More Information
ISBN: 9781783683963
Imprint: Langham Academic
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 31
Publication Date: 31/01/2018
Pages: 610
Series: Studies in Missiology
Language: English

Context and Contextuality

The Mission of Migrant Churches with a Focus on the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association


Since 1988, hundreds of thousands of evangelical Christians have migrated to the United States of America from former Soviet Union countries, establishing many Russian-speaking immigrant congregations across the country. This study analyzes how these immigrant churches function in their new cultural, social, and religious context. Dr Vyacheslav Tsvirinko, a Russian who lived in the USA for over twenty-five years, examines the holism, authenticityand contextuality of the mission work done by churches in the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association (PCSBA) in America. He defines authentic mission in light of three major Christian groups – the World Council of Churches, the Lausanne Movement, and Anabaptists – and uncovers startling insights on how PCSBA churches engage in mission, both back in their homeland and in the USA.
The findings and conclusions of this work are invaluable to diasporic Christian communities who wish to address their authenticity in the way they do mission, both internationally and in their local context, creating a path to more fruitful gospel and kingdom work.

Author Bios

Vyacheslav Tsvirinko

VYACHESLAV TSVIRINKO holds a PhD from the University of Wales and currently teaches at Divitia Gratiae University, Chisinau, Moldova, where he trains a new generation of Christian leaders. Persecution by the Soviet government led Dr Tsvirinko to immigrate to the USA with his wife Nina and their six sons in 1990 until 2016 when they felt called by God to move to Moldova as missionaries. In the USA, Dr Tsvirinko served as senior pastor of a Russian-speaking church and later, as President of the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association. He also worked at Fresno Pacific University, California, in admissions as well as serving as a regional campus director.


An excellent case study that shows missionary work in the contemporary Slavic diaspora on the Pacific coast of the USA, and also offers concrete ways to improve evangelistic and mission work in immigrant churches. This is a solid theoretical and practical foundation for those who want to study mission in various diasporas and who want to improve the fulfilment of Christ’s Great Commission by their congregations..

Dr Sergiy Sannikov
President, Euro-Asian Accrediting Association

Vyacheslav Tsvirinko provides a good overview of issues with which immigrants struggle as they find themselves in a different context in an exemplary research work.

Dr Peter Penner
Director of Advanced Studies, Euro-Asian Accrediting Association
New Testament Editor, Slavic Bible Commentary

Table of Contents

  1. Abstract
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Introduction
  4. Part I: Contextuality: Acquiring the Right Tools for Discernment of the Task
  5. Chapter 1
    1. Authentic Mission in the Theological Context
      1. 1.1 Missio Dei
      2. 1.2 The Kingdom of God, the World, and the Mission of the Church
      3. 1.3 Conclusion for Chapter 1
  6. Chapter 2
    1. Mission of the Church
      1. 2.1 World Council of Churches/Ecumenical Position on Mission
      2. 2.2 Evangelical/Lausanne Movement Position on the Mission of the Church
      3. 2.3 Anabaptist Position
      4. 2.4 Concluding Summary
      5. 2.5 Evangelical and Social Action: The WCC’s Use of the Term “Witness” and Evangelical Discourse of the Issue of Social Justice
      6. 2.6 A Contemporary Understanding of Mission from a New Testament Perspective
      7. 2.7 Definition of Authentic Mission
      8. 2.8 Conclusion for Chapter 2
  7. Chapter 3
    1. Challenge of Contextualization in Mission
      1. 3.1 Context
      2. 3.2 Contextualization
      3. 3.3 Homogeneous Unit Model: Contextuality Attempt (Strengths and Weaknesses)
      4. 3.4 Conclusion for Chapter 3
  8. Part II: Context: Identity Formation – Towards a Conceptualization of Self-Understanding among Slavic Baptists
  9. Chapter 4
    1. Historical Background of Slavic Baptists from the Mission Perspective
      1. 4.1 Definition of Terms
      2. 4.2 Origin of Slavic Baptist Churches: Roots of Slavic Baptists – Are They Foreign or Indigenous?
      3. 4.3 Evangelism and Social Action/Diaconia in the Life of the Evangelical Christian-Baptists in Russia and Ukraine in Historical Perspective
      4. 4.4 Conclusion for Chapter 4
  10. Chapter 5
    1. Developing the Slavic Baptist Diaspora in the Mission Context
      1. 5.1 Receiving American Society as the Mission Context
      2. 5.2 Global Migration as the Mission Context
      3. 5.3 Russian-Speaking Diaspora in America as a Mission Field in the Historical Perspective
      4. 5.4 History of the Founding and Organization of the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association
      5. 5.5 Conclusion for Chapter 5
  11. Part III: Context: Identity Crisis/Transformation – Towards a Paradigm Shift in Self-Understanding among Slavic-Baptists in America
  12. Chapter 6
    1. The Present Mission Work of Slavic Baptist Churches in the US
      1. 6.1. Demographic Studies of Newly Baptized Believers in PCSBA Churches
      2. 6.2. Analysis of the Percentage of Mission-Related Spending in the Budgets of Selected Churches
      3. 6.3. Survey of Slavic Pastors and Other Church Leaders Regarding Their Views on Church Mission in the Immigrant Context.
      4. 6.4. Survey of Youth in PCSBA Churches Regarding Their View of Immigrant Churches
      5. 6.5. Survey of the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association Churches on the Current Situation in Mission
      6. 6.6. Survey of People Who Have Left a Russian-Speaking Congregation and Joined an English-Speaking Church
      7. 6.7. Review of the Methods and Organizational Models of Missionary Work Used by PCSBA Churches
      8. 6.8. Conclusion for Chapter 6
  13. Chapter 7
    1. Social Challenges of Immigrant Life for the Slavic Baptist Diaspora and Their Impact on the Mission of the Church
      1. 7.1. Common Emotional and Psychological Experiences of Immigrants and Authentic Mission
      2. 7.2. Cross-Cultural-Encounter Influencing Factors
      3. 7.3. Diaspora vs. Receiving Society Relations and Mission
      4. 7.4. Social and Cultural Specifics of the Current Slavic Diaspora in America
      5. 7.5. Challenges Other Immigrant Churches Are Facing in America.
      6. 7.6. Conclusion for Chapter 7
  14. Chapter 8
    1. Analysis of Mission Challenges and Opportunities for the Slavic Baptist Diaspora
      1. 8.1. Ethnicity and Mission
      2. 8.2. Interethnic Relations between Slavic Immigrants and Other People Groups
      3. 8.3. Role of Language in Church Life and Mission
      4. 8.4. Hindrances and Opportunities for Mission
      5. 8.5. The Multiracial Congregation Model as an Option for the Immigrant Churches
      6. 8.6. The Multiracial Congregation Model in the Early Church
      7. 8.7. Conclusion for Chapter 8
  15. Part IV: Authentic Mission Perspective: Mission Practices in Light of Context and Contextuality
  16. Chapter 9
    1. Analysis of the Authenticity and Contextuality of Mission Work of the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association Churches
      1. 9.1. PCSBA Churches: Is Their Mission Work Authentic and Contextually Appropriate Today
      2. 9.2. Authenticity and Contextuality of Mission in the Homeland
      3. 9.3. Authenticity and Contextuality of Mission in the US Immigrant Context
      4. 9.4. Conclusion for Chapter 9
  17. Chapter 10
    1. Contextualization of Mission Work of Slavic Baptist Churches through Various Models
      1. 10.1. Models of mission work among the Russian-Speaking population
      2. 10.2. Models of Mission Work among Non-Russian-Speaking People
      3. 10.3. Ways of Equipping Contextualized Mission Work
      4. 10.4. Conclusion for Chapter 10
      5. 10.5. Further Research
  18. Conclusion
  19. Appendix for Chapter 4
    1. Historical Background of Slavic Baptists from the Mission Perspective
  20. Appendix for Chapter 5
    1. Developing Slavic Baptist Diaspora in the American context
  21. Appendix for Chapter 6
    1. The Present Mission Work of Slavic Baptist Churches in the US
  22. Appendix for Chapter 7
    1. Social Challenges of Immigrant Life for the Slavic Baptist Diaspora and Their Impact on Mission
  23. Appendix for Chapter 8
    1. Analysis of Mission Challenges and Opportunities for the Slavic Baptist Diaspora
  24. Bibliography