Development of Chinese Church Leaders
ISBN: 9781907713460
Confucianism and its influence on culture in East Asia has profoundly impacted Chinese churches and the development of their leaders. This work seeks to build an indigenous approach to developing church leaders by understanding the theoretical, and the situational foundations, of relational leadership from both cultural and biblical perspectives. The research is further enriched through case...
A Study of Current Leadership Styles in the North African Church
ISBN: 9781907713804
Indigenous church leadership is a new phenomenon in North Africa. Until recently, non-Muslim background believers were the only leaders of churches in this region. With the current growth of national churches there are increasingly more leaders from a Muslim background leading to a diverse range of leadership styles. This publication explores church leadership in North Africa, investigates...
Competencies for Leading in Diversity
ISBN: 9781783682102
The patriarchal approach to leadership in the African context is indeed an enigma, judging from the unpredictable outcomes and the quest for effective leadership. The Lord Jesus calls his followers to servant leadership. The secular world has also established the efficacy of the servant leadership approach for cutting-edge leadership. This book looks at the nature of evangelical associations...
L'évaluation du ministère pastoral
ISBN: 9781783682898
Au sein des Églises en Afrique, l’auteur constate une absence de procédure pour apprécier les aptitudes des pasteurs, leurs forces et leurs faiblesses, leurs progrès à la tâche et l’origine des difficultés qu’ils rencontrent dans leur ministère. À travers l’exégèse de certaines péricopes dans les Épîtres pastorales traitant des recommandations pour le ministère, il élabore des critères...
Le pasteur et le management d’une Église locale au sein du Conseil des Églises Protestantes du Cameroun
ISBN: 9781839734373
Cette étude s’interroge sur le meilleur moyen de gérer harmonieusement les ressources humaines, matérielles et financières des Églises pour l’accomplissement de la mission que le Christ a confiée à l’Église. L’auteur est parti à la recherche du meilleur procédé de gestion des Églises locales qui tienne compte à la fois des réalités culturelles et spirituelles et des spécificités théologiques...
How Am I Going to Grow Up?
ISBN: 9781839732263
In this study, Dr. Enoch Wong explores the “silent exodus” of Canadian-born Chinese from their parents’ churches, tracing their journeys to negotiate their cultural, ethnic, and faith identities for themselves. This multi-case inquiry offers insight into the concerns of Canadian-born Chinese evangelicals and the cultural and generational conflicts that prompt them to search for new communities...
- Development of Chinese Church LeadersISBN: 9781907713460£24.99
Confucianism and its influence on culture in East Asia has profoundly impacted Chinese churches and the development of their leaders. This work seeks to build an indigenous approach to developing church leaders by understanding the theoretical, and the situational foundations, of relational leadership from both cultural and biblical perspectives. The research is further enriched through case...
- A Study of Current Leadership Styles in the North African ChurchISBN: 9781907713804£28.99
Indigenous church leadership is a new phenomenon in North Africa. Until recently, non-Muslim background believers were the only leaders of churches in this region. With the current growth of national churches there are increasingly more leaders from a Muslim background leading to a diverse range of leadership styles. This publication explores church leadership in North Africa, investigates...
- Competencies for Leading in DiversityISBN: 9781783682102£21.99
The patriarchal approach to leadership in the African context is indeed an enigma, judging from the unpredictable outcomes and the quest for effective leadership. The Lord Jesus calls his followers to servant leadership. The secular world has also established the efficacy of the servant leadership approach for cutting-edge leadership. This book looks at the nature of evangelical associations...
- L'évaluation du ministère pastoralISBN: 9781783682898£28.99
Au sein des Églises en Afrique, l’auteur constate une absence de procédure pour apprécier les aptitudes des pasteurs, leurs forces et leurs faiblesses, leurs progrès à la tâche et l’origine des difficultés qu’ils rencontrent dans leur ministère. À travers l’exégèse de certaines péricopes dans les Épîtres pastorales traitant des recommandations pour le ministère, il élabore des critères...
- Le pasteur et le management d’une Église locale au sein du Conseil des Églises Protestantes du CamerounISBN: 9781839734373£24.99
Cette étude s’interroge sur le meilleur moyen de gérer harmonieusement les ressources humaines, matérielles et financières des Églises pour l’accomplissement de la mission que le Christ a confiée à l’Église. L’auteur est parti à la recherche du meilleur procédé de gestion des Églises locales qui tienne compte à la fois des réalités culturelles et spirituelles et des spécificités théologiques...
- How Am I Going to Grow Up?ISBN: 9781839732263£34.99
In this study, Dr. Enoch Wong explores the “silent exodus” of Canadian-born Chinese from their parents’ churches, tracing their journeys to negotiate their cultural, ethnic, and faith identities for themselves. This multi-case inquiry offers insight into the concerns of Canadian-born Chinese evangelicals and the cultural and generational conflicts that prompt them to search for new communities...