Langham Literature works to strengthen and equip leaders of the Majority World church by providing them with excellent evangelical books.

“Good preaching is impossible without study, and study is impossible without good books.” 
 John Stott
Langham Publishing is just one of several initiatives through which Langham Literature seeks to equip the global church.

Book Distribution

Central to Langham Literature is making evangelical books available to theological institutions in the Majority World. We work with well-known publishers such as Baker, Broadman and Holman, Christian Focus, Crossway, Excelsis, InterVarsity Press, Reformation Heritage, SPCK, and Zondervan to provide books at subsidised prices with free international shipping to institutions in the Majority World. We also provide an annual grant for qualifying libraries of Majority World institutions.

Creative Projects

Beginning with the Africa Bible Commentary Langham Literature has been involved in supporting, facilitating and funding landmark literature projects that due to their size and nature require collaboration from multiple partners, be they theological institutions, publishing houses or other Christian ministry organisations. These large, individual projects meet the specific needs of indigenous Christians in different regions of the world.

Editor & Writer Training

Good books result from good writers and good editors working together with a good publisher. And good writers and editors don’t start out as such, they develop over time, with experience and training. The book trade in commercial and not-for-profit contexts faces many challenges in the West and in the Majority World and we are frequently asked to help train budding writers and editors who show potential, so that they can better use their gifts to bless the church.

Langham Publishing

Academic publishing faces unique challenges in comparison to other types of publishing. It is often more expensive and can have a lower return on investment. We see the vital need to resource those who can write for their own contexts in the Majority World and publish their contributions for the benefit of the local and global church.

Publisher Development

Local publishers publishing in local languages to meet local needs are crucial to bring the church to maturity and to protect against the prosperity gospel and other false teaching. We come alongside local publishers who want to partner with us and provide consultancy and expertise based on our experiences around the world in similar contexts. We seek to support what they see as local needs and equip them to run good publishing houses.

Learn more about these initiatives.

Learn more about Langham Partnership.