Dealing with Mission Drift in Parachurch Agencies
ISBN: 9781839739361
Mission drift is a constant threat to any parachurch organization trying to remain “mission true” and “holistically relevant” in this post-Christian society. This insightful investigation into seven Christian NGOs and NPOs seeks to reveal the underlying reasons and motivations for moving towards mission drift. A must-read for missionaries, pastors, and leaders in parachurch organizations...
God Saw That It Was Good, Not Perfect
ISBN: 9781839739446
Considering the broader canonical context, Dr. Hulisani Ramantswana challenges the standard interpretation of Genesis 1–3 and argues that the goodness of creation does not imply perfection, but instead infers its functionality. Proposing an alternative reading, he contends the hope in a new heaven and new earth suggests a radical transformation of the “good” creation instead of merely a...
Ethiopian Diaspora Churches on Mission
ISBN: 9781839738838
Diaspora churches are positioned to have a tremendous capacity for missions as they practice their faith in the Western world, yet why do they fail to develop effective strategies to break out of their inwardly locked ministries? Addressing this question, Dr. Korcho offers a thorough examination of Ethiopian diaspora churches in the United States, encompassing their historical, sociological,...
Developing a Leadership Training Model for Churches
ISBN: 9781786410016
In this study, Dr. Endale G. Ousman skilfully explores the benefits of developing culturally contextualized leadership training programs that are relevant, accessible, and instructed in the mother tongue. Directed towards formal theological institutions engaged in the training and development of Christian leaders, this work encourages evaluation of the existing Western institution’s cultural...
The Wider Work of the Holy Spirit
ISBN: 9781839739385
Christian theology needs to better understand how different religions, together with their cultural practices, can function as a channel through which the one, true God can reveal himself. In this erudite and thought-provoking work, Dr. Jalal S. L. delves into the revelatory presence of God, which manifests itself in diverse ways across cultures, traditions, and religions. Scholars and...
Paul as a Prototype and Entrepreneur of Christian Identity
ISBN: 9781839739699
In this important addition to Pauline scholarship on 1 Corinthians, Dr. Vuyani Stanley Sindo brings fresh insight to how Paul’s use of the “in Christ” terminology supports his argument on leadership and community. This compelling and biblically rooted work will help Christians to understand the dangers of division within the church and how Christian leaders can overcome these divisions by...
Wisdom According to Paul in Relation to the Corinthian Problems
ISBN: 9781839739392
The problems of boasting, division, and human wisdom are apparent in 1 Corinthians 1–4. Addressing their interrelated nature, Dr. Richard Rojas argues they are rooted in a false understanding of wisdom. In this detailed study, he presents a sociological and rhetorical analysis of 1 Corinthians 1–4 that brings a fresh perspective on Paul’s response to church tension with important truths for...
Religiosity and Gospel Transmission
ISBN: 9781839739194
In this important missiological work, Dr. Chuang skilfully demonstrates that to better contextualize the gospel among Han Chinese in Taipei, Christians need to ask the questions that the people are asking to other deities in daily life and frame an exclusive Jesus in an inclusive way. Missiologists, practitioners, and pastors will all benefit from this practical, contextualized approach to...
Reconciliation as a Controversial Symbol
ISBN: 9781839738746
In this important study, Dr. Demaine Solomons provides a thorough conceptual analysis of the term “reconciliation” within the context of Christian discourse in South Africa. By exploring creative uses of the reconciliation concept, this study contributes to a nuanced understanding of its application in Christian contexts, offering a more complete version of how South Africa’s reconciliation...
Live to Be Forgotten
ISBN: 9781839739170
In this important study, Dr. Patrick Fung examines the life and work of Dixon Edward Hoste in his thirty-five years as general director of the CIM. Bringing fresh insights to this field of research, Dr. Fung shows us how the committed work of Hoste should be duly recognized as an integral part of the indigenous movement of modern Chinese Christianity.
To Die in Africa’s Dust
ISBN: 9781839735332
Christian mission in the modern era has generally been conceptualized as a Western endeavor: “from the West to the rest.” The rise and explosive growth of world Christianity has challenged this narrative, emphasizing Christian mission as “from everywhere to everywhere.” Dr. Las Newman contributes to this revitalized perspective, interrogating our understanding of modern missions history by...
Who Is “the God of This Age”?
ISBN: 9781839738784
How we interpret “the god of this age” in 2 Corinthians 4:4 has significant implications for Bible translations, our doctrines of God and Satan, and missiology. Is this about God or Satan? Dr. Ivor Poobalan illuminates this unique Pauline phrase through his comprehensive examination of the history of interpretation and careful exegesis rooted in the historical and literary contexts.
Integrated Mission
ISBN: 9781839737626
Dr. Sarah Nicholl asserts spirituality, now often seen as an individual rather than communal endeavour, has been disconnected from the missional practices in the Lausanne movement. In bringing together missiology, mission practice and spirituality, she joins a chorus of scholars calling for more integration between areas of theory and practice. This book defines this synergy as “integrated...
Towards a Contextualized Conceptualization of Social Justice for Post-Apartheid Namibia
ISBN: 9781839738791
The search for justice, beyond the basic political understanding, is profoundly theological and ethical. In this work, Dr. Basilius M. Kasera analyses the meaning of justice in post-apartheid Namibia from a biblical perspective.
Brotherhood in Christ
ISBN: 9781839737893
Traditional evangelical theology, with its emphasis on individual responsibility and the independence of faith communities, has often failed to offer a robust ecclesial vision for the unity of Christ’s church. Engaging this reality, Dr. Oleksandr Geychenko seeks to provide a theological framework for understanding the ecclesiological nature of Ukrainian Baptist church associations.
The Power and Purpose of Blood in God’s Design
ISBN: 9781839732560
How can Christians delve into the relationship between biblical law, narrative, and rituals to reconcile beliefs with cultural heritage? In this study, Dr. Cynthia Hsing-Wei Chang addresses the unfamiliar and impractical nature of Leviticus’s ritual teachings for Christians, particularly in the context of Chinese culture’s common practice of eating cooked blood pudding.
The Laws of the Imperialized
ISBN: 9781839738807
Using an integrated approach of postcolonial studies and historical-comparative analysis, this important study analyzes the relationship between the laws given to the Israelites on Mount Sinai and cuneiform law collections. Dr. Anna Lo skillfully integrates postcolonial understandings of the colonized people to explore how the similarities and differences reflect the imperialized authors’...
The Characterization of Peter’s Leadership and Ethics in Acts 1–12, 15
ISBN: 9781839738470
The world is in desperate need of trustworthy leaders – men and women of character, who demonstrate honesty, humility, courage, and compassion. Such leaders are crucial to the success and stability of governments, corporate bodies, institutions, and faith communities. In this study, Dr. Benea Alukwe explores the principles at work in Peter’s leadership of the early church as it transformed...
Uniqueness of the Concept of Witness in Lukan Writings within the Biblical Canon
ISBN: 9781839737916
Dr. Budiselić examines the concept of “witnessing” in the writings of Luke, contextualizing it within the larger framework of Scripture’s emphasis on revelation and testimony. Acknowledging the tendency within the Western church to emphasize moral transformation over physical, he reminds readers that Jesus’s kingdom ministry was accompanied by deeds as well as words. This book offers a...
Compassionate Intercultural Care Practices for Coping with Grief
ISBN: 9781839738401
As humans, we all express our grief differently. Acknowledging this truth, Dr. James Harrichand examines Old Testament accounts of grief and mourning alongside the experiences of marginalized Guyanese and Vietnamese immigrant communities in Canada. Here Dr. Harrichand presents five compassionate intercultural care practices for coping with grief, grounding each in the living hope of the...
Lived Experiences of Ideologies in Contextual Islam
ISBN: 9781839732324
There is a tendency within the study of Islam to prioritize religious ideology over the lived experiences of ordinary Muslims. While affirming the significance of such ideology, Dr. Judy Wanjiru Wang’ombe suggests that it is equally important to understand how Islamic teachings are actually lived out within Muslim communities. Utilizing a cognitive anthropological framework and drawing from...
Christian Mission in a Diverse British Urban Context
ISBN: 9781839738753
In the globalized twenty-first century, there is greater need than ever for intercultural approaches to advancing the gospel in multicultural urban contexts. In this book, Dr. Johnson Ambrose Afrane-Twum explores the history of African immigrant churches in the UK. Examining the implications of black theology in the context of Britain’s multicultural landscape, he offers suggestions for how...
Crucified and Cursed Christ
ISBN: 9781839738357
Offering powerful insight into aspects of contemporary African culture not always fully understood, Dr. Elkanah K. Cheboi examines the meaning and implications of the Pauline statement in Galatians that “Christ became a curse for us.” Drawing from biblical passages referencing judicial curses, and the widespread practice of cursing and blessing within the Ancient Near East and Greco-Roman...
Lived Islam in Africa and Its Missiological Implications for Pentecostals
ISBN: 9781839737466
This study explores the Muslim presence in Ghana, a nation once believed to be resistant to Islam, and analyses the missiological implications for Pentecostals, the fastest growing group of Christians in the country. Dr. Nuekpe examines the shared spiritual heritage of Ghanaian Pentecostals and folk Muslims within the broader context of African traditional religion. This study also challenges...
Seeing and Showing the Unseen
ISBN: 9781839737930
Exploring how the God of Scripture reveals himself through metaphor and imagery, Dr. Adam Szumorek utilizes Cognitive Linguistics to help students, teachers, and preachers understand how meaning is communicated in Scripture and conceptualized within the human brain. He provides a theological framework for applying Cognitive Linguistics in biblical exegesis, demonstrating its value in aiding...
Religion, Leadership and Development
ISBN: 9781839737923
Drawing on empirical research and utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that engages bothdevelopment and theology, this study explores the church’s role – both spiritual and pragmatic – infacilitating societal transformation in African countries, specifically Nigeria. Highlighting the importance of ecclesiastical leadership in mobilizing religious communities to partner with sociopolitical...
Evidence for the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Examined through Islamic Law
ISBN: 9781839737909
In this study, Dr. Madanat tests evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection against Islam’s fixed theocratic law of Sharia. Offering an overview of the evolution and constitution of Islamic law, Dr. Madanat examines how eyewitness testimonies and confessions in the New Testament hold up against Islam’s strict standards for evidence. This book engages with Islam and its sacred texts...
Development as Peace
ISBN: 9781839736452
The colonial definition of development has not served Africa well. While Western assessments have generally revolved around a nation’s GDP, infrastructure, and the like, African cultures, and the Yoruba people in particular, have traditionally measured development in relation to the amount of peace experienced in a society and the wellbeing of its people. In this study, Dr. Adegbile examines...
Byang Kato
ISBN: 9781839736674
In this in-depth study of the legacy of Byang Kato, Dr. Foday-Khabenje traces his extraordinary life from a boyhood immersed in African traditional religion to his conversion to Christianity as a young man, his global leadership within the evangelical church, and the long-lasting impact of his prophetic voice. In an age that seeks to de-emphasize the uniqueness of Christ, Kato’s testimony of...
Digital Media and Youth Discipleship
ISBN: 9781839736636
Today’s youth grow up immersed in digital technology. This presents a unique challenge to the church as it seeks to faithfully make disciples of the next generation. What does it look like – theologically and practically – to minister contextually to those whose lives are permeated by social media and digital culture? In this in-depth study, Dr. Vo Huong Nam offers both social and theological...
A Free Church in a Free State
ISBN: 9781839736520
How does Christ call his people to engage the societies, cultures, and politics of the nations they call home? Bridging cultures and time periods, Dr. Surya Harefa brings Abraham’s Kuyper’s ecclesiology to bear on questions of Japanese Christian engagement within the political sphere. Harefa offers a contextually robust exploration of evangelical Japanese approaches to ecclesiology and...
Post-mortem Divine Retribution
ISBN: 9781839736056
While a Christian understanding of divine judgement tends to focus on the afterlife, the Hebrew Bible is far more concerned with divine retribution as something experienced in this life. Yet if the same God enacts both, should there not be significant continuity between biblical accounts of divine retribution, whether experienced in this world or the hereafter? In this study, Dr. Angukali...
A Cross-Cultural Conceptual Study of the Emotion of קצף in the Hebrew Bible and the Folk Theory of the Emotion of Ngoò in the Kĩkamba Language
ISBN: 9781839732386
In this study, Dr. George Mbithi Mutuku brings to life a deeper understanding of emotion, specifically anger, in the Hebrew Bible. Utilizing frame semantics and undertaking a comparative study of קצף and ngoò as conceptualized in Hebrew and Akamba cultures, respectively, Mutuku argues that ngoò would have been the best rendering for the Hebrew concept קצף in the Kĩkamba Bible.
A Tapestry of Global Christology
ISBN: 9781839732362
Who is Jesus Christ in a context of violence and bloodshed? This is the question at the heart of Dr. Isuwa Atsen’s study of global Christology. Dr. Isuwa Atsen weaves together three diverse christological approaches, examining the intersection of contextual theology, analytic theology, and the theological interpretation of Scripture. This is an excellent resource for theologians, students, and...
Honor and Shame in 1 Samuel 1–7
ISBN: 9781839736032
For many cultures throughout history, honor and shame have been foundational concepts for understanding and evaluating reality. In this study of the first seven chapters of 1 Samuel, Dr. Bin Kang establishes that ancient Israel was such a culture. He demonstrates the narrator’s intentional juxtaposition of honor and shame at the beginning of Samuel’s narrative, and its role in establishing a...
“Silence” in Translation
ISBN: 9781839732164
The role of women in the church has long been a contentious topic for Christians. In this groundbreaking study, Dr. Anna Sui Hluan critically examines the understanding of “silence” within the Myanmar context, specifically as it impacts the church’s interpretation of 1 Corinthians 14:34–35. This interdisciplinary study combines cultural and linguistic awareness, a critical analysis of...
Baptism as an Event of Taking Responsibility
ISBN: 9781839732348
For those whose context is rich with cultural and communal rites of passage, how does the church ensure that baptism is not just another ritual, but is understood to be a deliberate participation of a Christian in an event that brings decisive change into the new life that Christ brings? In this study, Dr. Batibuka explores afresh Paul’s teaching on baptism demonstrating that it encompasses...
Contextualization and the Old Testament
ISBN: 9781839734137
Christianity is often viewed in Asia as a Western imposition. Challenging this, Dr. Jerry Hwang examines the Old Testament’s cultural engagement of its ancient Near Eastern context, arguing that Scripture itself provides the ultimate model for contextualizing theology in Asia.
This is an ideal resource for scholars and practitioners interested in a biblical perspective of contextualization,...
Faith That Indigenizes
ISBN: 9781839735875
In this important work, Dr. Vargas explores the interplay between Neo-Pentecostalism and Aimaran indigenous identity in La Paz, Bolivia, identifying how the integration of the two has led to social, political, and economic transformation. This study offers insight into the growing impact of the Neo-Pentecostal movement, both in Latin America and beyond, as well as the significant role of...
The Cross or Prosperity Gospel
ISBN: 9781839735356
Are Christians meant to experience suffering? Christ is risen, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, yet sickness, poverty, and persecution continue to be daily realities for Christians around the world. In this study of martyrdom and persecution in the early church, Rev. Dr. Boamah reminds us that there is no Christianity without a cross and that suffering has played a prominent role in church...
A Cry For Help
ISBN: 9781839735721
With tensions between Christians and non-Christians on the rise in many areas of the world, the question of how the church is to respond to religious violence is a pressing one, encompassing issues of ecclesiology, theology, and missiology. Dr. Dadang explores the contextual realities that have led some believers in Northern Nigeria to embrace violence as a justifiable response to persecution.
Paul’s Suffering and Weakness in 2 Corinthians
ISBN: 9781839735912
Missionary, theologian, and church leader, the apostle Paul is one of the giants of the Christian faith. He is also, Dr. Royal L. Pakhuongte suggests, a person who suffered from disability. Combining a disability perspective with rhetorical and sociological criticism, Pakhuongte explores 2 Corinthians through the lens of a disability hermeneutic.
Spirit-Empowered Witness
ISBN: 9781839735868
The witness of Jesus Christ and his disciples was accompanied by mighty words and mighty works. Drawing on the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. Gambo demonstrates that this power came from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, without which neither Jesus nor his disciples would have been able to fulfil their ministry. Gambo utilizes an exegetical analysis to develop a theology of...
Predictive Factors for Transformative Learning within ACTEA-Related Theological Institutions in Ethiopia
ISBN: 9781839732089
While most studies on the nature of transformative learning have been conducted from a Western perspective, Dr. Alemseged K. Alemu explores the concept within an African context. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, his study sheds light on effective educational practices within higher-level institutions, identifying four factors associated with holistic transformation and the role...
How Am I Going to Grow Up?
ISBN: 9781839732263
In this study, Dr. Enoch Wong explores the “silent exodus” of Canadian-born Chinese from their parents’ churches, tracing their journeys to negotiate their cultural, ethnic, and faith identities for themselves. This multi-case inquiry offers insight into the concerns of Canadian-born Chinese evangelicals and the cultural and generational conflicts that prompt them to search for new communities...
Reading Johannine Dramatic Irony through Ancient Dramatic Devices
ISBN: 9781839732409
When studying irony in the Gospel of John, scholars have largely relied on modern literary theories and anachronistic interpretive tools. In this book, Dr. Lee pushes beyond contemporary interpretations to examine the literary context of the Gospel’s original audience. Offering present-day readers a chance to encounter John’s Gospel through ancient eyes, this book holds valuable insight for...
The Universal Eschatological Worship of Jesus Christ in Paul’s Letter to the Philippians
ISBN: 9781839734328
Philippians 2:6–11 is one of the most significant christological passages to appear in Paul’s letters. Placing these verses against the backdrop of the Roman-imperial cult that flourished in Philippi, Dr. Surif examines Paul’s eschatological framework throughout Philippians – as well as its tradition within Jewish literature more broadly – and explores the implications for Christians called to...
Zhang Yijing (1871–1931) and the Search for a Chinese Christian Identity
ISBN: 9781839732188
Dr. Jue Wang explores an alternative roadmap for Chinese Christian identity in the writings of Zhang Yijing. Dr. Wang examines Zhang’s process of reconciling faith and culture in his quest to be both authentically Christian and authentically Chinese. This study offers a fascinating glimpse into the modern history of the Chinese church, while uncovering the significance of an often-overlooked...
Expository Preaching in a World of Spiritual Nominalism
ISBN: 9781839732232
The spiritual decay of nominalism threatens the church worldwide, yet little attention has been given to the role of homiletics in revitalizing a congregation’s spiritual health.
In this study, Dr. Johnson Raih explores the impact of preaching. He utilizes interviews and questionnaires to assess the presence of nominalism within church congregations, along with the effects of preaching on...
Journeys to New Life, Identity, and Community
ISBN: 9781839732119
In Journeys to New Life, Identity, and Community, Dr. Peter K. Yun explores the complexities of identity for Muslim background believers (MBBs) in Bangladesh. Encompassing scholarship surrounding contextualization and the insider movement, as well as extensive personal interviews with Bangladeshi MBBs, this book offers insight into the lived reality of following Christ within a Muslim context.
Work and Community in the Thessalonian Correspondence
ISBN: 9781839732393
Dr. Gift Mtukwa investigates the relationship between work and community in Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. Utilizing an African biblical hermeneutic, he provides a theology of work that takes seriously the communal nature of Paul’s context and its parallels with a traditional African worldview.
Women in Mission
ISBN: 9781839732096
Women in Mission explores the powerful legacy of women in SIM (formerly, Sudan Interior Mission) and the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), demonstrating that from the beginning women have been active and essential participants in the work of God in Nigeria. Dr. Lami Rikwe Ibrahim Bakari examines various theological and cultural frameworks for understanding the role of women in society...
Focalization in the Old Testament Narratives with Specific Examples from the Book of Ruth
ISBN: 9781839732157
Utilizing the work of Wolf Schmid and Valeri Tjupa to develop his methodology – and examining the book of Ruth as a case study – Nazarov demonstrates the value of focalization in furthering the appreciation and understanding of biblical texts. This is an excellent resource for students of narratology, biblical studies scholars, or anyone seeking to better understand the narratives of Scripture.
Sermon Listening
ISBN: 9781839732218
The purpose of preaching has always been to edify, encourage, and emphasize the positive effects of coming together as a people of God. Yet there remains an inconsistency between the intended goals of preaching and the subjective perception of the listeners. In this homiletical study, Dr. Enoh Šeba provides fresh insight into the “turn to the listener” model and offers a theologically...
Church and Mission in the Context of War
ISBN: 9781839730627
Dr. Eraston Kambale Kighoma traces the survival and theological development of the Baptist Church in Central Africa over a twenty-year period of conflict. Utilizing a combination of descriptive, contextual and integrative approaches, he examines the effect of war on the church’s theology in action, especially its understanding and practice of mission. This study sheds new light on existing...
Revelation and Grace
ISBN: 9781839732195
Our globalized world, with its increasingly pluralistic societies, necessitates a theological framework that enables Christians to embrace their neighbors without compromising the essential components of their own faith. In this book, Dr. Djung explores the ways in which Hendrik Kraemer’s theology of religions offers the church such a framework. By placing Kraemer in conversation with other...
Dialogue of Life
ISBN: 9781839732171
The status of the global church is often that of a sociopolitical minority, at odds politically, religiously, and socially with the nations that encompass it. In such contexts, how is the church to faithfully uphold its missional calling?
In this in-depth study of Chinese Christians living in Sabah, Malaysia, Dr. Khee-Vun Lin engages missiology and political theology to address the practical...
From Theology of Transparency to Theology of Coexistence
ISBN: 9781839732225
The Egyptian church has long existed as a minority within a nation dominated by the political, religious, and cultural power of Islam. In this book, Andrea Zaki Stephanous explores the complex relationship that exists between the church and the Egyptian state, tracing the impact of recent political, theological, and societal developments on Christian engagement with broader Egyptian society.
Dostoevsky’s Convictional Theology Expressed in His Life and Literature
ISBN: 9781839732027
Utilizing James William McClendon’s conception of biography as theology, Dr. Dumitru Sevastian explores the lived convictions that emerge from three distinct periods in Dostoevsky’s life, the pre-Siberian, Siberian, and post-Siberian, each represented by one of his novels. What emerges is a powerful expression of faith formed in community and tempered in suffering, an example relevant to all...
A Complementary Approach to the Interpretation and Translation of Biblical Metaphors
ISBN: 9781839730603
In this in-depth study, Peter Kamande Thuo explores the complexity of accurately understanding, interpreting, and translating Scripture, especially biblical metaphors. Engaging the need for a stronger theoretical framework for conceptualizing and communicating metaphors across languages, Dr Thuo proposes a complementary approach that utilizes relevance theory to bridge gaps presented by...
Biblical Shalom for Sustainable Holistic Transformational Development in Nigeria
ISBN: 9781839730542
In this important contribution, Dr. Stephen Yashim reviews the participatory, problem-solving approaches commonly utilized by Christian relief and development organizations in Nigeria. In order for rural communities to progressively experience biblical shalom, they must be equipped to examine and articulate their own perspective on development while also engaging with biblical perspectives....
Interpersonal Reconciliation between Christians in a Shame-Oriented Culture
ISBN: 9781783688098
In this Sri Lankan case study, Dr Mano Emmanuel examines the specifics of interpersonal conflict within a shame-oriented culture. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, she incorporates cultural anthropology, missiology, and communication studies into her analysis, identifying seven aspects of culture that must be addressed if reconciliation is to be fully experienced in the Sri Lankan church.
God With Us and Without Us, Volumes One and Two
ISBN: 9781783687589
In this combined work Dr Imad Shehadeh demonstrates the inevitability of the Trinity by exposing the conflict that Absolute Oneness faced historically. Dr Shehadeh presents the beautiful logic of the Trinity and explains how the display of God’s attributes in creation derives from the self-sustaining relationships in his triune nature as Father, Spirit and Son. The book climaxes in revealing...
Faith-Integrated Being, Knowing, and Doing
ISBN: 9781839730528
In this holistic study of the integration of faith and learning, Dr. Sarinah Lo challenges the Western tendency to privilege knowing over being and doing. In the context of Indonesian higher education, Dr. Lo addresses the cognitive, affective, spiritual, relational, and vocational aspects of human nature. She demonstrates that effective integration of faith and learning must reach beyond the...
By What Authority?
ISBN: 9781783687879
Hostile encounters between Jesus and Jewish leaders are found throughout the Gospel of Matthew. Yet these encounters are rarely explored holistically, nor is attention given to the reason for their prominence in the Matthean text. In By What Authority?, Dr Rebecca Ye-Atkinson examines seventeen distinct moments of conflict in the first gospel, exploring the function of each narrative in light...
The Fellowship of the Throne in John’s Apocalypse
ISBN: 9781783687633
What relevance does the book of Revelation hold for our lived reality within secular societies? In this book, Dr Fabián Santiago explores concepts of authority, society, and political power against the backdrop of the Apocalypse and in conversation with Oliver O’Donovan’s political theology. An excellent resource for students of political theory and theology, Christology, and biblical...
A Christian Theology of Suffering in the Context of Theravada Buddhism in Thailand
ISBN: 9781783687862
Grounding his work in a trinitarian comparative theology of religions, Satanun Boonyakiat explores the ways in which Buddhist teachings on suffering can challenge, enrich, and deepen a Christian perspective. Dr Boonyakiat suggests a Christian theology of suffering relevant to the people of Thailand, both Christian and Buddhist alike, must move beyond a traditional, western emphasis on...
Catalyzing Reader-Response to the Oral Gospel
ISBN: 9781839730078
Dr. Mwaniki Karura provides fresh insight into the Gospel of Mark, its audience, and its purpose in this in-depth study of the Markan text and its oral context. Through careful analysis of the rhetorical layers in Mark, Karura establishes the use of Old Testament quotations, miracle stories, and the passion narratives as tools to galvanize its readers’ response to the oral gospel they had...
The Beasts, the Graves, and the Ghosts
ISBN: 9781783687893
This book explores the significance of contextualized preaching within the Chinese context. Against the backdrop of three festivals – the Spring Festival, the Qing Ming Festival, and the Hungry Ghost Festival – Tan examines the practices of six experienced Chinese preachers in order to demonstrate the theological and practical importance of contextualized preaching. Tan suggests six main...
The Conversion of Igbo Christians to Islam
ISBN: 9781783687794
Often considered a Christian heartland in Nigeria, Igboland has recently seen a dramatic increase in Igbo Christians converting to Islam. Yet there has been minimal research into the growth of Islam in the area and the implications this has for Christianity in the region. Addressing this need, Dr Chinyere Felicia Priest provides a detailed exploration of Igbo converts’ reasons for conversion...
Engaging Politics in Myanmar
ISBN: 9781783687817
In this book, Dr Aung Htoo places Walter Wink’s political theology in conversation with both Aung San Suu Kyi and the work of Martin Luther King Jr. Locating this dialogue against the political backdrop of Myanmar’s history, Htoo explores the theological and political implications of nonviolence in the cultural context of the country’s people groups. He draws on the shared Buddhist and...
Christianity in Central Tanzania
ISBN: 9781783687787
This book underscores the significance of oral tradition in African historiography and challenges the claim that foreign missionaries succeeded in destroying African cultures, when they are in fact alive and well. This much-needed research also provides a model for dialogue between the perspective of Christian missions and that of African religious and social heritage in order to continue...
Theology of Reconciliation in the Context of Church Relations
ISBN: 9781783687725
Built on an in-depth analysis of three Palestinian church splits, this text examines the cultural and theological implications of intra-church conflict in Arab evangelical communities in Israel. Translating Miroslav Volf’s formative theology of reconciliation into her contemporary Palestinian context, Dr Mansour provides an evaluation of both Volf’s theory and Palestinian peacemaking models....
The Concept of Divine Sovereignty in Micah
ISBN: 9781783687688
In this careful explication of the minor prophet, Dr Semwayo challenges those who would question the text’s unity, revealing Micah as a powerful theological reflection on the reestablishment of Yahweh’s sovereignty on earth. Connecting the Zion/Davidic traditions to the Abrahamic covenant, Semwayo articulates a vision of hope that is as relevant for us in the twenty-first century as it was for...
Cultural Integration and the Gospel in Vietnamese Mission Theology
ISBN: 9781783687381
Dr KimSon Nguyen navigates the religio-cultural dimensions of Vietnamese spirituality and Daoism that have hindered the assimilation of the Christian faith in the Vietnamese context and explores a fresh approach to missiology in Vietnam. Narrowing the gap between culturally removed evangelical missionary practice and widespread syncretistic spirituality in Vietnam, Nguyen calls for a paradigm...
The Theology of the Hebrew Bible
ISBN: 9781783687305
This introduction sets out to make the implicit explicit, exploring the impact of philosophical thought on Old Testament theology’s most influential thinkers. Providing an overview of the discipline’s development, Professor Hanes traces the intellectual and social currents that shaped Old Testament theology from early church history to today.
Russian Baptist Mission Theology in Historical and Contemporary Perspective
ISBN: 9781783687473
Kravtsev suggests five themes for facilitating the transition of Russian Baptist mission theology from the late-Soviet model of eschatological escapism, to a holistic, missional evangelicalism. This book places evangelical mission in contemporary Russian socio-political and ideological contexts, providing an important contribution for leading churches to a renewed missionary encounter with...
Perception and Identity
ISBN: 9781783686346
Ethiopia is an icon of freedom and indigenous Christianity across Africa due to its historic independence, ancient Christian identity and rich religious heritage. However, Ethiopia and its various Christian denominations have their own understandings of this identity and how these communities relate to one another. In this detailed study, Dr Seblewengel Daniel explores the perception and...
Pursuing an Elusive Unity
ISBN: 9781783686445
Dr Munyenyembe skillfully explores both historic and contemporary challenges to the unity of the CCAP, and raises the question of whether the CCAP truly functions as a single denomination or could better be understood as a loose federation of five distinct churches. In this objective yet astute account, Munyenyembe gives voice to the CCAP’s complex history, present reality, and future potential.
Jesus Christ as Ancestor
ISBN: 9781783687169
Dr Turbi Luka uses historical-theological methodology to engage in detail with Christologies of key African theologians and conventional theological sources for Christology, including the church fathers Tertullian and Athanasius as well as modern theologians. This crucial study highlights the need for biblically rooted Christology and for sound theological understanding and naming of Jesus at...
God Is One
ISBN: 9781783685769
Dr Kuhn explores the teachings of two Arab Christian theologians from the Abbasid Era (750–1250), ʿAbd Allāh Ibn al-Ṭayyib and Iliyyā of Nisibis, and how they defended the Christian view of God as three-in-one in the Muslim milieu and in reference to the Islamic concept of tawḥīd, that God is indivisibly one. The intellectual contribution of these two Christian thinkers in the Muslim Golden...
Theology of Participation
ISBN: 9781783686384
Dr Oprean explores how existing theological resources can be used to enhance theological discourse between Baptist and Orthodox traditions in Romania through in-depth analysis of the thought of British Baptist theologian, Professor Paul Fiddes, and Romanian Orthodox theologian, Father Dumitru Stăniloae. Presented as a conversation between the two traditions this study is a model for how...
The Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches
ISBN: 9781783685899
Go presents the growth of evangelicalism in the Philippines from 1898 to 2000, looking at the formation of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches and motivating factors of founding members. Go brings insights on the impact that American issues had on the Philippine church. Through detailed explanation of the interaction and influence of the modernist/liberal, fundamental, and...
The Evolution of Legislation on Religious Offences
ISBN: 9781783685424
Dr F. A. Nazir places the discussion of offences relating to religion in the historical context of the south Asian subcontinent, the institution of penal codes in British India during the colonial period, and developments in legislation after 1947 independence and the creation of the state of Pakistan and in postcolonialism. Nazir’s thorough and rigorous historical research brings important...
A Different Way of Being
ISBN: 9781783685806
David Tarus humbly yet boldly challenges Kenyans to pursue national unity and peace by interrogating their allegiances to their ethnic communities and political parties. Carefully arguing why it is only a Christian identity, commitment to humanity as bearing the divine image, and the triune God himself, that can heal the divisions in this land. Ethnopolitical conflict is not confined to one...
African Traditions Meeting Islam
ISBN: 9781783685431
In many communities across the world traditional beliefs and practices are passed down generations and are a feature of day-to-day life, despite the influence of outside sources. Focusing on Luo Muslims in Kenya, Dr Lawrence Oseje looks at the interaction of Islam and traditional Luo practices, especially those around death and burial.
Gender and Development
ISBN: 9781783684892
Dr Onyango uses gender as a tool to provide a detailed analysis of the role of Christian missions in the education, and societal development, of girls in Kenya. Highlighting the interaction between Christian missionaries and African culture, Onyango skilfully explores the history of both Christianity and women in Kenya. The result of this study is a thorough and engaging contribution to...
Women and Pride
ISBN: 9781783685301
Dr Huang provides a thorough analysis and examination of both the Niebuhrian and feminist understandings of sin, highlighting the strengths and limitations of both arguments. Through her research and interaction with women’s testimonies, Huang’s argument bridges these two competing views of women and sin resulting in a more accurate understanding and application of the theology of sin,...
Translating Nephesh in the Psalms into Chinese
ISBN: 9781783684694
This interdisciplinary study tackles the controversy of translating nephesh ( נפֶֶשׁ ) by using an intergenerational translation team to deepen our understanding of this term and providing a more valuable translation in Chinese, especially for use in specialist Children’s Bibles. This book provides important lessons for the many translation projects working towards Children’s Bibles but also...
The Development of Vocational Stewardship among Indonesian Christian Professionals
ISBN: 9781783684656
In this thorough study, Dr Harjanto explores the formational elements of the integration of faith, work and mission among Indonesian Christian professionals, through careful analysis and evaluation. The resulting book is an educational perspective on the theology of work and mission. If the church of Jesus Christ is to have the transformational impact that we know the world is in such...
The Pharisees in Matthew 23 Reconsidered
ISBN: 9781783684380
Layang defends and analyses the view that the actions of the Pharisees, and the condemnation they receive in Matthew 23 are consistent with the context of Jesus’s time on earth. Layang tackles the dating controversy of the Pharisees in this chapter and the chapter's subsequent authenticity. An interesting and in-depth study that credits Matthew 23 as historically reliable and authoritative as...
Jesus’s Identification with the Marginalized and the Liminal
ISBN: 9781783684304
The first-century Judaic understanding of the identity and nature of the Messiah has been a much-debated topic among biblical scholars and preachers alike. So too has the messianic identity and nature of Jesus himself. Deboch informs these debates with fresh evidence outside traditional references to miracles, and supernatural identifications by demons and God himself. This book brings...
Transforming Missiology
ISBN: 9781783683642
Dr Lygunda provides a thorough analysis of missiological teaching in theological education institutes in Africa, with special reference to three Christian universities in Democratic Republic of Congo. His detailed examination of current teaching of mission theory and praxis forms the solid foundation for his articulation of a new paradigm of missiological education. In this study Lygunda...
Japanese Understanding of Salvation
ISBN: 9781783683703
The dominating worldview in Japan is deeply animistic. Beliefs such as the Japanese mana-concept, ki (気) and the concept of God/god(s), kami (神), are pervasive among Japanese, fundamentally influencing their society. Dr Heißwolf, critically examines the animism in Japan in light of core Christian beliefs.This meticulous study is framed squarely within missiological thought and praxis so...
Context and Contextuality
ISBN: 9781783683963
Tsvirinko examines the holism, authenticity and contextuality of mission work done by churches in the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association in America. He defines authentic mission in light of three major Christian groups and uncovers startling insights on how these churches engage in mission back in their homeland and in America. The conclusions are invaluable to diasporic Christian...
The Structure and Function of the Prologue of Judges
ISBN: 9781783683079
Yohannes Sahile tackles the problem of Judges’ prologue, proposing that it is a single introduction with a narrative trajectory that begins with the death of Joshua. Judges 1:1–3:6 is often understood as a double introduction to the book, but here Dr Sahile presents a well-argued alternative. He thoroughly dissects the passage in question, adding to ongoing scholarship of Judges and bringing...
Forgiveness and Politics
ISBN: 9781783683550
Forgiveness and politics are often assumed to be unrelated and un-relatable. This study not only argues that forgiveness and politics can be related, but also that they are intrinsically related. It also critiques standard approaches and proposals for relating forgiveness and politics while offering an alternative proposal for the relationship between forgiveness and politics. In making the...
Heaven and Earth in Luke-Acts
ISBN: 9781783683475
Focusing on several key passages from the biblical canon, Gao analyses them in their Jewish, Greco-Roman and broader literary contexts to enhance our comprehension of the meaning of “heaven" and it’s significance for our worldview. Dr Gao also elucidates how heaven, as well as being part of reality, acts as a concept that points to the arrival of God’s eschatological kingdom on earth. This...
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Mission drift is a constant threat to any parachurch organization trying to remain “mission true” and “holistically relevant” in this post-Christian society. This insightful investigation into seven Christian NGOs and NPOs seeks to reveal the underlying reasons and motivations for moving towards mission drift. A must-read for missionaries, pastors, and leaders in parachurch organizations...
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Considering the broader canonical context, Dr. Hulisani Ramantswana challenges the standard interpretation of Genesis 1–3 and argues that the goodness of creation does not imply perfection, but instead infers its functionality. Proposing an alternative reading, he contends the hope in a new heaven and new earth suggests a radical transformation of the “good” creation instead of merely a...
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Diaspora churches are positioned to have a tremendous capacity for missions as they practice their faith in the Western world, yet why do they fail to develop effective strategies to break out of their inwardly locked ministries? Addressing this question, Dr. Korcho offers a thorough examination of Ethiopian diaspora churches in the United States, encompassing their historical, sociological,...
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In this study, Dr. Endale G. Ousman skilfully explores the benefits of developing culturally contextualized leadership training programs that are relevant, accessible, and instructed in the mother tongue. Directed towards formal theological institutions engaged in the training and development of Christian leaders, this work encourages evaluation of the existing Western institution’s cultural...
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Christian theology needs to better understand how different religions, together with their cultural practices, can function as a channel through which the one, true God can reveal himself. In this erudite and thought-provoking work, Dr. Jalal S. L. delves into the revelatory presence of God, which manifests itself in diverse ways across cultures, traditions, and religions. Scholars and...
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In this important addition to Pauline scholarship on 1 Corinthians, Dr. Vuyani Stanley Sindo brings fresh insight to how Paul’s use of the “in Christ” terminology supports his argument on leadership and community. This compelling and biblically rooted work will help Christians to understand the dangers of division within the church and how Christian leaders can overcome these divisions by...
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The problems of boasting, division, and human wisdom are apparent in 1 Corinthians 1–4. Addressing their interrelated nature, Dr. Richard Rojas argues they are rooted in a false understanding of wisdom. In this detailed study, he presents a sociological and rhetorical analysis of 1 Corinthians 1–4 that brings a fresh perspective on Paul’s response to church tension with important truths for...
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In this important missiological work, Dr. Chuang skilfully demonstrates that to better contextualize the gospel among Han Chinese in Taipei, Christians need to ask the questions that the people are asking to other deities in daily life and frame an exclusive Jesus in an inclusive way. Missiologists, practitioners, and pastors will all benefit from this practical, contextualized approach to...
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In this important study, Dr. Demaine Solomons provides a thorough conceptual analysis of the term “reconciliation” within the context of Christian discourse in South Africa. By exploring creative uses of the reconciliation concept, this study contributes to a nuanced understanding of its application in Christian contexts, offering a more complete version of how South Africa’s reconciliation...
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In this important study, Dr. Patrick Fung examines the life and work of Dixon Edward Hoste in his thirty-five years as general director of the CIM. Bringing fresh insights to this field of research, Dr. Fung shows us how the committed work of Hoste should be duly recognized as an integral part of the indigenous movement of modern Chinese Christianity.
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Christian mission in the modern era has generally been conceptualized as a Western endeavor: “from the West to the rest.” The rise and explosive growth of world Christianity has challenged this narrative, emphasizing Christian mission as “from everywhere to everywhere.” Dr. Las Newman contributes to this revitalized perspective, interrogating our understanding of modern missions history by...
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How we interpret “the god of this age” in 2 Corinthians 4:4 has significant implications for Bible translations, our doctrines of God and Satan, and missiology. Is this about God or Satan? Dr. Ivor Poobalan illuminates this unique Pauline phrase through his comprehensive examination of the history of interpretation and careful exegesis rooted in the historical and literary contexts.
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Dr. Sarah Nicholl asserts spirituality, now often seen as an individual rather than communal endeavour, has been disconnected from the missional practices in the Lausanne movement. In bringing together missiology, mission practice and spirituality, she joins a chorus of scholars calling for more integration between areas of theory and practice. This book defines this synergy as “integrated...
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The search for justice, beyond the basic political understanding, is profoundly theological and ethical. In this work, Dr. Basilius M. Kasera analyses the meaning of justice in post-apartheid Namibia from a biblical perspective.
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Traditional evangelical theology, with its emphasis on individual responsibility and the independence of faith communities, has often failed to offer a robust ecclesial vision for the unity of Christ’s church. Engaging this reality, Dr. Oleksandr Geychenko seeks to provide a theological framework for understanding the ecclesiological nature of Ukrainian Baptist church associations.
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How can Christians delve into the relationship between biblical law, narrative, and rituals to reconcile beliefs with cultural heritage? In this study, Dr. Cynthia Hsing-Wei Chang addresses the unfamiliar and impractical nature of Leviticus’s ritual teachings for Christians, particularly in the context of Chinese culture’s common practice of eating cooked blood pudding.
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Using an integrated approach of postcolonial studies and historical-comparative analysis, this important study analyzes the relationship between the laws given to the Israelites on Mount Sinai and cuneiform law collections. Dr. Anna Lo skillfully integrates postcolonial understandings of the colonized people to explore how the similarities and differences reflect the imperialized authors’...
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The world is in desperate need of trustworthy leaders – men and women of character, who demonstrate honesty, humility, courage, and compassion. Such leaders are crucial to the success and stability of governments, corporate bodies, institutions, and faith communities. In this study, Dr. Benea Alukwe explores the principles at work in Peter’s leadership of the early church as it transformed...
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Dr. Budiselić examines the concept of “witnessing” in the writings of Luke, contextualizing it within the larger framework of Scripture’s emphasis on revelation and testimony. Acknowledging the tendency within the Western church to emphasize moral transformation over physical, he reminds readers that Jesus’s kingdom ministry was accompanied by deeds as well as words. This book offers a...
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As humans, we all express our grief differently. Acknowledging this truth, Dr. James Harrichand examines Old Testament accounts of grief and mourning alongside the experiences of marginalized Guyanese and Vietnamese immigrant communities in Canada. Here Dr. Harrichand presents five compassionate intercultural care practices for coping with grief, grounding each in the living hope of the...
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There is a tendency within the study of Islam to prioritize religious ideology over the lived experiences of ordinary Muslims. While affirming the significance of such ideology, Dr. Judy Wanjiru Wang’ombe suggests that it is equally important to understand how Islamic teachings are actually lived out within Muslim communities. Utilizing a cognitive anthropological framework and drawing from...
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In the globalized twenty-first century, there is greater need than ever for intercultural approaches to advancing the gospel in multicultural urban contexts. In this book, Dr. Johnson Ambrose Afrane-Twum explores the history of African immigrant churches in the UK. Examining the implications of black theology in the context of Britain’s multicultural landscape, he offers suggestions for how...
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Offering powerful insight into aspects of contemporary African culture not always fully understood, Dr. Elkanah K. Cheboi examines the meaning and implications of the Pauline statement in Galatians that “Christ became a curse for us.” Drawing from biblical passages referencing judicial curses, and the widespread practice of cursing and blessing within the Ancient Near East and Greco-Roman...
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This study explores the Muslim presence in Ghana, a nation once believed to be resistant to Islam, and analyses the missiological implications for Pentecostals, the fastest growing group of Christians in the country. Dr. Nuekpe examines the shared spiritual heritage of Ghanaian Pentecostals and folk Muslims within the broader context of African traditional religion. This study also challenges...
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Exploring how the God of Scripture reveals himself through metaphor and imagery, Dr. Adam Szumorek utilizes Cognitive Linguistics to help students, teachers, and preachers understand how meaning is communicated in Scripture and conceptualized within the human brain. He provides a theological framework for applying Cognitive Linguistics in biblical exegesis, demonstrating its value in aiding...
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Drawing on empirical research and utilizing an interdisciplinary approach that engages bothdevelopment and theology, this study explores the church’s role – both spiritual and pragmatic – infacilitating societal transformation in African countries, specifically Nigeria. Highlighting the importance of ecclesiastical leadership in mobilizing religious communities to partner with sociopolitical...
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In this study, Dr. Madanat tests evidence for the crucifixion and resurrection against Islam’s fixed theocratic law of Sharia. Offering an overview of the evolution and constitution of Islamic law, Dr. Madanat examines how eyewitness testimonies and confessions in the New Testament hold up against Islam’s strict standards for evidence. This book engages with Islam and its sacred texts...
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The colonial definition of development has not served Africa well. While Western assessments have generally revolved around a nation’s GDP, infrastructure, and the like, African cultures, and the Yoruba people in particular, have traditionally measured development in relation to the amount of peace experienced in a society and the wellbeing of its people. In this study, Dr. Adegbile examines...
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In this in-depth study of the legacy of Byang Kato, Dr. Foday-Khabenje traces his extraordinary life from a boyhood immersed in African traditional religion to his conversion to Christianity as a young man, his global leadership within the evangelical church, and the long-lasting impact of his prophetic voice. In an age that seeks to de-emphasize the uniqueness of Christ, Kato’s testimony of...
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Today’s youth grow up immersed in digital technology. This presents a unique challenge to the church as it seeks to faithfully make disciples of the next generation. What does it look like – theologically and practically – to minister contextually to those whose lives are permeated by social media and digital culture? In this in-depth study, Dr. Vo Huong Nam offers both social and theological...
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How does Christ call his people to engage the societies, cultures, and politics of the nations they call home? Bridging cultures and time periods, Dr. Surya Harefa brings Abraham’s Kuyper’s ecclesiology to bear on questions of Japanese Christian engagement within the political sphere. Harefa offers a contextually robust exploration of evangelical Japanese approaches to ecclesiology and...
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While a Christian understanding of divine judgement tends to focus on the afterlife, the Hebrew Bible is far more concerned with divine retribution as something experienced in this life. Yet if the same God enacts both, should there not be significant continuity between biblical accounts of divine retribution, whether experienced in this world or the hereafter? In this study, Dr. Angukali...
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In this study, Dr. George Mbithi Mutuku brings to life a deeper understanding of emotion, specifically anger, in the Hebrew Bible. Utilizing frame semantics and undertaking a comparative study of קצף and ngoò as conceptualized in Hebrew and Akamba cultures, respectively, Mutuku argues that ngoò would have been the best rendering for the Hebrew concept קצף in the Kĩkamba Bible.
- A Tapestry of Global ChristologyISBN: 9781839732362£21.99
Who is Jesus Christ in a context of violence and bloodshed? This is the question at the heart of Dr. Isuwa Atsen’s study of global Christology. Dr. Isuwa Atsen weaves together three diverse christological approaches, examining the intersection of contextual theology, analytic theology, and the theological interpretation of Scripture. This is an excellent resource for theologians, students, and...
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For many cultures throughout history, honor and shame have been foundational concepts for understanding and evaluating reality. In this study of the first seven chapters of 1 Samuel, Dr. Bin Kang establishes that ancient Israel was such a culture. He demonstrates the narrator’s intentional juxtaposition of honor and shame at the beginning of Samuel’s narrative, and its role in establishing a...
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The role of women in the church has long been a contentious topic for Christians. In this groundbreaking study, Dr. Anna Sui Hluan critically examines the understanding of “silence” within the Myanmar context, specifically as it impacts the church’s interpretation of 1 Corinthians 14:34–35. This interdisciplinary study combines cultural and linguistic awareness, a critical analysis of...
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For those whose context is rich with cultural and communal rites of passage, how does the church ensure that baptism is not just another ritual, but is understood to be a deliberate participation of a Christian in an event that brings decisive change into the new life that Christ brings? In this study, Dr. Batibuka explores afresh Paul’s teaching on baptism demonstrating that it encompasses...
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Christianity is often viewed in Asia as a Western imposition. Challenging this, Dr. Jerry Hwang examines the Old Testament’s cultural engagement of its ancient Near Eastern context, arguing that Scripture itself provides the ultimate model for contextualizing theology in Asia.
This is an ideal resource for scholars and practitioners interested in a biblical perspective of contextualization,...
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In this important work, Dr. Vargas explores the interplay between Neo-Pentecostalism and Aimaran indigenous identity in La Paz, Bolivia, identifying how the integration of the two has led to social, political, and economic transformation. This study offers insight into the growing impact of the Neo-Pentecostal movement, both in Latin America and beyond, as well as the significant role of...
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Are Christians meant to experience suffering? Christ is risen, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, yet sickness, poverty, and persecution continue to be daily realities for Christians around the world. In this study of martyrdom and persecution in the early church, Rev. Dr. Boamah reminds us that there is no Christianity without a cross and that suffering has played a prominent role in church...
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With tensions between Christians and non-Christians on the rise in many areas of the world, the question of how the church is to respond to religious violence is a pressing one, encompassing issues of ecclesiology, theology, and missiology. Dr. Dadang explores the contextual realities that have led some believers in Northern Nigeria to embrace violence as a justifiable response to persecution.
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Missionary, theologian, and church leader, the apostle Paul is one of the giants of the Christian faith. He is also, Dr. Royal L. Pakhuongte suggests, a person who suffered from disability. Combining a disability perspective with rhetorical and sociological criticism, Pakhuongte explores 2 Corinthians through the lens of a disability hermeneutic.
- Spirit-Empowered WitnessISBN: 9781839735868£14.99
The witness of Jesus Christ and his disciples was accompanied by mighty words and mighty works. Drawing on the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. Gambo demonstrates that this power came from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, without which neither Jesus nor his disciples would have been able to fulfil their ministry. Gambo utilizes an exegetical analysis to develop a theology of...
- Predictive Factors for Transformative Learning within ACTEA-Related Theological Institutions in EthiopiaISBN: 9781839732089£19.99
While most studies on the nature of transformative learning have been conducted from a Western perspective, Dr. Alemseged K. Alemu explores the concept within an African context. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, his study sheds light on effective educational practices within higher-level institutions, identifying four factors associated with holistic transformation and the role...
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In this study, Dr. Enoch Wong explores the “silent exodus” of Canadian-born Chinese from their parents’ churches, tracing their journeys to negotiate their cultural, ethnic, and faith identities for themselves. This multi-case inquiry offers insight into the concerns of Canadian-born Chinese evangelicals and the cultural and generational conflicts that prompt them to search for new communities...
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When studying irony in the Gospel of John, scholars have largely relied on modern literary theories and anachronistic interpretive tools. In this book, Dr. Lee pushes beyond contemporary interpretations to examine the literary context of the Gospel’s original audience. Offering present-day readers a chance to encounter John’s Gospel through ancient eyes, this book holds valuable insight for...
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Philippians 2:6–11 is one of the most significant christological passages to appear in Paul’s letters. Placing these verses against the backdrop of the Roman-imperial cult that flourished in Philippi, Dr. Surif examines Paul’s eschatological framework throughout Philippians – as well as its tradition within Jewish literature more broadly – and explores the implications for Christians called to...
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Dr. Jue Wang explores an alternative roadmap for Chinese Christian identity in the writings of Zhang Yijing. Dr. Wang examines Zhang’s process of reconciling faith and culture in his quest to be both authentically Christian and authentically Chinese. This study offers a fascinating glimpse into the modern history of the Chinese church, while uncovering the significance of an often-overlooked...
- Expository Preaching in a World of Spiritual NominalismISBN: 9781839732232£28.99
The spiritual decay of nominalism threatens the church worldwide, yet little attention has been given to the role of homiletics in revitalizing a congregation’s spiritual health.
In this study, Dr. Johnson Raih explores the impact of preaching. He utilizes interviews and questionnaires to assess the presence of nominalism within church congregations, along with the effects of preaching on...
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In Journeys to New Life, Identity, and Community, Dr. Peter K. Yun explores the complexities of identity for Muslim background believers (MBBs) in Bangladesh. Encompassing scholarship surrounding contextualization and the insider movement, as well as extensive personal interviews with Bangladeshi MBBs, this book offers insight into the lived reality of following Christ within a Muslim context.
- Work and Community in the Thessalonian CorrespondenceISBN: 9781839732393£21.99
Dr. Gift Mtukwa investigates the relationship between work and community in Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians. Utilizing an African biblical hermeneutic, he provides a theology of work that takes seriously the communal nature of Paul’s context and its parallels with a traditional African worldview.
- Women in MissionISBN: 9781839732096£19.99
Women in Mission explores the powerful legacy of women in SIM (formerly, Sudan Interior Mission) and the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), demonstrating that from the beginning women have been active and essential participants in the work of God in Nigeria. Dr. Lami Rikwe Ibrahim Bakari examines various theological and cultural frameworks for understanding the role of women in society...
- Focalization in the Old Testament Narratives with Specific Examples from the Book of RuthISBN: 9781839732157£24.99
Utilizing the work of Wolf Schmid and Valeri Tjupa to develop his methodology – and examining the book of Ruth as a case study – Nazarov demonstrates the value of focalization in furthering the appreciation and understanding of biblical texts. This is an excellent resource for students of narratology, biblical studies scholars, or anyone seeking to better understand the narratives of Scripture.
- Sermon ListeningISBN: 9781839732218£24.99
The purpose of preaching has always been to edify, encourage, and emphasize the positive effects of coming together as a people of God. Yet there remains an inconsistency between the intended goals of preaching and the subjective perception of the listeners. In this homiletical study, Dr. Enoh Šeba provides fresh insight into the “turn to the listener” model and offers a theologically...
- Church and Mission in the Context of WarISBN: 9781839730627£24.99
Dr. Eraston Kambale Kighoma traces the survival and theological development of the Baptist Church in Central Africa over a twenty-year period of conflict. Utilizing a combination of descriptive, contextual and integrative approaches, he examines the effect of war on the church’s theology in action, especially its understanding and practice of mission. This study sheds new light on existing...
- Revelation and GraceISBN: 9781839732195£21.99
Our globalized world, with its increasingly pluralistic societies, necessitates a theological framework that enables Christians to embrace their neighbors without compromising the essential components of their own faith. In this book, Dr. Djung explores the ways in which Hendrik Kraemer’s theology of religions offers the church such a framework. By placing Kraemer in conversation with other...
- Dialogue of LifeISBN: 9781839732171£19.99
The status of the global church is often that of a sociopolitical minority, at odds politically, religiously, and socially with the nations that encompass it. In such contexts, how is the church to faithfully uphold its missional calling?
In this in-depth study of Chinese Christians living in Sabah, Malaysia, Dr. Khee-Vun Lin engages missiology and political theology to address the practical...
- From Theology of Transparency to Theology of CoexistenceISBN: 9781839732225£15.99
The Egyptian church has long existed as a minority within a nation dominated by the political, religious, and cultural power of Islam. In this book, Andrea Zaki Stephanous explores the complex relationship that exists between the church and the Egyptian state, tracing the impact of recent political, theological, and societal developments on Christian engagement with broader Egyptian society.
- Dostoevsky’s Convictional Theology Expressed in His Life and LiteratureISBN: 9781839732027£24.99
Utilizing James William McClendon’s conception of biography as theology, Dr. Dumitru Sevastian explores the lived convictions that emerge from three distinct periods in Dostoevsky’s life, the pre-Siberian, Siberian, and post-Siberian, each represented by one of his novels. What emerges is a powerful expression of faith formed in community and tempered in suffering, an example relevant to all...
- A Complementary Approach to the Interpretation and Translation of Biblical MetaphorsISBN: 9781839730603£24.99
In this in-depth study, Peter Kamande Thuo explores the complexity of accurately understanding, interpreting, and translating Scripture, especially biblical metaphors. Engaging the need for a stronger theoretical framework for conceptualizing and communicating metaphors across languages, Dr Thuo proposes a complementary approach that utilizes relevance theory to bridge gaps presented by...
- Biblical Shalom for Sustainable Holistic Transformational Development in NigeriaISBN: 9781839730542£21.99
In this important contribution, Dr. Stephen Yashim reviews the participatory, problem-solving approaches commonly utilized by Christian relief and development organizations in Nigeria. In order for rural communities to progressively experience biblical shalom, they must be equipped to examine and articulate their own perspective on development while also engaging with biblical perspectives....
- Interpersonal Reconciliation between Christians in a Shame-Oriented CultureISBN: 9781783688098£24.99
In this Sri Lankan case study, Dr Mano Emmanuel examines the specifics of interpersonal conflict within a shame-oriented culture. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, she incorporates cultural anthropology, missiology, and communication studies into her analysis, identifying seven aspects of culture that must be addressed if reconciliation is to be fully experienced in the Sri Lankan church.
- God With Us and Without Us, Volumes One and TwoISBN: 9781783687589£46.99
In this combined work Dr Imad Shehadeh demonstrates the inevitability of the Trinity by exposing the conflict that Absolute Oneness faced historically. Dr Shehadeh presents the beautiful logic of the Trinity and explains how the display of God’s attributes in creation derives from the self-sustaining relationships in his triune nature as Father, Spirit and Son. The book climaxes in revealing...
- Faith-Integrated Being, Knowing, and DoingISBN: 9781839730528£21.99
In this holistic study of the integration of faith and learning, Dr. Sarinah Lo challenges the Western tendency to privilege knowing over being and doing. In the context of Indonesian higher education, Dr. Lo addresses the cognitive, affective, spiritual, relational, and vocational aspects of human nature. She demonstrates that effective integration of faith and learning must reach beyond the...
- By What Authority?ISBN: 9781783687879£21.99
Hostile encounters between Jesus and Jewish leaders are found throughout the Gospel of Matthew. Yet these encounters are rarely explored holistically, nor is attention given to the reason for their prominence in the Matthean text. In By What Authority?, Dr Rebecca Ye-Atkinson examines seventeen distinct moments of conflict in the first gospel, exploring the function of each narrative in light...
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What relevance does the book of Revelation hold for our lived reality within secular societies? In this book, Dr Fabián Santiago explores concepts of authority, society, and political power against the backdrop of the Apocalypse and in conversation with Oliver O’Donovan’s political theology. An excellent resource for students of political theory and theology, Christology, and biblical...
- A Christian Theology of Suffering in the Context of Theravada Buddhism in ThailandISBN: 9781783687862£19.99
Grounding his work in a trinitarian comparative theology of religions, Satanun Boonyakiat explores the ways in which Buddhist teachings on suffering can challenge, enrich, and deepen a Christian perspective. Dr Boonyakiat suggests a Christian theology of suffering relevant to the people of Thailand, both Christian and Buddhist alike, must move beyond a traditional, western emphasis on...
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Dr. Mwaniki Karura provides fresh insight into the Gospel of Mark, its audience, and its purpose in this in-depth study of the Markan text and its oral context. Through careful analysis of the rhetorical layers in Mark, Karura establishes the use of Old Testament quotations, miracle stories, and the passion narratives as tools to galvanize its readers’ response to the oral gospel they had...
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This book explores the significance of contextualized preaching within the Chinese context. Against the backdrop of three festivals – the Spring Festival, the Qing Ming Festival, and the Hungry Ghost Festival – Tan examines the practices of six experienced Chinese preachers in order to demonstrate the theological and practical importance of contextualized preaching. Tan suggests six main...
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Often considered a Christian heartland in Nigeria, Igboland has recently seen a dramatic increase in Igbo Christians converting to Islam. Yet there has been minimal research into the growth of Islam in the area and the implications this has for Christianity in the region. Addressing this need, Dr Chinyere Felicia Priest provides a detailed exploration of Igbo converts’ reasons for conversion...
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In this book, Dr Aung Htoo places Walter Wink’s political theology in conversation with both Aung San Suu Kyi and the work of Martin Luther King Jr. Locating this dialogue against the political backdrop of Myanmar’s history, Htoo explores the theological and political implications of nonviolence in the cultural context of the country’s people groups. He draws on the shared Buddhist and...
- Christianity in Central TanzaniaISBN: 9781783687787£28.99
This book underscores the significance of oral tradition in African historiography and challenges the claim that foreign missionaries succeeded in destroying African cultures, when they are in fact alive and well. This much-needed research also provides a model for dialogue between the perspective of Christian missions and that of African religious and social heritage in order to continue...
- Theology of Reconciliation in the Context of Church RelationsISBN: 9781783687725£26.99
Built on an in-depth analysis of three Palestinian church splits, this text examines the cultural and theological implications of intra-church conflict in Arab evangelical communities in Israel. Translating Miroslav Volf’s formative theology of reconciliation into her contemporary Palestinian context, Dr Mansour provides an evaluation of both Volf’s theory and Palestinian peacemaking models....
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In this careful explication of the minor prophet, Dr Semwayo challenges those who would question the text’s unity, revealing Micah as a powerful theological reflection on the reestablishment of Yahweh’s sovereignty on earth. Connecting the Zion/Davidic traditions to the Abrahamic covenant, Semwayo articulates a vision of hope that is as relevant for us in the twenty-first century as it was for...
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Dr KimSon Nguyen navigates the religio-cultural dimensions of Vietnamese spirituality and Daoism that have hindered the assimilation of the Christian faith in the Vietnamese context and explores a fresh approach to missiology in Vietnam. Narrowing the gap between culturally removed evangelical missionary practice and widespread syncretistic spirituality in Vietnam, Nguyen calls for a paradigm...
- The Theology of the Hebrew BibleISBN: 9781783687305£8.99
This introduction sets out to make the implicit explicit, exploring the impact of philosophical thought on Old Testament theology’s most influential thinkers. Providing an overview of the discipline’s development, Professor Hanes traces the intellectual and social currents that shaped Old Testament theology from early church history to today.
- Russian Baptist Mission Theology in Historical and Contemporary PerspectiveISBN: 9781783687473£24.99
Kravtsev suggests five themes for facilitating the transition of Russian Baptist mission theology from the late-Soviet model of eschatological escapism, to a holistic, missional evangelicalism. This book places evangelical mission in contemporary Russian socio-political and ideological contexts, providing an important contribution for leading churches to a renewed missionary encounter with...
- Perception and IdentityISBN: 9781783686346£31.99
Ethiopia is an icon of freedom and indigenous Christianity across Africa due to its historic independence, ancient Christian identity and rich religious heritage. However, Ethiopia and its various Christian denominations have their own understandings of this identity and how these communities relate to one another. In this detailed study, Dr Seblewengel Daniel explores the perception and...
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Dr Munyenyembe skillfully explores both historic and contemporary challenges to the unity of the CCAP, and raises the question of whether the CCAP truly functions as a single denomination or could better be understood as a loose federation of five distinct churches. In this objective yet astute account, Munyenyembe gives voice to the CCAP’s complex history, present reality, and future potential.
- Jesus Christ as AncestorISBN: 9781783687169£28.99Dr Turbi Luka uses historical-theological methodology to engage in detail with Christologies of key African theologians and conventional theological sources for Christology, including the church fathers Tertullian and Athanasius as well as modern theologians. This crucial study highlights the need for biblically rooted Christology and for sound theological understanding and naming of Jesus at...
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Dr Kuhn explores the teachings of two Arab Christian theologians from the Abbasid Era (750–1250), ʿAbd Allāh Ibn al-Ṭayyib and Iliyyā of Nisibis, and how they defended the Christian view of God as three-in-one in the Muslim milieu and in reference to the Islamic concept of tawḥīd, that God is indivisibly one. The intellectual contribution of these two Christian thinkers in the Muslim Golden...
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Dr Oprean explores how existing theological resources can be used to enhance theological discourse between Baptist and Orthodox traditions in Romania through in-depth analysis of the thought of British Baptist theologian, Professor Paul Fiddes, and Romanian Orthodox theologian, Father Dumitru Stăniloae. Presented as a conversation between the two traditions this study is a model for how...
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Go presents the growth of evangelicalism in the Philippines from 1898 to 2000, looking at the formation of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches and motivating factors of founding members. Go brings insights on the impact that American issues had on the Philippine church. Through detailed explanation of the interaction and influence of the modernist/liberal, fundamental, and...
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Dr F. A. Nazir places the discussion of offences relating to religion in the historical context of the south Asian subcontinent, the institution of penal codes in British India during the colonial period, and developments in legislation after 1947 independence and the creation of the state of Pakistan and in postcolonialism. Nazir’s thorough and rigorous historical research brings important...
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David Tarus humbly yet boldly challenges Kenyans to pursue national unity and peace by interrogating their allegiances to their ethnic communities and political parties. Carefully arguing why it is only a Christian identity, commitment to humanity as bearing the divine image, and the triune God himself, that can heal the divisions in this land. Ethnopolitical conflict is not confined to one...
- African Traditions Meeting IslamISBN: 9781783685431£28.99
In many communities across the world traditional beliefs and practices are passed down generations and are a feature of day-to-day life, despite the influence of outside sources. Focusing on Luo Muslims in Kenya, Dr Lawrence Oseje looks at the interaction of Islam and traditional Luo practices, especially those around death and burial.
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Dr Onyango uses gender as a tool to provide a detailed analysis of the role of Christian missions in the education, and societal development, of girls in Kenya. Highlighting the interaction between Christian missionaries and African culture, Onyango skilfully explores the history of both Christianity and women in Kenya. The result of this study is a thorough and engaging contribution to...
- Women and PrideISBN: 9781783685301£19.99Dr Huang provides a thorough analysis and examination of both the Niebuhrian and feminist understandings of sin, highlighting the strengths and limitations of both arguments. Through her research and interaction with women’s testimonies, Huang’s argument bridges these two competing views of women and sin resulting in a more accurate understanding and application of the theology of sin,...
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This interdisciplinary study tackles the controversy of translating nephesh ( נפֶֶשׁ ) by using an intergenerational translation team to deepen our understanding of this term and providing a more valuable translation in Chinese, especially for use in specialist Children’s Bibles. This book provides important lessons for the many translation projects working towards Children’s Bibles but also...
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In this thorough study, Dr Harjanto explores the formational elements of the integration of faith, work and mission among Indonesian Christian professionals, through careful analysis and evaluation. The resulting book is an educational perspective on the theology of work and mission. If the church of Jesus Christ is to have the transformational impact that we know the world is in such...
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Layang defends and analyses the view that the actions of the Pharisees, and the condemnation they receive in Matthew 23 are consistent with the context of Jesus’s time on earth. Layang tackles the dating controversy of the Pharisees in this chapter and the chapter's subsequent authenticity. An interesting and in-depth study that credits Matthew 23 as historically reliable and authoritative as...
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The first-century Judaic understanding of the identity and nature of the Messiah has been a much-debated topic among biblical scholars and preachers alike. So too has the messianic identity and nature of Jesus himself. Deboch informs these debates with fresh evidence outside traditional references to miracles, and supernatural identifications by demons and God himself. This book brings...
- Transforming MissiologyISBN: 9781783683642£31.99
Dr Lygunda provides a thorough analysis of missiological teaching in theological education institutes in Africa, with special reference to three Christian universities in Democratic Republic of Congo. His detailed examination of current teaching of mission theory and praxis forms the solid foundation for his articulation of a new paradigm of missiological education. In this study Lygunda...
- Japanese Understanding of SalvationISBN: 9781783683703£37.99
The dominating worldview in Japan is deeply animistic. Beliefs such as the Japanese mana-concept, ki (気) and the concept of God/god(s), kami (神), are pervasive among Japanese, fundamentally influencing their society. Dr Heißwolf, critically examines the animism in Japan in light of core Christian beliefs.This meticulous study is framed squarely within missiological thought and praxis so...
- Context and ContextualityISBN: 9781783683963£36.99
Tsvirinko examines the holism, authenticity and contextuality of mission work done by churches in the Pacific Coast Slavic Baptist Association in America. He defines authentic mission in light of three major Christian groups and uncovers startling insights on how these churches engage in mission back in their homeland and in America. The conclusions are invaluable to diasporic Christian...
- The Structure and Function of the Prologue of JudgesISBN: 9781783683079£19.99
Yohannes Sahile tackles the problem of Judges’ prologue, proposing that it is a single introduction with a narrative trajectory that begins with the death of Joshua. Judges 1:1–3:6 is often understood as a double introduction to the book, but here Dr Sahile presents a well-argued alternative. He thoroughly dissects the passage in question, adding to ongoing scholarship of Judges and bringing...
- Forgiveness and PoliticsISBN: 9781783683550£24.99
Forgiveness and politics are often assumed to be unrelated and un-relatable. This study not only argues that forgiveness and politics can be related, but also that they are intrinsically related. It also critiques standard approaches and proposals for relating forgiveness and politics while offering an alternative proposal for the relationship between forgiveness and politics. In making the...
- Heaven and Earth in Luke-ActsISBN: 9781783683475£24.99
Focusing on several key passages from the biblical canon, Gao analyses them in their Jewish, Greco-Roman and broader literary contexts to enhance our comprehension of the meaning of “heaven" and it’s significance for our worldview. Dr Gao also elucidates how heaven, as well as being part of reality, acts as a concept that points to the arrival of God’s eschatological kingdom on earth. This...
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