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ISBN: 9781783688227
Imprint: One-Volume Commentaries
Format: Hardback
Dimensions (mm): 235 x 187 x 50
Publication Date: 28/02/2023
Pages: 1696
Language: English

Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary


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The Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary is a groundbreaking, multi-year work and the first full-Bible commentary to come out of Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this resource is to provide a contemporary, contextually relevant, church-based commentary written exclusively by biblical scholars from the region. Rooted in scholarship, while also written in clear and accessible language, this commentary will appeal to Christians everywhere.

This resource will help pastors, preachers, teachers and lay leaders to interpret and apply biblical truths in the rapidly changing contexts of their lives and faith communities.


  • Central and Eastern European contextual theological applications of biblical teaching
  • Over 100 articles addressing issues pertaining to our life as Christians in the twenty-first century
  • Clear, accessible language which will appeal to Christians everywhere

Author Bios

Corneliu Constantineanu
(Edited By)

Rev. Dr. Corneliu Constantineanu (†17 March 2021) gained his PhD from the University of Leeds and the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, UK. He was former Professor of Theology at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania, after serving as Academic Dean of Evanđeoski Teološki Fakultet, Croatia, where he taught for more than sixteen years. He also served as Rector of the Pentecostal Theological Institute, Romania.

Peter Penner
(Edited By)

Dr Peter Penner (DTheol, UNISA, South Africa) is a lecturer at the Akademie für Kirche und Gesellschaft, Austria. He is Doctoral Studies Coordinator at CEEAMS.


Well established in scholarship, as well as culturally sensitive, this commentary is readable, informative, and applicable. Its contents are a welcome contribution in the field of Biblical interpretation.

Kosta Milkov
President of the Balkan Institute for Faith and Culture

This is a great tool. It provides short but rich comments on each book of the Bible as well as a concise discussion on many important topics a contemporary reader of the Scriptures may wonder about.

Meego Remmel
BWA Commission on Christian Ethics

In order to preach we first need to understand the word of God and relevantly apply it in our own context. This is exactly what this unique commentary intends: help the reader not only to understand the meaning of the Bible but also build a bridge to today’s culture.

Frank Hinkelmann
President of the European Evangelical Alliance

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. General Introduction
  3. Acknowledgements
  4. Guidelines for using the Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary
  5. Contributors

  7. Old Testament
  8. The Pentateuch (Viktor Ber)
  9. Genesis (Tamás Czövek)
  10. Exodus (Vikor Ber)
  11. Leviticus (Lidija Gunjević)
  12. Numbers (Daniel Mariş)
  13. Deuteronomy (Josef Sýkora)
  14. The Historical Books (Vikor Ber)
  15. Joshua (Ovidiu Creangă)
  16. Judges (Borzási István)
  17. Ruth (Viktor Ber)
  18. 1 and 2 Samuel
    1. 1 Samuel (Marcel V. Măcelaru)
    2. 2 Samuel (Robert Merecz)
  19. 1 and 2 Kings (Robert Merecz)
  20. 1 and 2 Chronicles
    1. 1 Chronicles (Silviu Tatu)
    2. 2 Chronicles (Silviu Tatu)
  21. Ezra (Robert Merecz)
  22. Nehemiah (Robert Merecz)
  23. Esther (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  24. Wisdom Literature (Lidija Gunjević)
  25. Job (Pavel Hanes)
  26. Psalms
    1. Psalms 1-41 (Lidija Gunjević)
    2. Psalms 42-106 (Danijel Berković)
    3. Psalms 107-150 (Gelu Pãcurar)
  27. Proverbs (Gelu Pãcurar)
  28. Ecclesiastes (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  29. Song of Songs (Lidija Gunjević)
  30. The Prophetic Books (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  31. Isaiah
    1. Isaiah 1-27 (Bohdan Hroboň)
    2. Isaiah 28-66 (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  32. Jeremiah (Aleksandar Apostolovsk)
  33. Lamentations (Gelu Păcurar)
  34. Ezekiel
    1. Ezekiel 1-24 (Amiel Drimbe)
    2. Ezekiel 25-48 (Silviu Tatu)
  35. Daniel (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  36. Hosea (Sebastian Smolarz)
  37. Joel (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  38. Amos (Myrto Theocharous)
  39. Obadiah (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  40. Jonah (Lidija Gunjević)
  41. Micah (Gheorghe Dragoman)
  42. Nahum (Mihai Handaric)
  43. Habakkuk (Myrto Theocharous)
  44. Zephaniah (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  45. Haggai (Teodor-Ioan Colda)
  46. Zechariah (Aleksandar Apostolovski)
  47. Malachi (Marcel V. Măcelaru)
  48. The Intertestamental Period (Virgil László)
  49. Bible translation (Emanuel Conțac)

  50. New Testament
  51. The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles (Albín Masarik)
  52. Matthew (Peter Penner)
  53. Mark (Daniel G. Oprean)
  54. Luke (Octavian D. Baban)
  55. John (Ksenija Magda)
  56. Acts (Ciprian-Flavius Terinte)
  57. Paul’s Letters (Ksenija Magda)
  58. Romans (Corneliu Constantineanu)
  59. 1 Corinthians (Sławomir Torbus)
  60. 2 Corinthians (Ksenija Magda)
  61. Galatians (Adrian Kacian)
  62. Ephesians (Ester Petrenko)
  63. Philippians (Albín Masarik)
  64. Colossians (Ksenija Magda)
  65. 1 Thessalonians (Piotr Lorek)
  66. 2 Thessalonians (Miloš Masarik)
  67. 1 Timothy (Albín Masarik)
  68. 2 Timothy (Dumitru Piscuc)
  69. Titus (Albín Masarik)
  70. Philemon (Peter Cimala)
  71. The General Letters and Revelation (Peter Penner)
  72. Hebrews (Florenc Mene)
  73. James (Ventsislav Stoykov)
  74. 1 Peter (Romualdas Babarskas)
  75. 2 Peter (Miloš Masarik)
  76. 1, 2 and 3 John
    1. 1 John (Stefanos Mihalios)
    2. 2 John (Peeter Roosimaa)
    3. 3 John (Peeter Roosimaa)
  77. Jude (Miloš Masarik)
  78. Revelation (Külli Tõniste)

  80. Abortion (Zorica Kuburić)
  81. Abraham in Judaism, Christianity and Islam (Redžo Trako)
  82. Active Listening to Sermons (Enoh Šeba)
  83. Addiction (Yordan Kalev Zhekov)
  84. Advocacy (Ksenija Magda)
  85. Ageing (Sebastian Smolarz)
  86. Apostasy (Tania Petrova)
  87. Artificial Intelligence (Adriatik Toska)
  88. The Arts, the Bible and Witness (Henrikas Žukauskas)
  89. Atheism (Corneliu C. Simuț)
  90. Bible Media Through the Ages (Branko Bjelajac)
  91. Biblical Anthropology (Jan Valeš and Daniel Oprean)
  92. Biblical Historiography (Andrei-Daniel Pop)
  93. Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit (Octavian D. Baban)
  94. Burial and Cremation (Emanuel Adrian Sărbu)
  95. Burnout (Patricia Luciana Runcan)
  96. Catechesis (Dana Hanesová)
  97. Catholicism (Wojciech Szczerba)
  98. Children at risk (Nadya Stoykova)
  99. Children in the Church (Einike Pilli)
  100. Christian Counselling (Pavel Raus)
  101. Christian Faith in a Multi-Religious World (Ábrahám Kovács)
  102. Christian Spirituality (Dănuț Jemna)
  103. Christian Virtues (Meego Remmel)
  104. The Church and Power (Ksenija Magda)
  105. Church and State Relations (Cristian Romocea)
  106. Church Governance (Dumitru Piscuc)
  107. Common Good (Ciprian Gheorghe-Luca)
  108. Corruption (Pál Borzási)
  109. The Counter-Reformation in Central and Eastern Europe (Jerzy Kochanowicz)
  110. Creation Care: A Christian Attitude Toward the Environment (Ján Szőllős)
  111. Culture of Fear (Dănuț Mănăstireanu)
  112. Death and Grieving (Albín Masarik)
  113. Democracy (Wojciech Szczerba)
  114. Depression (Ileana Radu)
  115. Discipleship (Desislava Todorova)
  116. Domestic Violence (Meeli Tankler)
  117. The Eastern Orthodox Church (Kosta Milkov)
  118. Ecumenism (Pavel Černý)
  119. Education (Jerzy Kochanowicz)
  120. Electronic Gaming (Remus Runcan)
  121. The End of the World (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)
  122. Euthanasia (Emanuel Adrian Sărbu)
  123. Evangelicalism (Wojciech Szczerba)
  124. Evangelism (Peter Kuzmič)
  125. Evangelism in a Secular Context (Pavel Černý)
  126. Exodus in the Bible and in the Life of God’s People (Daniel G. Oprean)
  127. Expository Preaching (Daniel G. Oprean)
  128. Faith and Works (Octavian D. Baban)
  129. Freedom (Dănuț Mănăstireanu)
  130. From Modernity to Postmodernity (Wojciech Szczerba)
  131. Gender (Tchvdav S. Hadjiev)
  132. Gender Equality (Julijana Mladenovska Tešija)
  133. Genocide (Ovidiu Creangă)
  134. Globalisation (Natalia Vlas)
  135. The Good News and the Law (Lidija Gunjević)
  136. The Gospel and the Law (Octavian D. Baban)
  137. The Gospel as Good News in Paul’s Theology (Corneliu Constantineanu)
  138. Greater than Fiction: Reading the Bible (Aleksandar Apostolovski)
  139. Hallelujah Psalms: Psalms 146-150 (Gelu Păcurar)
  140. Holiness (Ciprian Gheorghe-Luca)
  141. Holistic or Integral Mission (Vladimir Ubeivolc)
  142. The Holy Spirit in the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Traditions (Dragoş Ştefănică)
  143. Holy War (Ovidiu Creangă)
  144. Human Rights (Marius Radu)
  145. Human Trafficking in Europe (Yulia Ubeyvolk)
  146. Humour in the Bible (Tchvdav S. Hadjiev)
  147. Illness and Healing (Daniel Martin)
  148. Inclusivity (Meeli Tankler)
  149. Intergenerational Understanding (Ela Magda Džafić)
  150. Islam in Central and Eastern Europe (Kosta Milkov)
  151. Jesus’s Ethics (Viktória Šoltésová)
  152. Jesus’s Names and Titles (Ksenija Magda)
  153. Jubilee (Lidija Gunjević)
  154. Judaism and Christianity (Danijel Berković)
  155. Keeping Promises (Femi Cakolli)
  156. Kings of Israel and Judah
  157. The Legacy of Communism (Dănuț Mănăstireanu)
  158. The Lord’s Supper, the Holy Communion, the Eucharist (Pavel Černý)
  159. Marginalisation (Viktória Šoltésová)
  160. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Yordan Kalev Zhekov)
  161. Migration and Mission (Dorottya Nagy)
  162. Misogyny (Ksenija Magda)
  163. Mission and Power (Pavol Bargár)
  164. Mission in Post-Secular Society (Pavol Bargár)
  165. Multiple Religious Belonging (Lidija Ušurel)
  166. Music and the Aesthetics of Spirituality (Cristian Mãcelaru)
  167. The Number Seven in Revelation (Külli Tõniste)
  168. Ordination (Jerzy Kochanowicz)
  169. Patriotism And Nationalism (Dănuț Mănăstireanu)
  170. Paul’s Co-workers (Peter Penner)
  171. Persecution (Peter Kuzmič)
  172. The Pesach Hallel: Psalms 113-118 (Gelu Păcurar)
  173. Pornography (Pavel Raus)
  174. Prayer (Dănuț Jemna)
  175. Promised Land - Sacred Space (Ionel Morariu)
  176. Prosperity Gospel (Pál Borzási)
  177. The Psalms in the New Testament (Lidija Gunjević)
  178. The Psalms of Ascents: Psalms 120-134 (Gelu Păcurar)
  179. Public Theology (Corneliu Constantineanu)
  180. Reconciliation (Daniel G. Oprean)
  181. The Reformation in Central and Eastern Europe (Toivo Pilli)
  182. Refugees, Migrants and Strangers (Peter Nowak)
  183. Religion and National Identity (András Korányi)
  184. Religious Patterns in Central and Eastern Europe (Tereza Halasová)
  185. The Remnant (Ksenija Magda)
  186. Revival in Central and Eastern Europe (Anne-Marie Kool)
  187. Rich and Poor (Miloš Masarik)
  188. Sabbath Rest (Bohdan Hroboň)
  189. Secularism (Wojciech Szczerba)
  190. Servant Leadership (Alfred Golloshi)
  191. Sexual Morality (Pavel Raus)
  192. Sharing Our Faith (Slavko Hadžić)
  193. Singleness as a Way of Life and Ministry (Lina Toth (Andronoviene))
  194. Social Justice (Beneamin Mocan)
  195. Social Media and Christian Community (Oana Romocea)
  196. Suicide (Emanuel Adrian Sărbu)
  197. Supporting Church Workers (Pál Borzási)
  198. The Synoptic Gospels (Teodor-Ioan Colda)
  199. Teaching the Bible to the Younger Generation (Dana Hanesová)
  200. Theology of Work (Jerzy Kochanowicz)
  201. The Ten Commandments and Politics (Zoltán Schwáb)
  202. Violence (Tania Petrova)
  203. Virtual Reality (Remus Runcan)
  204. Worship and Ritual in Ancient Israel (Bohdan Hroboň)


Viktor Ber

Dr Viktor Ber (PhD, Charles University, Czech Republic) is Assistant Professor of Theology at the University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic. He is also a lecturer at the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Czech Republic.

Tchavdar S. Hadjiev

Dr Tchavdar Hadjiev (DPhil, University of Oxford, UK) is a lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew at Belfast Bible College and honorary lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast, UK.

Marcel V. Mācelaru

Dr Marcel Mācelaru (DPhil, University of Oxford, UK) is Professor of Theology at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.

Ksenija Magda

Dr Ksenija Magda (PhD, London School of Theology and Brunel University, UK) is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at the Matthias Flacius Illyricus University Centre for Protestant Theology, Croatia.

Albín Masarik

Dr Albín Masarik (PhD, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) is a professor at Matej Bel University, Slovakia. He is Secretary of the Association for Evangelical Churches in Slovakia.

Daniel G. Oprean

Dr Daniel G. Oprean (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is Professor of Theology at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania. He is the Langham Preaching Coordinator for Romania and a pastor in the Romanian Baptist Union.

Wojciech Szczerba

WOJCIECH SZCZERBA (PhD, University of Wrocław, Poland) is Rector of the Evangelical School of Theology, Poland. He is Editor-in-Chief of Theologica Wratislaviensia and is a research associate at the Van Hügel Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.

Aleksander Apostolovski

Dr Aleksander Apostolovski (PhD, University of Aberdeen, UK) is a researcher, writer and visiting lecturer at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia. He is a member of the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia.

Octavian Baban

Dr Octavian Baban (PhD, London School of Theology and Brunel University, UK) is a lecturer at the Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest, Romania.

Romualdas Babarskas

Romualdas Babarskas (MCS, Regent College, Canada) is Lecturer in Theology at LCC International University, Klaipėda, Lithuania. He is a pastor in the Free Christian Church of Lithuania.

Pavol Bargár

Dr Pavol Bargár (PhD, Charles University, Czech Republic) is Assistant Sp and Researcher at Charles University, Czech Republic. He is an ordained elder in the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren.

Danijel Berković

Dr Danijel Berković (PhD, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies and Middlesex University, UK & DSc, University of Zagreb, Croatia) is Director of the Centre for Biblical Research, Biblical Institute, Croatia. He is a lecturer at the Matthias Flacius Illyricus University Centre for Protestant Theology, Croatia.

Branko Bjelajac

Dr Branko Bjelajack (DSc, Evangelical Theological Faculty, Croatia) serves with Trans World Radio ministry in Europe and Africa. He is a member of the Bratislava Faith Community.

István Borzási

Dr István Borzási (PhD, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania). Is a pastor in the Hungarian Baptist Church. He is a lecturer at Emanuel University, Romania.

Pál Borzási

Dr Pál Borzási (PhD, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania) is a pastor of two Baptist churches in Hungary. He is an adjunct lecturer at the Baptist Theological Academy, Hungary.

Femi Cakoli

Dr Femi Cakoli (PhD, Priština University, Kosovo) is President of the Kosovo Protestant Evangelical Church.

Pavel Černý

Dr Pavel Černý (ThD, Charles University, Czech Republic) is a pastor and former president of the Evangelical Brethren Church and Ecumenical Council of Churches, Czech Republic. He is a lecturer at the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Czech Republic.

Peter Cimala

Dr Peter Cimala (PhD, Charles University, Czech Republic) is a pastor in the Evangelical Brethren Church, Czech Republic. He is a lecturer at the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Czech Republic.

Teodor-Ioan Colda

Dr Teodor-Ioan Colda (PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania) is Pastor of Golgotha Baptist Church, Bucharest. He is the Academic Vice-Dean of the Baptist Theological Institute, Romania.

Emanuel Conțac

Dr Emanuel Conțac (PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania) is Associate Professor at the Pentecostal Theological Institute, Romania.

Ovidiu Creangă

Dr Ovidiu Creangă (PhD, Kings College London, UK) is a lecturer at Wesley Theological Seminary, USA. He is a Holocaust historian at the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, USA.

Tamás Czövek

Rev Dr Tamás Czövek (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is a lecturer at Pentecostal Seminary and John Wesley College, Budapest. He is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church in Hungary.

Gheorghe Dragoman

Dr Gheorghe Dragoman (PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania) is a lecturer at Timotheus Seminary, Romania.

Amiel Drimbe

Dr Amiel Drimbe (PhD, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies and Middlesex University, UK) is a lecturer at the Baptist Theological College of Bucharest, Romania.

Alfred Golloshi

Dr Alfred Golloshi (DMin, Acadia University, Canada) is a Baptist pastor and Bible teacher in Tirana, Albania.

Slavko Hadžić

Slavko Hadžić (BTh, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia) is the Langham Preaching Coordinator for Southern Europe. He is an evangelist with the Fellowship of Evangelists in the Universities of Europe.

Tereza Halasová

Dr Tereza Halasová (PhD, Charles University, Czech Republic) is a member and candidate for ministry in the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren.

Mihai Handaric

Dr Mihai Handaric (ThD, Protestant Theological Institute, Romania) is Associate Professor at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.

Pavel Hanes

Dr Pavel Hanes (PhD, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia) is Chair of Theology and Catachetics at Matej Bel University, Slovakia.

Dana Hanesová

Dr Dana Hanesová (PhD, Comenius University, Slovakia) is a professor in the Department of Theology and Catechetics, Matej Bel University, Slovakia.

Bohdan Hroboň

Dr Bohdan Hroboň (PhD, University of Oxford, UK) is President of the Centre for Christian Education, Slovakia. He is a lecturer at Trnava University, Slovakia.

Dănuț Jemna

Dr Dănuț Jemna (PhD, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania) is a professor and doctoral coordinator in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Iași, Romania. He is a visiting professor at the University of Poitiers, France.

Adrian Kacian

Dr Adrian Kacian (PhD, Comenius University, Slovakia) is an ordained minister in the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Trnava and Director of Development at the Centre for Christian Education, Slovakia.

Jerzy Kochanowicz

Dr Jerzy Kochanowicz (PhD, Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology, Germany) is an associate professor in the Department of Education, WSB University, Poland.

Anne-Marie Kool

Dr Anne-Marie Kool (PhD, Utrecht University, Netherlands) is Professor of Missiology at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia. She is Associate Professor of Missiology at the Baptist Theological Academy, Hungary.

András Korányi

Dr András Korányi (PhD, Lutheran Theological University, Hungary) is Professor of Church History at Lutheran Theological University. He is a deputy bishop in the southern diocese of the Lutheran Church in Hungary.

Ábrahám Kovács

Dr Ábrahám Kovács (PhD, University of Edinburgh, UK) is Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at János Selye University, Slovakia.

Zorica Kuburić

Dr Zorica Kuburić (PhD, University of Belgrade, Serbia) is a professor at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia. She is President of the Centre for the Empirical Research of Religion and a lecturer at the Centre for Women’s Studies, Serbia.

Peter Kuzmič

Dr Peter Kuzmič (DTheol, University of Zagreb, Croatia) is the Rector of Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia. He is Distinguished Professor of World Missions and European Studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA.

Virgil László

Dr Virgil László (PhD, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hungary) is Senior Lecturer and Head of the New Testament Department at Lutheran Theological University, Hungary.

Piotr Lorek

Dr Piotr Lorek (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is Academic Dean and Associate Professor at the Evangelical School of Theology, Poland. He is a synod member for Wroclaw Diocese in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Poland.

Gheorghe-Ciprian Luca

Dr Gheorghe-Ciprian Luca (PhD, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania) is Principal of Emanuel Pentecostal Theological High School and pastor of Emanuel Christian Centre, Romania.

Cristian Mācelaru

Cristian Mācelaru (MMus, Rice University, USA) is the Music Director of the National Orchestra of France.

Ela Magda Džafić

Ela Magda (MPhil, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) is a Programme Manager for the Evangelical Relied Agency, Croatia.

Daniel Marius Mariş

Dr Daniel Mariş (PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania) is President of Bucharest Baptist Theological Seminary and Pastor of Golgotha Baptist Church, Bucharest, Romania.

Dănuț Daniel Martin

Dr Daniel Martin (PhD, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania) is the Senior Pastor and founder of Romanian Holy River Apostolic Church, London, UK.

Miloš Masarik

Dr Miloš Masarik (PhD, Matei Bel University, Slovakia) is Pastor of Baptist Church, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.

Florenc Mene

Dr Florenc Mene (PhD, University of Edinburgh, UK) is an author, translator and theological educator.

Robert J. Merecz

Dr Robert Merecz (PhD, University of Edinburgh, UK) is Academic Dean of Warsaw Baptist Theological Seminary, Poland. He is Pastor of Szczecin Baptist Church, Poland.

Stefanos Mihalios

Dr Stefanos Mihalios (PhD, Wheaton College, UK) is a professor at Greek Bible College, Greece. He is a translator for the Greek Bible Society and a church planter with the Greek Evangelical Church.

Kosta Milkov

Dr Kosta Milkov (DPhil, University of Oxford, UK) is President of the Balkan Institute for Faith and Culture, Macedonia.

Julijana Mladenovska-Tešija

Julijana Mladenovska-Tešija is a doctoral student at Utrecht University, Netherlands. She is a lecturer at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia.

Beneamin Mocan

Dr Beneamin Mocan (PhD, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania) is a youth leader at Hope Pentecostal Church, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Ionel Morariu

Dr Ionel Morariu (PhD, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania) is a pastoral team member at Authentic Pentecostal Church, Timișoara, Romania

Dorottya Nagy

Dr Dorottya Nagy (PhD, Utrecht University, Netherlands) is Professor of Theology and Migration at Protestant Theological University, Netherlands. She is an ordained Lutheran minister.

Peter Nowak

Peter Nowak (MTh, Union School of Theology, UK) is Pastor of Reformed Evangelical Church, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Gelu Păcurar

Dr Gelu Păcurar (PhD, Central Baptist Theological Seminary, USA) is Pastor of Sega Baptist Church, Arad, Romania. He is an associate professor at Baptist Theological Institute, Romania and a teacher of Old Testament and Hebrew at Timișoara Baptist Bible Seminary, Romania.

Ester Petrenko

Dr Ester Petrenko (PhD, Durham University, UK) is the former Academic Director at the Latvian Biblical Centre, Latvia. She is an associate professor at the Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology, Norway.

Tanya Petrova

Tanya Petrova is a doctoral student at Vrije Universiteit and IBTSC, Netherlands. She is Dean of the Pentecostal Faculty at the Bulgarian Evangelical Theological Institute, Bulgaria. She is also a member of the Council of Regional Pastors of Pentecostal Assemblies.

Einike Pilli

Dr Einike Pilli (PhD, Tartu University, Estonia) is Rector of Estonian Free Church Seminary, Estonia. She is an executive board member of the Union of Free Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia.

Toivo Pilli

Dr Toivo Pilli (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is Director of Baptist Studies at the International Baptist Study Centre, Netherlands. He is an editor of the Journal of European Baptist Studies and part-time pastor of Salem Baptist Church, Tartu, Estonia.

Dumitru Piscuc

Dr Dumitru Piscuc (PhD, Babeș-Bolyai University, Romania) is an assistant professor at the Pentecostal Theological Institute, Romania. He is a deacon at Good News Pentecostal Church, Bucharest, Romania.

Andrei-Daniel Pop

Dr Andrei-Daniel Pop (PhD, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania) is a deacon at Betel Pentecostal Church and a teacher of Religious Studies at Pro Deo Theoretical Christian High School, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Ileana Radu

Dr Ileana Radu (MD, V. Babes Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Romania) is a psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor at Dianoia Institute of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, Romania.

Marius Radu

Marius Radu (MA, Western University of Timișoara, Romania) is a visiting senior lecturer in Journalism and Public Relations at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca and Western University of Timișoara, Romania. He is a senior editor of Systemic Therapy, the journal of the Dianoia Institute of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, Romania.

Pavel Raus

Dr Pavel Raus (PhD, Olivet University, USA) is a teacher at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Czech Republic. He is the founder of Parakletos.

Meego Remmel

Dr Meego Remmel (PhD, International Baptist Theological Seminary, Netherlands and University of Wales, UK) is Teaching Pastor of 3D Church, Estonia. He is an associate professor at Estonian Free Church Theological Seminary, Estonia and Training Christians for Ministry International Institute, Austria. He is Vice-President of the Estonian Council of Churches.

Cristian Romocea

Dr Cristian Romocea (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is a senior research associate with the British & Foreign Bible Society, UK.

Oana Romocea

Oana Romocea (MA, University of Wales, UK) is Executive Director of the Hategan Foundation, Romania.

Peeter Roosimaa

Dr Peeter Roosimaa (DTheol, University of Tartu, Estonia) is an emeritus associate professor at the University of Tartu.

Patricia Runcan

Dr Patricia Runcan (PhD, Western University of Timișoara, Romania) is an associate professor and doctoral advisor.

Remus Runcan

Dr Remus Runcan (PhD, Western University of Timișoara, Romania) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Western University of Timișoara and a lecturer at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania. He is also Pastor of Maranata Church, Timișoara, Romania.

Emanuel Adrian Sărbu

Dr Adrian Sărbu (PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania) is an associate professor at the University of Bucharest Faculty of Baptist Theology and Faculty of Sociology and Social Work.

Zoltán Schwáb

Dr Zoltán Schwáb (PhD, Durham University, UK) is the Tutor in Old Testament and Hebrew at Spurgeon’s College, London.

Enoh Šeba

Dr Enoh Šeba (PhD, Spurgeon’s College, London, UK) is Assistant Professor at Matthias Flacius University Centre for Protestant Theology, Croatia.

Corneliu C. Simuţ

Dr Corneliu C. Simuț (PhD, University of Aberdeen, UK) is Editor-in-chief for Perichoresis. He is Professor of Biblical Theology at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania.

Sebastian Smolarz

Dr Sebastian Smolarz (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is a former lecture in the Old Testament at the Evangelical School of Theology, Poland. He is Pastor of Evangelical Reformed Church, Wroclaw, Poland.

Viktória Šoltésová

Dr Viktória Šoltésová (PhD, Matej Bel University, Slovakia) is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University.

Dragoș Ștefănică

Dr Dragos Ștefănică (PhD, Lucian Blaga University, Romania) is a lecturer at the Pentecostal Theological Institute, Romania. He is the Executive Editor of Plērōma Theological Journal and an elder of Good News Pentecostal Church, Bucharest, Romania.

Ventsislav Stoykov

Dr Ventsislav Stoykov (PhD, Sofia University, Bulgaria) is a researcher and Pastor of Crossroads Church of the Bulgarian Church of God.

Nadya Stoykova

Dr Nadya Stoykova (PhD, Sofia University, Bulgaria) is Chairperson of the Board of Petko R. Slaveikov Independent Christian School, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Josef Sykora

Dr Josef Sykora (PhD, Durham University, UK) is a lecturer at Northeastern Seminary, USA.

Ján Szőllős

Dr Ján Szőllős (PhD, Comenius University, Slovakia) is a Member of the Slovakian Parliament. He is an ordained Baptist pastor and Vice President of the Ecumenical Council of Churches of Slovakia.

Meeli Tankler

Dr Meeli Tankler (DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary, USA) is Research and Development Director and Professor of Practical Theology at Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, Estonia.

Silviu Tatu

Dr Silviu Tatu (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology at Pentecostal Theological Institute, Romania. He is an elder in the Bethel Brethren Church in Sibiu and Bible translator.

Ciprian-Flavius Terinte

Dr Ciprian-Flavius Terinte (PhD, Lucien Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania) is an associate professor at the Pentecostal Theological Institute, Romania. He is an associate pastor of Good News Pentecostal Church, Bucharest, Romania.

Myrto Theocharous

MYRTO THEOCHAROUS has a PhD from the University of Cambridge, UK. She is professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at the Greek Bible College in Athens, Greece and serves as president of Nea Zoi Anti-Trafficking Ministry.

Desislava Todorova

Desislava Todorova (MA, Sofia University, Bulgaria) is a regional representative of TCMII, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Külli Tõniste

Dr Külli Tõniste (PhD, London School of Theology and Brunel University, UK) is President of the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary, Estonia.

Sławomir Torbus

Dr Sławomir Torbus (PhD, University of Wroclaw, Poland) is an assistant professor at the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies, University of Wroclaw, Poland. He is also a lecturer in Biblical Greek and New Testament Exegesis at the Evangelical School of Theology, Poland.

Adriatik Toska

Adriatik Toska (BSc, Vienna University of Technology, Austria) is a software engineer. He is Treasurer of Christus Gemeinde Wien.

Lina Toth

Dr Lina Toth (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is Assistant Principal and a lecturer in Practical Theology at Scottish Baptist College, University of the West of Scotland, UK. She is a senior research fellow at the International Baptist Theological Study Centre, Netherlands and an editor of Theology in Scotland. She is also Chair of the Worship and Spirituality Commission of the Baptist World Alliance.

Redžo Trako

Dr Redžo Trako (PhD, Queen’s University Belfast, UK) is a lecturer in Church History, World Religions and Islam at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia. He is the founder of Church Growth Croatia and Bosnia and an editor of the first translation of the Bible into Bosnian.

Vladimir Ubeivolc

Dr Vladimir Ubeivolc (PhD, University of Wales, UK) is Senior Pastor at Chisinau Evangelical Church, Moldova. He is the co-founder of Beginning of Life and a lecturer in several Christian institutions in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Russia.

Yulia Ubeyvolk

Dr Yulia Ubeyvolk (Phd, Moldavian State Pedagogical University, Moldova) is the co-founder of Beginning of Life. She is a psychologist and art therapist. She is also a minister at Chisinau Evangelical Church, Moldova.

Lidija Ušurel

Dr Lidija Ušurel (PhD, Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania). She is a high school educator for the Esther Foundation and a discipleship programme leader for youth at Missio Dei Baptist Church, Timișoara, Romania.

Jan Valeš

Dr Jan Valeš (PhD, Charles University, Czech Republic) is a Czech army chaplain and a professor at Evangelical Theological Seminary, Czech Republic.

Natalia Vlas

Dr Natalia Vlas obtained her PhD from Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Yordan Kalev Zhekov

Dr Yordan Zhekov (PhD, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) is an accredited counsellor, clinical supervisor and life coach.

Henrikas Žukauskas

Dr Henrikas Žukauskas (PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands) is Pastor of Vilnius New Testament Baptist Church, Lithuania.

Lidija Gunjević

Lidija Gunjević has a PhD from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a teaching consultant at Westfield House, Cambridge, and a child and adolescent psychotherapeutic counsellor. She is originally from Croatia.

Dănuț Mănăstireanu

Dr Dănuț Mănăstireanu (PhD, Brunel University London) is a Research associate fellow at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge and a board member of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative.