania), and a PhD (Fuller Seminary, Pasadena). He has published several articles on various theological issues as well being a regular contributor to Christianity Today. An ordained minister with the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) as well as a member of the Institute for Global Engagement, he is founder and chair of the International Foundation for Entrepreneurial Education (IFEE) and co-founder and Vice President of Gantys Aid to Widows, Orphans and Needy (GAWON). Sunday Bobai Agang is a just peacemaking advocate.

Dion A. Forster
(Edited By)

DION A. FORSTER is professor of public theology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, and a research associate in the faculty of theology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He holds a PhD in systematic theology and a second in New Testament studies. He serves as the chair of the editorial board of the International Journal for Public Theology, and as an editor for The Methodist Review. He is an ordained minister in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa.

H. Jurgens Hendriks
(Edited By)

H. JURGENS HENDRIKS is Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology and Missiology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, and a founding member and programme coordinator of the Network for African Congregational Theology (NetACT).


Embora que existam trinta autores de diferentes origens e disciplinas, há unidade de propósito, clareza e continuidade no livro altamente legível. A Teologia Pública Africana é um dos livros teológicos mais importantes a sair da África em 2020 e deve ser um marco para futuras teologias africanas.

Ex-Secretário Geral, Evangelical Church Winning SLL (ECWA)
Autor, Ética Cristã Africana e Teologia Cristã Africana

Esta é uma cartilha importante para uma introdução à teologia pública na África. Não é de forma alguma relevante apenas para os africanos; Cristãos em outros contextos também podem ganhar muito com as perseções oferecidas aqui.

Presidente da Rede Global de Teologia Pública

Os escritores buscam descobrir como a igreja pode ser verdadeiramente luz e sal, anunciando transformação e mudança. Esta é uma leitura essencial para todas as faculdades teológicas e cristãos preocupados.

Bispo de Jos, Nigéria
Secretário Geral, Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)

Table of Contents

  1. Preâmbulo
  2. Prefácio
  3. Agradecimentos
  4. Contrìbuintes
    1. Parte 1: Introdução a Teologia Pública
      1. 1 A Necessidade de Teologia Pública em África
      2. Sunday Bobai Agang
      3. 2 A Natureza da Teologia Pública
      4. Dion A. Forster
      5. 3 A Bíblia e a Teologia Pública
      6. Hassan Musa
      7. 4 A Trindade e a Teologia Pública
      8. Tersur Aben
      9. 5 A Teologia Pública e Identidade
      10. H. Jurgens Hendriks
    2. Part 2: Teologia Pública e a Vida Pública
      1. 6 Democracia, Cidadania e Sociedade Civil
      2. Jane Adhiambo Chiroma
      3. 7 Trabalho
      4. Sunday Bobai Agang
      5. 8 Economia
      6. Piet Naudé
      7. 9 Pobreza
      8. Collium Banda
      9. 10 Desenvolvimento Comunitário Rural
      10. Olo Ndukwe
      11. 11 Educação
      12. Samuel Peni Ango e Ester Rutoro
      13. 12 O Meio Ambiente
      14. Ernst Conradie
      15. 13 Ciência
      16. Danie Veldsman
      17. 14 Saúde
      18. Daniel Rikichi Kajang
      19. 15 Direitos Humanos
      20. Kajit J. Bagu (John Paul)
      21. 16 Gênero
      22. Esther Mombo
      23. 17 Migração e Tráfico de Seres Humano
      24. Babatunde Adedibu
      25. 18 Refugiados e Apátridas
      26. Benaya Niyukuri
      27. 19 Relações Inter-Religiosas
      28. Johnson A. Mbillah
      29. 20 O Estado
      30. Theodros Assefa Teklu
      31. 21 Polícia e Forças Armadas
      32. Sipho Mahokoto
      33. 22 Problemas de Terra
      34. Dwight S. M. Mutonono
      35. 23 A Mídia
      36. Bimbo Fafowora and Rahab N. Nyaga
      37. 24 As Artes
      38. Ofonime e Idaresit Inyang
      39. 25 Liderança
      40. Maggie Madimbo
      41. 26 Questões Intergeracionais
      42. Nathan Hussaini Chiroma
    3. Part 3: Teologia Pública e a Igreja
      1. 27 Cristianismo e a Igreja em África
      2. Matthew Michael
      3. 28 Mobilizando a Igreja em África
      4. Alfred uw’Imana Sebahene
      5. 29 Rumo à África que Deus Quer
      6. H. Jurgens Hendriks
  5. Apêndice: Agenda 2063: África que Queremos
  6. Bibliografia


Samuel Waje Kunhiyop

SAMUEL WAJE KUNHIYOP, PhD (Nigeria) is professor of Theology and Ethics at Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS), where he previously served as Provost. Prior to that, he served as head of the Postgraduate School, South African Theological Seminary. He holds a BA (JETS), MAET (Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon), and PhD (Trinity International University, Illinois) He is an ordained minister with the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA).

Hassan Musa

Tersur A. Aben

Tersur Aben (PhD, Calvin Theological Seminary, USA) is a professor of systematic and philosophical theology at the Theological College of Northern Nigeria, where he once served as college president. He is an ordained pastor in the Universal Reformed Christian Church (NKST) in Nigeria.

Jane Adhimabo Chiroma

Piet Naude

Collium Banda

COLLIUM BANDA is a Langham Scholar who studied at the Theological College of Zimbabwe, the University of South Africa (Unisa) and at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, where he completed a doctoral thesis in 2016 entitled Empowering Hope? Jürgen Moltmann’s Eschatological Challenge to Ecclesiological Responses in the Zimbabwean Context of Poverty. He has held a church pastorate and military chaplaincy in Zimbabwe and lectures on systematic theology and theological ethics at the Theological College of Zimbabwe. His research interests include Christian doctrines in the African public space, African traditional religions, African indigenous knowledge systems and Christianity in African contexts of poverty.

Olo Ndukwe

Olo Ndukwe (PhD, Stellenbosch University, South Africa) is the rector of Hugh Goldie Lay/Theological Training Institution, Arochukwu, Abia State, Nigeria, and an associate research fellow at Stellenbosch University. He teaches systematic theology, public theology and theology and development and has published books and articles in reputable journals.

Ester Rutoro

Ester Rutoro (PhD, Zimbabwe Open University) coordinates the Research Based Curriculum Development Unit at the Reformed Church University (RCU) in Zimbabwe, where she is also in charge of quality assurance. She teaches research methods and statistics. Ester was deeply involved in teacher education from 2007 to April 2019 when she joined RCU. She has served as dean of students and gender advisor at Morgenster Teachers’ College (MTC), Masvingo, Zimbabwe.

Samuel Peni Ango

Samuel Peni Ango (PhD, Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso) is a professor of Christian education at UMCA Theological College, Ilorin, and currently the provost of the Theological College of Northern Nigeria (TCNN), Bukuru.

Ernst M. Conradie

Ernst M. Conradie (PhD, Stellenbosch University, South Africa) is senior professor in the Department of Religion and Theology at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa where he teaches systematic theology and ethics.

Danie Veldsman

Danie P. Veldsman (PhD, University of Pretoria, South Africa) is the head of the Department of Systematic and Historical Theology, Faculty of Theology and Religion, at the University of Pretoria, where he teaches systematic theology.

Daniel Rikichi Kajang

Daniel Rikichi Kajang (PhD, St Clement University, British West Indies) is currently a senior governance specialist in procurement with the World Bank. He has previously served as a public health officer with the Kaduna State public service and as head of the Procurement and Asset Management Division at the National Agency for Control of AIDS (NACA), Abuja, Nigeria. Dr Kajang is an ordained minister of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA).

Kajit J. Bagu

Esther Mombo

Esther Mombo is a Professor at St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya. She teaches in the Faculty of Theology of St. Paul’s University and her research interests span the fields of church history, and theology and gender in church and society. She is a founder member of the Tamar Campaign in Kenya, a mechanism that seeks to acknowledge the existence of gender-based violence in the society and empower and facilitate churches to address this concern. She is a member of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians. She is a graduate of St. Paul’s University, University of Dublin, and University of Edinburgh.

Babatunde Adedibu

DR BABATUNDE ADEDIBU holds a PhD in Missiology from North West University, South Africa. He is an Associate Professor and the Provost of the Redeemed Christian Bible College, Lagos, an affiliate of Redeemer University, Ede, Nigeria. He is also Research Associate with the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, Cambridge, UK.

Benaya Niyukuri

Benaya Niyukuri holds a PhD in clinical pastoral care from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. He is a research fellow at the University of Stellenbosch and a founder of Paraclete Counselling Mission in Windhoek, Namibia.

Johnson A. Mbillah

Johnson A. Mbillah (PhD, University of Birmingham, UK) teaches world religions/comparative study of religions, Islam and Christian-Muslim relations at Trinity Theological Seminary, Legon, Accra. He was formerly general advisor to the Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA), Nairobi, Kenya.

Theodros Assefa Teklu

Theodros Assefa Teklu (PhD, University of Manchester, UK) teaches theology and ethics at the Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology, and is a research fellow in systematic theology and ecclesiology at Stellenbosch University.

Sipho Mahokoto

SIPHO MAHOKOTO is a senior lecturer in the systematic theology and ecclesiology department, and the director of the Beyers Naudé Centre for Public Theology at Stellenbosch University. He has PhD in systematic theology and also serves as a part-time Minister of the Word in the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA). He is the co-editor of Broken Bodies and Redemptive Tables: The Lord’s Supper and its Theological, Historical, and Socio-Political Dimensions (Bybel Media, 2020).

Dwight S. M. Mutonono

DR DWIGHT S. M. MUTONONO is the executive director at Africa Leadership and Management Academy (ALMA) in Harare, Zimbabwe. During his many years as a pastor, administrator and educator in Zimbabwe he has witnessed many abuses of power which have strengthened his commitment to the importance of stewardship.

Bimbo Fafowora

Bimbo Fafowora (PhD candidate, Stellenbosch University, South Africa) holds a master’s degree in communication and language arts from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Her research interests are media, fake news, gender and politics.

Rahab N. Nyaga

Rahab Njeri Nyaga (PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya) is a senior lecturer in communication in the Department of Communication, Languages and Linguistics at Pan Africa Christian University, Nairobi, Kenya. She is a member of the Public Relations Society of Kenya (PRSK) and chaired the 2019 Taskforce on Public Relations and Communication Management Law in Kenya. She is a lead author of the book An Introduction to Communication and has also published several peer-reviewed articles on communication and public relations. Dr Nyaga has headed departments of communication in two different universities and has served as PAC University’s academic dean and as dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Ofonime Inyang

Ofonime Inyang (PhD, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa) teaches courses in media drama, directing, oral literature, contemporary theatre and advanced research in the creative industries at the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. He studies the intersection of cultural policy in sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa with emphasis on the Nigerian and South African contexts.

Idaresit Inyang

Idaresit Inyang (PhD candidate, Stellenbosch University, South Africa) is affiliated with the Department of Theatre Arts, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. She develops creative arts programmes for children and youth.

Maggie Madimbo

Maggie Madimbo (PhD, Eastern University, USA) is vice chancellor of the African Bible College, Lilongwe, Malawi. She specializes in leadership studies and is the author of Transformative and Engaging Leadership: Lessons from Indigenous African Women.

Nathan Chiroma

NATHAN CHIROMA is the Dean of the school of Theology and acting Head of department of Children and Youth ministry at Pan Africa Christian University, Nairobi Kenya and a research Associate, department of practical theology and Missiology, University of Stellenbosch. He has been serving in theological education for the last 30 years, following his work as a pastor spanning different countries. Nathan has a PhD in Practical Theology from the University of Stellenbosch.

Matthew Michael

MATTHEW MICHAEL is presently a Research Fellow at the Department of Old and New Testaments at Stellenbosh University, South Africa and the Academic Dean of ECWA Theological Seminary in Kagoro, Nigeria. He has published several articles on the literary and artistic features of the Hebrew narratives.

Alfred Sebahene

ALFRED SEBAHENE is a lecturer, researcher, and consultant at St John’s University of Tanzania, Dodoma. He has a PhD in systematic theology, public theology and ecclesiology from Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He is on the editorial board of the African Journal for Transformational Scholarship and assists NGOs, churches and other organizations in understanding, formulating and responding to public policy. He is a priest in the Anglican Church and prior to working in higher theological education, Alfred spent fifteen years with the Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania.

Zablon Bundi

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