More Information
ISBN: 9781839739361
Imprint: Langham Academic
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 16
Publication Date: 31/01/2025
Pages: 302
Series: Studies in Missiology
Language: English

Dealing with Mission Drift in Parachurch Agencies

An Analysis of Holistic Mission of Christian Non-Governmental Organizations and Non-Profit Organizations


Mission drift is a constant threat to any parachurch organization trying to remain “mission true” and “holistically relevant” in this post-Christian society. Defining it as a phenomenon in which Christian-based mission agencies stray from their God-given vision and identity towards socio-humanitarian objectives, this study considers this in light of Jesus’s own holistic mission, exemplified in Matthew 9:35–38 and Luke 4:18–19.

This insightful investigation into seven Christian NGOs and NPOs seeks to reveal the underlying reasons and motivations for moving towards mission drift. Presenting an exegetical study of the ministry of Jesus, Dr. Kombaté offers a developed and nuanced understanding of the challenging forces that contribute to mission drift and puts forward tools to minimize its risk. A must-read for missionaries, pastors, and leaders in parachurch organizations endeavouring to retain a strong, biblically grounded commitment to following holistic mission.

Author Bios

Israel K. Kombaté

ISRAEL K. KOMBATÉ has a PhD in theology from the University of South Africa, Pretoria. He is a professor at West Africa Advanced School of Theology, Togo, and also lectures at Pan-Africa Theological Seminary, Togo. He has been in active ministry for more than twenty years, and previously served with Mercy Ships and as a senior pastor and professor of theology in Switzerland.


Dr. Israel K. Kombaté’s study of seven parachurch agencies regarding their handling of mission drift challenges identifies factors and dynamics that all faith-based organizations will profitably take note of. I congratulate the researcher and author of this significant study.

Bernhard Ott, PhD
Professor Extraordinarius in Missiology, University of South Africa
European School of Culture and Theology, Korntal Campus
Gesellschaft für Bildung und Forschung in Europa (GBFE)

This illuminating study of seven parachurch organizations is marked by solid theological reflection, substantial empirical research, and interaction with an impressive array of missiological scholarship. The result is a must-read for pastors, missionaries, and leaders of Christian NGOs seeking to retain a robust, biblically informed commitment to the holistic mission that Jesus calls us to embrace.

Robert P. Menzies, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Philippines
Director, Asian Center for Pentecostal Theology

Every Christian organization and mission face the potentially exterminating power of mission drift. Dr. Israel K. Kombaté’s insightful research exposes the reasons for drift, clarifying the internal and external factors that move missions away from their founding identity and purpose to something entirely other.

Rev. Steve Pennington, PhD
Vice Chancellor,
Pan-Africa Theological Seminary, Lom., Togo

Table of Contents

  1. Dedication and Gratitude
  2. Abstract
  3. Chapter 1 Introduction
    1. 1.1 Short Description of Key Terms
    2. 1.2 Background: Significance of the Study
    3. 1.3 State of Research and Research Problem
    4. 1.4 Research Questions
    5. 1.5 Research Procedure
    6. 1.6 Scientific Aim of the Research
    7. 1.7 Research Limits of Scope
    8. 1.8 Assumptions of This Research
    9. 1.9 Overview of the Following Chapters
  4. Chapter 2 Literature Review
    1. 2.1 Origination of the Concept of Mission Drift
    2. 2.2 What are Parachurch NGOs/NPOs?
    3. 2.3 The Holistic Mission Debate in Missiology
    4. 2.4 An Exegetical Study on the Holistic Ministry of Jesus
  5. Chapter 3 Research Methodology
    1. 3.1 Multiple or Collective Case Design
    2. 3.2 Commitment to Research Ethics
  6. Chapter 4 Empirical Findings
    1. 4.1 Case Studies: Holistic Mission Background
    2. 4.2 Research Outcomes from the Analysis of Seven Case Studies
    3. 4.3 Triangulating the Study Results: Avoiding Mission Drift
  7. Chapter 5 Research Discussion
    1. 5.1 CFB-NGOs/NPOs Facing the Crisis of Mission Drift in Their Identities
    2. 5.2 Secularization and Humanitarization: From Christian Agency to Humanitarian NGO/NPO
    3. 5.3 Paradigm Shift Versus Mission Drift
    4. 5.4 Praxis of Parachurch Agencies’ Contextualized Holistic Mission
    5. 5.5 Postmodern Trends and ‘Critical-Holistic’ Contextualization: A Societal Challenge to CFB-NGOs/NPOs’ Mission
    6. 5.6 Mission True Agencies: The Pursuit of Holisticalization and Biblical Holism
    7. 5.7 Mission Drift Exposures
    8. 5.8 Applying Matthew 9:35–38 and Luke 4:18–19 to the Present Study
    9. 5.9 Applicable Guide: A Theoretical Framework Emerged from the Results
  8. Chapter 6 Interconnected Theories And Spectrums
    1. 6.1 Theory Analysis
    2. 6.2 Spectrum Analysis
    3. 6.3 Mission Drift: A Symmetric Idea, a Binary Theory and/or a Snowballing Spectrum?
  9. Chapter 7 Conclusion
    1. 7.1 Reflecting on Research Methods
    2. 7.2 Implications
    3. 7.3 Recommendations
    4. 7.4 Research Summary
  10. Appendix: Interview Questionnaire
  11. Bibliography