Asian Christian Theology
ISBN: 9781783686438
Asian Christian Theology provides a survey of contextually reflective, robustly evangelical theology for students to engage with the core doctrines of Christianity and their outworking in different cultures across Asia. Ideal for use as a companion textbook in Asian seminaries and institutions, this book will also provide excellent further reading for those outside of Asia seeking global...
Asian Christian Ethics
ISBN: 9781839730740
Asian Christian Ethics provides an introduction for students to a range of key topics related to Christian ethics in Asia. Fifteen Christian scholars from across Asia and from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds demonstrate how to think theologically and contextually about key ethical issues, as well as describe best practices in Christian moral formation.
Exploring the Old Testament in Asia
ISBN: 9781839732799
Exploring the Old Testament in Asia is the first evangelical Old Testament textbook written both from and for an Asian cultural context. Rooted in the theological conviction that God still speaks through the Old Testament in all its fullness, the twelve essays in this book address key theological issues pertinent to the diverse cultures and contexts of Asia. The result is a theological...
Exploring the New Testament in Asia
ISBN: 9781839737114
This collection of essays offers theological reflections on New Testament themes from Asian perspectives, while addressing contextual issues in light of the New Testament. Touching on topics such as salvation, holiness, poverty, ethnic tensions, reconciliation, honoring elders, persecution, and hospitality, the scholars in this book demonstrate the importance of a varied contemporary context...
- Asian Christian TheologyISBN: 9781783686438£20.99
Asian Christian Theology provides a survey of contextually reflective, robustly evangelical theology for students to engage with the core doctrines of Christianity and their outworking in different cultures across Asia. Ideal for use as a companion textbook in Asian seminaries and institutions, this book will also provide excellent further reading for those outside of Asia seeking global...
- Asian Christian EthicsISBN: 9781839730740£20.99
Asian Christian Ethics provides an introduction for students to a range of key topics related to Christian ethics in Asia. Fifteen Christian scholars from across Asia and from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds demonstrate how to think theologically and contextually about key ethical issues, as well as describe best practices in Christian moral formation.
- Exploring the Old Testament in AsiaISBN: 9781839732799£18.99
Exploring the Old Testament in Asia is the first evangelical Old Testament textbook written both from and for an Asian cultural context. Rooted in the theological conviction that God still speaks through the Old Testament in all its fullness, the twelve essays in this book address key theological issues pertinent to the diverse cultures and contexts of Asia. The result is a theological...
- Exploring the New Testament in AsiaISBN: 9781839737114£20.99This collection of essays offers theological reflections on New Testament themes from Asian perspectives, while addressing contextual issues in light of the New Testament. Touching on topics such as salvation, holiness, poverty, ethnic tensions, reconciliation, honoring elders, persecution, and hospitality, the scholars in this book demonstrate the importance of a varied contemporary context...