Responsibility, Chastisement and Restoration
ISBN: 9781783689026
Many Old Testament scholars have focused their studies of justice on the eighth-century BC prophets Isaiah, Amos and Micah, giving little or no attention to Hosea. Neglect of Hosea in relation to justice arises from the common notion that he was a prophet of love, and although some studies concede that parts of the book deal with justice, it is often overlooked or given secondary importance to...
Rethinking Missio Dei among Evangelical Churches in an Eastern European Orthodox Context
ISBN: 9781783681044
This publication seeks to evaluate the various missionary approaches both from the Evangelical and Orthodox perspective. Reconciling each the author provides a platform to introduce a new missionary paradigm for Eastern European Evangelical churches.
The Church in the World
ISBN: 9781783681198
Niringiye examines several formative periods for the Church of Uganda during concurrent chronological political eras characterized by varying degrees of socio-political turbulence, highlighting how the social context impacted the church’s self-expression. This is an excellent reflection on the Ugandan church bringing global attention to topics that hold great value to society, the church, and...
Heralds and Community
ISBN: 9781783689019
This book is part of an ongoing discussion in the scholarly community about Paul’s understanding of the relationship between his own mission and the church’s mission. While this study endorses some previous scholars who exegetically argue for Paul’s thorough silence about the church’s proactive evangelism in his letters, it argues that the explanations for such a silence cannot be adequately...
Paul’s Viewpoint on God, Israel, and the Gentiles in Romans 9–11
ISBN: 9781783680474
Over the years Romans 9–11 has been investigated from a variety of approaches, with one of the most prominent being an intertextual reading. However, most discussions of intertextual studies on this section of Romans fail to adequately address Paul’s discourse patterns and that of his Jewish contemporaries with regard to God, Israel, and the Gentiles.
The Practice of Mission in Egypt
ISBN: 9781783681037
Most of the historical mission studies focus on the work of Western missionaries going to Majority World countries. Few studies have examined the indigenous churches and their relationship with Western mission agencies in practising missions. This book is a historical study of the interaction between the American Presbyterian Mission and the Evangelical Church in Egypt.
Mission through Diaspora
ISBN: 9781783681099
Surveying 652 US Chinese churches about their mission activities, along with interviews of a sub-set of respondents, Dr Wu provides analysis and explanation of mission activities using diaspora theories. The trend for Chinese diaspora church mission to take a “Chinese first” approach capitalizes on shared language, culture and transnational networks to advance the gospel. In this era of...
From Land to Lands, from Eden to the Renewed Earth
ISBN: 9781783680771
The land is an important theme in the Bible. It is a theme through which the whole biblical history found in the Old and New Testaments can be studied and analyzed. Looking at the land in the Bible from its beginnings in the garden of Eden this publication approaches the theme from three distinct perspectives – holiness, the covenant, and the kingdom.
Partnership Theology in Creative Access Regions
ISBN: 9781783681082
Partnerships in mission are grounded in relationships, relationships that flow from the Trinity and are manifested in the purpose of God, the body of Christ, the gifts of the Spirit, and the church. Through this book the body of Christ will be encouraged to strengthen cooperation and collaboration in the accomplishment of the Great Commission, and achieve far more in partnership than could be...
Brother Bakht Singh
ISBN: 9781783682522
Brother Bakht Singh, a Sikh convert was a foremost evangelist and Bible teacher in India, well known as a pioneer in gospel contextualization and proponent of indigenous churches. Nuthalapati analyzes how aspects of Indian religiosity, biblical and western Christianity were adopted, rejected, reinterpreted, or revolutionized.
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- Responsibility, Chastisement and RestorationISBN: 9781783689026£26.99
Many Old Testament scholars have focused their studies of justice on the eighth-century BC prophets Isaiah, Amos and Micah, giving little or no attention to Hosea. Neglect of Hosea in relation to justice arises from the common notion that he was a prophet of love, and although some studies concede that parts of the book deal with justice, it is often overlooked or given secondary importance to...
- Rethinking Missio Dei among Evangelical Churches in an Eastern European Orthodox ContextISBN: 9781783681044£24.99
This publication seeks to evaluate the various missionary approaches both from the Evangelical and Orthodox perspective. Reconciling each the author provides a platform to introduce a new missionary paradigm for Eastern European Evangelical churches.
- The Church in the WorldISBN: 9781783681198£29.99
Niringiye examines several formative periods for the Church of Uganda during concurrent chronological political eras characterized by varying degrees of socio-political turbulence, highlighting how the social context impacted the church’s self-expression. This is an excellent reflection on the Ugandan church bringing global attention to topics that hold great value to society, the church, and...
- Heralds and CommunityISBN: 9781783689019£28.99
This book is part of an ongoing discussion in the scholarly community about Paul’s understanding of the relationship between his own mission and the church’s mission. While this study endorses some previous scholars who exegetically argue for Paul’s thorough silence about the church’s proactive evangelism in his letters, it argues that the explanations for such a silence cannot be adequately...
- Paul’s Viewpoint on God, Israel, and the Gentiles in Romans 9–11ISBN: 9781783680474£24.99
Over the years Romans 9–11 has been investigated from a variety of approaches, with one of the most prominent being an intertextual reading. However, most discussions of intertextual studies on this section of Romans fail to adequately address Paul’s discourse patterns and that of his Jewish contemporaries with regard to God, Israel, and the Gentiles.
- The Practice of Mission in EgyptISBN: 9781783681037£26.99
Most of the historical mission studies focus on the work of Western missionaries going to Majority World countries. Few studies have examined the indigenous churches and their relationship with Western mission agencies in practising missions. This book is a historical study of the interaction between the American Presbyterian Mission and the Evangelical Church in Egypt.
- Mission through DiasporaISBN: 9781783681099£19.99
Surveying 652 US Chinese churches about their mission activities, along with interviews of a sub-set of respondents, Dr Wu provides analysis and explanation of mission activities using diaspora theories. The trend for Chinese diaspora church mission to take a “Chinese first” approach capitalizes on shared language, culture and transnational networks to advance the gospel. In this era of...
- From Land to Lands, from Eden to the Renewed EarthISBN: 9781783680771£28.99
The land is an important theme in the Bible. It is a theme through which the whole biblical history found in the Old and New Testaments can be studied and analyzed. Looking at the land in the Bible from its beginnings in the garden of Eden this publication approaches the theme from three distinct perspectives – holiness, the covenant, and the kingdom.
- Partnership Theology in Creative Access RegionsISBN: 9781783681082£16.99
Partnerships in mission are grounded in relationships, relationships that flow from the Trinity and are manifested in the purpose of God, the body of Christ, the gifts of the Spirit, and the church. Through this book the body of Christ will be encouraged to strengthen cooperation and collaboration in the accomplishment of the Great Commission, and achieve far more in partnership than could be...
- Brother Bakht SinghISBN: 9781783682522£21.99
Brother Bakht Singh, a Sikh convert was a foremost evangelist and Bible teacher in India, well known as a pioneer in gospel contextualization and proponent of indigenous churches. Nuthalapati analyzes how aspects of Indian religiosity, biblical and western Christianity were adopted, rejected, reinterpreted, or revolutionized.
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