More Information
ISBN: 9781786410016
Imprint: Langham Academic
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 10
Publication Date: 30/11/2024
Pages: 178
Language: English

Developing a Leadership Training Model for Churches

A Biblical Perspective


While many formal theological institutions established and founded by Western missionaries are blessings, their limitations are revealed in the areas of cultural relevancy, including curricular content and medium of instruction.

In this study, Dr. Endale G. Ousman skilfully explores the benefits of developing culturally contextualized leadership training programs that are relevant, accessible, and instructed in the mother tongue. Drawing from five decades of experience in such institutions, he details tools for how to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-existing programs through the assessment of whether it fulfils the expectations of the leader, the church, and the wider community. Directed towards formal theological institutions engaged in the trainingand development of Christian leaders, this work encourages evaluation of the existing Western institution’s cultural relevancy and the establishment of Christian leadership values that are biblical and culturally contextualized, redefining “Christian leaders” for following generations. Readers will come away with a greater understanding, appreciation, and enthusiasm for the necessity of cultural contextualization.

Author Bios

Endale Gebremeskel Ousman

ENDALE GEBREMESKEL OUSMAN has a DMin in biblical preaching and international church leadership from Asbury Theological Seminary, Kentucky, USA. He has served as a teacher and administrator among churches and church-owned theological institutions in Ethiopia for five decades, and currently serves as a Christian leadership training program developer. He is also an ordained minister through the Hiwot Berhan Church of Ethiopia.


Developing a Leadership Training Model for Churches: A Biblical Perspective is an exceptional resource for any church leader in Africa looking to enrich their knowledge and practical application for church planting and growth, as well as leadership. The detail in this book provides much insight and wisdom.

Daniel Belay
Eritrean Bethel Church London, UK

The church in Africa continues to grapple with the critical need for theological education and pastoral leadership development. In a quest for an alternative model of training, Dr. Endale G.Ousman’s work makes a sterling contribution for contextualized model(s) of pastoral leadership development in the church in Africa. This work is timely, and highly commended for theological educators and leadership development.

Aiah Foday-Khabenje, DMin, PhD
Former General Secretary,
Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), Kenya

Endale Gebremeskel Ousman has authored an essential book that equips emerging leaders with a holistic perspective, crucially avoiding a “dichotomous view of overemphasizing spiritual needs and neglecting the holistic needs of society.” This book pierces to the heart of what makes a leadership training model truly effective and accessible within the church, serving as a vital resource for its future.

Endalkachew Tefera
Lead Pastor,
Ethiopian Fellowship Church, North Carolina, USA

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
    Developing a Leadership Training Model for Churches: A Biblical Perspective
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Chapter 1 The Problem
    1. Introduction
    2. Purpose
    3. Research Questions
    4. Definition of Terms
    5. Ministry Project
    6. Context
    7. Overview
  4. Chapter 2 Literature
    1. Introduction
    2. Description of the Dissertation Project
    3. Biblical/Theological Foundation
    4. The Training Experience of the Church in the Past
    5. Theological Doctrines Relevant to Alternative Leadership
    6. Training Models That Are Culturally Contextualized
    7. Alternative Leadership Training That Is Culturally Contextualized
    8. History of Theological Education in Ethiopia
    9. Theological Education/Leadership Training Model(s) in Ethiopia Compared with Model(s) in Other Regions of the World
    10. Research Design
    11. Summary
  5. Chapter 3 Methodology
    1. Research Questions
    2. Population and Participants
    3. Design of the Study
    4. Data Collection
    5. Data Analysis
    6. Ethical Procedures
  6. Chapter 4 Findings
    1. Participants
    2. Research Question #1
    3. Research Question #2
    4. Research Question #3
    5. Summary of Major Findings
  7. Chapter 5 Discussion
    1. Major Findings
    2. Implications of the Findings
    3. Limitations of the Study
    4. Unexpected Observations
    5. Recommendations
    6. Postscript
  8. Appendix A
    Summary of the Population of People Groups Represented by the Cultural Focus Groups of the Hiwot Berhan Church
  9. Appendix B
    Components of Expert Review
  10. Appendix C
    Interview Protocol for Focus Groups
  11. Appendix D
    Interview Protocol for Individuals
  12. Appendix E
    Curriculum for Loke Bible School
  13. Appendix F
    Curriculum for Pentecostal Theological College
  14. Appendix G
    Curriculum for Adola Bible School
  15. Appendix H
    Curriculum for Worancha Bible School
  16. Appendix I
    Ways in Which Churches Can Partner to Make Leadership Training Programs Culturally Relevant and Financially Sustainable
  17. Bibliography