
Items 21-30 of 41

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Items 21 to 30 of 41 total

  1. Le défi de la prédication
    Le défi de la prédication
    ISBN: 9781783689439

    John Stott (1921 – 2011) fut l’un des plus grands prédicateurs bibliques de notre temps. Dans cet ouvrage important, il réfléchit aux principes qui animent une saine prédication et propose des conseils pratiques pour le prédicateur. Il insiste sur la nécessité d’une écoute attentive non seulement de la Parole de Dieu mais aussi du monde contemporain. Et il exhorte le prédicateur à mener une...

  2. God’s Word for Today’s World
    God’s Word for Today’s World
    ISBN: 9781783689378

    Nothing is more important than hearing, understanding and obeying God’s Word. Our Christian lives and local churches depend on this for their life, health and growth. John Stott was well known worldwide for his commitment to the Bible, both in his preaching and in his living. In this brief but persuasive book, he demonstrates the power, authority and relevance of the Bible for every Christian...

  3. Godliness from Head to Toe
    Godliness from Head to Toe
    ISBN: 9781783688937

    One of the biggest questions facing Christians today is, ‘How can I live wisely?’. Given all that we say about the Christian faith, is it possible to live an authentic, credible Christian life that demonstrates faith that works? Covering a wide range of practical challenges - whether trial and temptation, or poverty and riches, or our use of words, or our patience in suffering, or our...

  4. From Why to Worship
    From Why to Worship
    ISBN: 9781783688920

    In a world which often seems out of control, Christians today need to make a vital spiritual journey through the book of Habakkuk.
    From Why to Worship is structured with sections and subsections that provide a clear set of preaching units that will serve preachers in building a sermon series but this is also an ideal book for individual or group use with questions, discussion points, ideas for...

  5. Prêcher Deutéronome
    Prêcher Deutéronome
    ISBN: 9781783680658

    Dans ce livre nous voulons vous aider à comprendre comment la loi de Dieu dans l’Ancien Testament s’applique aux chrétiens aujourd’hui; apprendre pourquoi nous devons obéir à Dieu; aider le lecteur à obéir à Dieu et à le servir fidèlement; réfléchir à la pertinence pour nous de chacune des parties du livre du Deutéronome; enseigner clairement l’idée principale du texte.

Items 21-30 of 41

per page

Items 21 to 30 of 41 total