More Information
ISBN: 9781839738395
Imprint: Langham Global Library
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 16
Publication Date: 31/10/2023
Pages: 310
Series: Collection ICETE
Language: French

La direction académique dans la formation théologique, volume 3

Fondements pour le développement professionnel du corps enseignant


L’ICETE Programme for Academic Leadership (IPAL) a été officiellement créé en 2010, né de la nécessité de fournir une formation aux institutions théologiques dans différentes régions du monde. L’IPAL propose des outils de développement professionnel pour les responsables académiques évangéliques et les administrateurs afin d’aider les institutions théologiques dans leur recherche de qualité et d’excellence.

Cet ouvrage est le troisième et dernier volume d’une trilogie issue des formations proposées par l’IPAL. Il vise à présenter des pratiques utiles aux responsables académiques en vue du développement professionnel du corps enseignant.

Le développement professionnel du corps enseignant est au coeur de la formation théologique. Ce livre pose les bases permettant aux responsables académiques d’accompagner, de former et de soutenir leurs enseignants afin d’améliorer leur enseignement et leur recherche. Les auteurs de ce volume partagent les résultats de recherches menées dans des institutions académiques évangéliques dans divers contextes à travers le monde afin que d’autres responsables académiques puissent améliorer la qualité de la formation théologique dans leurs propres institutions.

Author Bios

Fritz Deininger
(Edited By)

FRITZ DEININGER has a ThD in New Testament from the University of South Africa and is an associate professor at Columbia International University, South Carolina, USA. He also taught at the Academy for World Mission in Germany and is the Coordinator of IPAL. With his wife, he served in Thailand from 1981 to 2008 planting churches, training leaders and as the academic dean of Bangkok Bible Seminary where he still teaches courses as a visiting professor. He has been the Coordinator for IPAL for many years.

Orbelina Eguizabal
(Edited By)

ORBELINA EGUIZABAL has a PhD in Educational Studies from Talbot School of Theology, California, USA, where she is Professor of Christian Higher Education. She serves as a visiting professor in seminaries in several Latin American countries and spent twenty years at Seminario Teolóico Centroamericano, Guatemala City, Guatemala. She has been collaborating with ICETE since 2008 and is part of the Spanish-speaking teaching team of Seminars for Academic Leaders in Latin America.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Première partie – Réflexions de fond sur le développement professionnel des enseignants
    1. 1 Le rôle des enseignants dans la formation théologique Fritz Deininger
    2. 2 Définitions et concepts du développement professionnel des enseignants Graham Cheesman
    3. 3 Établir une culture institutionnelle qui soutient le développement professionnel des enseignants Pablo Sywulka
  3. Deuxième partie – Conseils pratiques pour développer le corps enseignant
    1. 4 Concevoir et mettre en oeuvre un plan de développement professionnel pour les enseignants Robert W. Ferris
    2. 5 Les responsabilités administratives des directeurs académiques dans les relations avec le corps enseignant Les Crawford
    3. 6 L’évaluation Steve Hardy
  4. Troisième partie – Stratégies pour le développement professionnel des enseignants
    1. 7 Renforcer l’équipe enseignante Pieter Theron
    2. 8 Accompagner les membres du corps enseignant dans leur évolution de carrière Ralph Enlow
    3. 9 Former les enseignants au mentorat Ron Watters
    4. 10 Former des enseignants à la direction académique Orbelina Eguizabal
  5. Bibliographie
  6. Les auteurs


Graham Cheesman

GRAHAM CHEESMAN (PhD, Queen’s University, Belfast) has been a Baptist minister in England, a missionary lecturer in Nigeria for seven years, and then the principal of Belfast Bible College, a constituent college of Queen’s University, Belfast, for seventeen years. He was Director of the Centre for Theological Education in Belfast for the five years of its lifetime, and has been a staff member of the European Evangelical Accrediting Association. He is an honorary lecturer of Queen’s University, Belfast, teaches in undergraduate and graduate programs, and supervises doctoral students. He is also involved in administering and tutoring postgraduate courses in theological education at London School of Theology. He has traveled widely to teach and promote good theological education and is the author of three books and a number of articles.

Steven A. Hardy

STEVE HARDY has worked as a missionary educator since the mid-1970s and has lived in Ethiopia, Brazil, Mozambique, South Africa, the UK and the USA. His love is teaching, and he has served as an educational consultant with SIM, Overseas Council, Langham Partnership, and the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education. He is the author of a number of articles and an adult Sunday School curriculum on missions. He is married to LeAnne, a librarian, author of Christian fiction and editor of Christian books. Steve and LeAnne recently retired to northwest Wisconsin, USA. They have two grown daughters and three grandchildren.

Leslie J. Crawford

LESLIE J. CRAWFORD (EdD, Columbia International University) has been serving as academic dean at Adelaide College of Ministries in Australia for over thirty years and is involved in theological education internationally through the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE) as a representative of the South Pacific Association of Evangelical Colleges (SPAEC). He is married to Elizabeth and has three married children and one grandson.

Ralph E. Enlow, Jr.

RALPH ENLOW is President of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), a founding ICETE member network. Prior to assuming leadership of ABHE, Ralph served for twenty-eight years as an educational leader at Columbia International University, including six years as Senior Vice President and Provost.

Robert W. Ferris

ROBERT W. FERRIS is a Professor Emeritus at Columbia International University (CIU), South Carolina, USA. Before joining the CIU faculty, he and his wife, Sue, served for twenty-one years as missionaries in the Philippines in theological education. His specialization is in integration of theology and higher education curriculum and leadership.

Pablo Sywulka

PABLO SYWULKA was born in Guatemala, where his parents served as missionaries. He did undergraduate studies at Columbia Bible College (BA, 1961) and the University of Guatemala (history, 1962–1963). He received his ThM (1967) and PhD (2001) from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has served at SETECA (Seminario Teológico Centroamericano) in Guatemala as professor, academicdean, and president. He served as General Secretary of the Asociación Evangélica de Educación Teológica en América Latina (AETAL) from 2007 to 2016.

Pieter F. Theron

PIETER F. THERON is a South African. After twenty-six years of intercultural ministry in Zambia, the Philippines and Mongolia, he served for one year as professor of Missiology at Simpson University, Redding, USA. Currently he is serving as the lead pastor of South Umpqua Community Church in Tiller, Oregon, USA. Pieter is married to Haniki and they have two daughters, Anri and Sonja. Pieter is a graduate of North-West University and the Universityof Pretoria. His doctoral dissertation was in missiology, developing a model for program development for training missionaries based on the educational philosophy of Paulo Freire. He also completed studies in cultural anthropology with the University of South Africa, and in educational management with the University of Bath, UK.
He has served in various educational leadership capacities: faculty member, dean of students, academic dean, president, and board member. He has been involved in various aspects, settings, levels, and formats of education: teaching, administration, accreditation, governance, program/curriculum development, strategic planning, organizational development, recruitment, international schooling, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate, formal and non- formal education.

Ron Watters

RON WATTERS (PhD, Trinity International University) is on the President’s Team of the International Leadership Consortium (ILC), which is composed of affiliated educational institutions globally. For nearly four decades he has worked in Christian leadership development, mostly in Asia. Thirty of those years were with the International Graduate School of Leadership in the Philippines, wherehe served primarily as the Dean of Academic Affairs. Throughout his life, he has mentored believers with the goal of developing them into spiritual multipliers. He also works with organizations on the strategic alignment and development of their personnel and systems with their stated mission, vision, and core values.

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