Disability Inclusion in Africa
ISBN: 9781839739569
Addressing one of the most overshadowed theological issues, this book presents in-depth theological thoughts, ideas and insights that can change the way the church serves those living with disability.
Apologetics in Africa
ISBN: 9781839736629
This textbook provides an in-depth exploration of the biblical, philosophical, cultural, and practical concerns facing African Christians as they proclaim and defend the gospel in Africa. Written by a diverse group of pastors and scholars, it provides a much needed interdisciplinary and contextualized approach to apologetics.
Vernacular Bibles in Africa through European Eyes
ISBN: 9781839732522
This study provides detailed historical accounts of the origins of two of Africa’s most revered vernacular Bibles: the Efik Bible of modern-day Nigeria and the Nyanja Bible of Southern Africa. Issuing a powerful warning for those involved in the vast ongoing task of translating Scripture into the world’s vernacular languages, Nyirenda reminds us that we must first reckon with our social,...
Can a Christian Be Cursed?
ISBN: 9781839738265
The belief in curses is widespread in Africa, impacting the lived reality of both Christians and non-Christians alike. In this book, Godwin Adeboye provides practical, biblical, and contextual guidelines for addressing the African conception of cursing, and for ministering to the fear and confusion such cursing elicits. This is an excellent resource to empower believers to confront their fear...
Teologia Pública Africana
ISBN: 9781839737633
A África precisa de líderes e cristãos de todas as esferas da vida para redescobrir a sua identidade e propósito em todas as esferas da sociedade. A Teologia Pública Africana soa um toque de clarim para realizar esta tarefa vital. Deus criou todos os seres humanos igualmente, pretendendo que vivamos em comunidade e assumamos a responsabilidade pelo mundo ao nosso redor – um mandato sobre o...
Drums of Redemption
ISBN: 9781839732317
Across the African continent, nations are grappling with issues of genocide, terrorism, political instability, ethnic division, abject poverty, environmental degradation, and the rapid erosion of community life and values. Addressing every book of the New Testament, Drums of Redemption is contextually relevant, biblically rooted, and radically hope-filled as it casts a vision for how Christ’s...
Endangered Moral Values
ISBN: 9781839732102
The erosion of moral values on a global scale has left nations vulnerable to greed, power, and violence as the shaping forces of culture. In the absence of an ethical foundation, corruption reverberates through public life, destabilizing countries and undermining human flourishing. Examining the many challenges facing Nigeria in the twenty-first century, Dr. Agang suggests that his homeland is...
Blessed New Humanity in Christ
ISBN: 9781839732300
When surrounded by ethnic and tribal divides, fear of demonic forces, and the threat of poverty, war, and disease, how are Christians to resist despair in the face of suffering – their own and that of their communities? In Blessed New Humanity in Christ, Rev. Prof. Bitrus A. Sarma offers a contextualized reading of the book of Ephesians that provides a theology of hope for the African church.
The Wayfarer
ISBN: 9781839732256
Scripture testifies to God’s care for displaced peoples. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a narrative filled with migrants, with refugees, and with wayfarers. Even God himself is shown to be “on the move” – a God who does not stay on one side of the border but crosses over to save his people. In The Wayfarer, Dr. Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah...
Expository Preaching in Africa
ISBN: 9781839732140
How can expository preaching, rooted in a textual analysis of Scripture, be effectively utilized in oral cultures? In Expository Preaching in Africa, Ezekiel A. Ajibade engages this challenge directly, offering practical techniques for integrating African oral elements into preaching that is both biblical and African. Alongside numerous examples and tools, Ajibade provides a rich overview of...
God of the Remnant
ISBN: 9781839730580
In this book, Dr. Agang addresses the discrimination, oppression, and violence facing minorities in Africa and the church’s calling to stand against such injustice. Drawing upon covenantal theology and the biblical motif of a remnant, Agang explores God’s heart for those commonly devalued, silenced, excluded, and ignored. This book is a powerful reminder of the source of true identity and the...
The Church and Politics
ISBN: 9781839734144
The Church and Politics offers an introduction to African political theology that is thorough, practical, and deeply powerful. From traditional power structures to the political ramifications of colonialism, Dr. Bernard Boyo provides a foundation for understanding Africa’s contemporary political concerns in their cultural and historical context. Alongside this overview of African political...
Reading Jeremiah in Africa
ISBN: 9781839732133
Dr. Katho offers a study that is both accessible and deeply relevant to the particularities of an African context. In a series of ten selected passages, Dr. Katho demonstrates the many parallels between Jeremiah’s Judah and a continent that continues to experience the complex and devastating realities of poverty, injustice, and war. It is a book of hope, and Katho, like Jeremiah, dares to...
The Mystery of the Church
ISBN: 9781839730566
In this powerful application of Paul’s teaching, Fabrice S. Katembo explores the mystery of the church in an African context, arguing that the greatest challenge facing God’s people is not external threat, but internal discord. Katembo draws his reader’s attention back to the unifying work of Christ, who died to abolish all walls of separation and in whom we are one, no matter the tongue,...
Poverty, the Bible, and Africa
ISBN: 9781839730337
Poverty reduction is a worldwide concern, yet if the church is to play an effective role in its alleviation, an approach that is both biblical and contextual is required. Combining in-depth cultural analysis with careful exegetical reflection, Isaac Boaheng formulates a theology of poverty that engages Scripture, African traditional wisdom, and contemporary African concerns to create a...
African Public Theology
ISBN: 9781783687664
Through faithful application of Scripture to contexts common in the continent today, contributors from across Africa join as one to present a vision for the Africa that God intended. No simplistic solutions are offered – instead African Public Theology challenges every reader to think through the application of biblical principles in their own community, place of work and sphere of influence.
Engaging Religions and Worldviews in Africa
ISBN: 9781783687596
In this in-depth study, Professor Yusufu Turaki undertakes a systematic analysis of the nature of African Traditional Religion, its complex history with Christianity, and the need for African Christian theology to address its cultural and historical roots effectively. He provides both a conceptual framework and practical guide for engaging African cultures and religions with compassion,...
God Speaks My Language
ISBN: 9781783685448
Aloo Osotsi Mojola traces the history of Bible translation in East Africa from 1844 to the present. He incorporates four decades of personal conversations and interviews, along with extensive research, to provide the first comprehensive account of the translations undertaken in East Africa. This book is a key contribution to the important and ongoing narrative of how God has met us, and...
Against Principalities and Powers
ISBN: 9781783687671
In this exploration of Ephesians, Daniel K. Darko establishes the context of early Christians in Asia Minor, specifically in relation to their belief in spiritual beings and the role these beings play in human affairs. Drawing parallels with contemporary contexts across the globe, especially in Africa, Professor Darko critiques the limited lens of Western interpretation, encouraging the church...
African Hermeneutics
ISBN: 9781783684649
Interpretation of Scripture occurs within one’s worldview and culture, which enhances our understanding and ability to apply Scripture in the world. However, few books address Bible interpretation from an African perspective and no other textbook uses the intercultural approach found here. This book brings both an awareness of how one’s African context gives a lens to hermeneutics, but also...
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- Disability Inclusion in AfricaISBN: 9781839739569£18.99
Addressing one of the most overshadowed theological issues, this book presents in-depth theological thoughts, ideas and insights that can change the way the church serves those living with disability.
- Apologetics in AfricaISBN: 9781839736629£19.99
This textbook provides an in-depth exploration of the biblical, philosophical, cultural, and practical concerns facing African Christians as they proclaim and defend the gospel in Africa. Written by a diverse group of pastors and scholars, it provides a much needed interdisciplinary and contextualized approach to apologetics.
- Vernacular Bibles in Africa through European EyesISBN: 9781839732522£14.99
This study provides detailed historical accounts of the origins of two of Africa’s most revered vernacular Bibles: the Efik Bible of modern-day Nigeria and the Nyanja Bible of Southern Africa. Issuing a powerful warning for those involved in the vast ongoing task of translating Scripture into the world’s vernacular languages, Nyirenda reminds us that we must first reckon with our social,...
- Can a Christian Be Cursed?ISBN: 9781839738265£15.99
The belief in curses is widespread in Africa, impacting the lived reality of both Christians and non-Christians alike. In this book, Godwin Adeboye provides practical, biblical, and contextual guidelines for addressing the African conception of cursing, and for ministering to the fear and confusion such cursing elicits. This is an excellent resource to empower believers to confront their fear...
- Teologia Pública AfricanaISBN: 9781839737633£26.99
A África precisa de líderes e cristãos de todas as esferas da vida para redescobrir a sua identidade e propósito em todas as esferas da sociedade. A Teologia Pública Africana soa um toque de clarim para realizar esta tarefa vital. Deus criou todos os seres humanos igualmente, pretendendo que vivamos em comunidade e assumamos a responsabilidade pelo mundo ao nosso redor – um mandato sobre o...
- Drums of RedemptionISBN: 9781839732317£19.99
Across the African continent, nations are grappling with issues of genocide, terrorism, political instability, ethnic division, abject poverty, environmental degradation, and the rapid erosion of community life and values. Addressing every book of the New Testament, Drums of Redemption is contextually relevant, biblically rooted, and radically hope-filled as it casts a vision for how Christ’s...
- Endangered Moral ValuesISBN: 9781839732102£11.99
The erosion of moral values on a global scale has left nations vulnerable to greed, power, and violence as the shaping forces of culture. In the absence of an ethical foundation, corruption reverberates through public life, destabilizing countries and undermining human flourishing. Examining the many challenges facing Nigeria in the twenty-first century, Dr. Agang suggests that his homeland is...
- Blessed New Humanity in ChristISBN: 9781839732300£15.99
When surrounded by ethnic and tribal divides, fear of demonic forces, and the threat of poverty, war, and disease, how are Christians to resist despair in the face of suffering – their own and that of their communities? In Blessed New Humanity in Christ, Rev. Prof. Bitrus A. Sarma offers a contextualized reading of the book of Ephesians that provides a theology of hope for the African church.
- The WayfarerISBN: 9781839732256£14.99
Scripture testifies to God’s care for displaced peoples. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is a narrative filled with migrants, with refugees, and with wayfarers. Even God himself is shown to be “on the move” – a God who does not stay on one side of the border but crosses over to save his people. In The Wayfarer, Dr. Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah...
- Expository Preaching in AfricaISBN: 9781839732140£15.99
How can expository preaching, rooted in a textual analysis of Scripture, be effectively utilized in oral cultures? In Expository Preaching in Africa, Ezekiel A. Ajibade engages this challenge directly, offering practical techniques for integrating African oral elements into preaching that is both biblical and African. Alongside numerous examples and tools, Ajibade provides a rich overview of...
- God of the RemnantISBN: 9781839730580£8.99
In this book, Dr. Agang addresses the discrimination, oppression, and violence facing minorities in Africa and the church’s calling to stand against such injustice. Drawing upon covenantal theology and the biblical motif of a remnant, Agang explores God’s heart for those commonly devalued, silenced, excluded, and ignored. This book is a powerful reminder of the source of true identity and the...
- The Church and PoliticsISBN: 9781839734144£14.99
The Church and Politics offers an introduction to African political theology that is thorough, practical, and deeply powerful. From traditional power structures to the political ramifications of colonialism, Dr. Bernard Boyo provides a foundation for understanding Africa’s contemporary political concerns in their cultural and historical context. Alongside this overview of African political...
- Reading Jeremiah in AfricaISBN: 9781839732133£15.99
Dr. Katho offers a study that is both accessible and deeply relevant to the particularities of an African context. In a series of ten selected passages, Dr. Katho demonstrates the many parallels between Jeremiah’s Judah and a continent that continues to experience the complex and devastating realities of poverty, injustice, and war. It is a book of hope, and Katho, like Jeremiah, dares to...
- The Mystery of the ChurchISBN: 9781839730566£9.99
In this powerful application of Paul’s teaching, Fabrice S. Katembo explores the mystery of the church in an African context, arguing that the greatest challenge facing God’s people is not external threat, but internal discord. Katembo draws his reader’s attention back to the unifying work of Christ, who died to abolish all walls of separation and in whom we are one, no matter the tongue,...
- Poverty, the Bible, and AfricaISBN: 9781839730337£14.99
Poverty reduction is a worldwide concern, yet if the church is to play an effective role in its alleviation, an approach that is both biblical and contextual is required. Combining in-depth cultural analysis with careful exegetical reflection, Isaac Boaheng formulates a theology of poverty that engages Scripture, African traditional wisdom, and contemporary African concerns to create a...
- African Public TheologyISBN: 9781783687664£19.99Through faithful application of Scripture to contexts common in the continent today, contributors from across Africa join as one to present a vision for the Africa that God intended. No simplistic solutions are offered – instead African Public Theology challenges every reader to think through the application of biblical principles in their own community, place of work and sphere of influence.
- Engaging Religions and Worldviews in AfricaISBN: 9781783687596£27.99
In this in-depth study, Professor Yusufu Turaki undertakes a systematic analysis of the nature of African Traditional Religion, its complex history with Christianity, and the need for African Christian theology to address its cultural and historical roots effectively. He provides both a conceptual framework and practical guide for engaging African cultures and religions with compassion,...
- God Speaks My LanguageISBN: 9781783685448£25.99
Aloo Osotsi Mojola traces the history of Bible translation in East Africa from 1844 to the present. He incorporates four decades of personal conversations and interviews, along with extensive research, to provide the first comprehensive account of the translations undertaken in East Africa. This book is a key contribution to the important and ongoing narrative of how God has met us, and...
- Against Principalities and PowersISBN: 9781783687671£17.99
In this exploration of Ephesians, Daniel K. Darko establishes the context of early Christians in Asia Minor, specifically in relation to their belief in spiritual beings and the role these beings play in human affairs. Drawing parallels with contemporary contexts across the globe, especially in Africa, Professor Darko critiques the limited lens of Western interpretation, encouraging the church...
- African HermeneuticsISBN: 9781783684649£15.99
Interpretation of Scripture occurs within one’s worldview and culture, which enhances our understanding and ability to apply Scripture in the world. However, few books address Bible interpretation from an African perspective and no other textbook uses the intercultural approach found here. This book brings both an awareness of how one’s African context gives a lens to hermeneutics, but also...
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