More Information
ISBN: 9781783682560
Imprint: Langham Global Library
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 11
Publication Date: 31/12/2016
Pages: 204
Series: Majority World Theology Series
Language: English

The Spirit over the Earth

Pneumatology in the Majority World


Though the global center of Christianity has been shifting south and east over the past few decades, very few theological resources have dealt with the seismic changes afoot. The Majority World Theology series seeks to remedy that lack by gathering well-regarded Christian thinkers from around the world to discuss the significance of Christian teaching in their respective contexts.

The contributors to this volume reflect deeply on the role of the Holy Spirit in both the church and the world in dialogue with their respective contexts and cultures. Taking African, Asian, and Latin American cultural contexts into account gives rise to fresh questions and insights regarding the Spirit's work as witnessed in the world and demonstrates how the theological heritage of the West is not adequate alone to address the theological necessities of communities worldwide.

Author Bios

Gene L. Green
(Edited By)

Gene L. GreeN (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen) is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Wheaton College in Illinois. Previously he taught New Testament and served as Academic Dean and Rector of the Seminario ESEPA in San José, Costa Rica. He is the author of four biblical commentaries written in Spanish and English and Vox Petri: A Theology of Peter (Cascade, 2019), coauthor of The New Testament in Antiquity (Zondervan, 2009), and coeditor of Global Theology in Evangelical Perspective (InterVarsity Academic, 2012). His current research focuses on the intersection of the Christian faith and cultures, both ancient and contemporary.

Stephen T. Pardue
(Edited By)

Steve Pardue (PhD, Wheaton College) is Associate Professor of Theology at the Asia Graduate School of Theology, Manila, Philippines. He is the author of The Mind of Christ: Humility and the Intellect in Early Christian Theology (London/New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2012) and co-editor of Asian Christian Theology (Carlisle, UK: Langham Global Library). He grew up in the Philippines and moved back there after finishing his doctoral work. His areas of research include virtue theory, contextual theology, and the doctrine of providence.

K. K. Yeo
(Edited By)

K. K. YEO is Kendall professor of New Testament at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and affiliate faculty in the department of Asian languages and cultures at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA. He has authored or edited more than forty books on the Bible and cultures in Chinese and English, including the Majority World Theology series (2020) and the Oxford Handbook of the Bible in China (2021).


This book discusses a foundational subject—the role of the Holy Spirit in the work and witness of the global church. It is appropriate that the coming of world Christianity should move discussion of the Holy Spirit to front and center for communities of faith across the world. The authors are to be congratulated for bringing to our attention the diverse and lively ways in which we see the Spirit’s manifestation in our midst today.

Lamin Sanneh
Yale Divinity School

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: The Spirit over the Earth: Pneumatology in the Majority World
    1. Gene L. Green
  2. 1. I Believe in the Holy Spirit: From the Ends of the Earth to the Ends of Time
    1. Amos Yong
  3. 2. The Spirit Blows Where It Wills: The Holy Spirit’s Personhood in Indian Christian Thought
    1. Ivan Satyavrata
  4. 3. Redefining Relationships: The Role of the Spirit in Romans and Its Signifi cance in a Multiethnic Context of India
    1. Zakali Shohe
  5. 4. Pauline Pneumatology and the Chinese Rites: Spirit and Culture in the Holy See’s Missionary Strategy
    1. Wei Hua
  6. 5. Pneumatology: Its Implications for the African Context
    1. Samuel M. Ngewa
  7. 6. Who Is the Holy Spirit in Contemporary African Christianity?
    1. David Tonghou Ngong
  8. 7. In Search of Indigenous Pneumatologies in the Americas
    1. Oscar García-Johnson
  9. 8. The Holy Spirit: Power for Life and Hope
    1. C. René Padilla

  10. Contributors
  11. Index of names
  12. Index of subjects
  13. Index of scripture references


Oscar García-Johnson

OSCAR GARCÍA-JOHNSON (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is associate professor of theology and Latino/a studies and associate dean for the Center for the Study of Hispanic Church and Community at Fuller Seminary in California. Born in Honduras, he is an ordained minister with the American Baptist Churches, planted four churches, and worked as a Regional Minister for the American Baptist Churches of Los Angeles for eleven years prior to coming to Fuller. He is the author of Jesús, Hazme Como Tú: Cuarenta Maneras de Imitar a Cristo (Wipf and Stock, 2014) and The Mestizo/a Community of the Spirit (Pickwick, 2009) and coauthor of Theology without Borders: Introduction to Global Conversations (Baker Academic, 2015). His current research focuses on critical ecclesiology, de-colonial theology, and intercultural/global religious conversations from the South.

Wei Hua

WEI HUA (PhD, Peking University) is associate professor of philosophy and Christian studies at Huaqiao University, Xiamen, China. He has published several articles on biblical and Augustinian studies, including A Brief Investigation of Sarx and Sōma in Romans (Biblical Literature Studies 6 [February 2012]), On the Rise of Augustine’s Concept of Voluntas (Sino-Christian Studies 15 [June 2013]), and Galatians 2:11–14 and the Exegetical Controversy between Augustine and Jerome (Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology 42 [Spring 2015]).

Samuel Ngewa

Samuel M. Ngewa is Dean of the Graduate School at Africa International University, Nairobi, Kenya. He holds a PhD in Biblical Interpretation from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, USA, and has published numerous works on New Testament studies. He is on the pastoral team at Africa Inland Church Lang’ata in Nairobi.

David T. Ngong

DAVID TONGHOU NGONG (PhD, Baylor University) is associate professor of religion and theology at Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He is originally from Cameroon, Africa. In addition to many articles, he is the author of The Holy Spirit and Salvation in African Christian Theology (Peter Lang, 2010) and Theology as Construction of Piety: An African Perspective (Wipf and Stock, 2013).

C. René Padilla

DR. C. RENÉ PADILLA (1932-2021) was one of Latin America’s most distinguished evangelical scholars. He was a founding member of the Latin American Theological Fellowship (FTL) and of the Kairos Foundation in Buenos Aires. He served with distinction in IFES and Tear Fund – UK and Ireland, and as President of the Micah Network, President Emeritus of the Kairos Foundation, and Executive Director of Ediciones Kairos.

Ivan M. Satyavrata

Ivan Satyavrata serves as Senior Pastor of the assembly of God Church in Kolkata, India. He has played an active role in Christian leadership training and ministerial education, and is currently Board Chair of the Centre for Global Leadership Development (formerly Southern Asia Bible College) in Bangalore, India.

Zakali Shohe

ZAKALI SHOHE is associate professor of New Testament and academic dean at Trinity Theological College (affiliated with the Senate of Serampore College [University]) in Dimapur, Nagaland, India. She has contributed chapters to several monographs and is the coeditor of Theology-In Context (2010). Her upcoming monograph is Acceptance Motif in Paul: Revisiting Romans 15:7–13 (Peter Lang).

Amos Yong

AMOS YONG (PhD, Boston University) is professor of theology and mission and director of the Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He has authored or edited more than forty books, including, most recently, Renewing Christian Theology: Systematics for a Global Christianity (Baylor University Press, 2014).

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