Ufafanuzi wa Biblia Katika Mazingira na Utamaduni wa Kiafrika
ISBN: 9781783687466
Kitabu hiki cha Ufafanuzi wa Biblia Katika Mazingira ya Kiafrika ni kitabu cha kipekee kuwahi kuchapishwa –maana ndicho cha ufafanuzi wa kwanza wa Biblia katika juzuu moja lililotolewa Afrika na wanatheolojia Waafrika ili kuyakidhi mahitaji ya wachungaji wa Kiafrika, wanafunzi na viongozi wa kanisa. Kwa kufasiri na kuzingatia matumizi ya Biblia katika mikutadha halisi ya utamaduni wa Kiafrika...
The Branch Exposition of the Bible
ISBN: 9781907713897
A resource for preachers, scholars, and everyday Christians alike, to help open God’s word and shed its light into life, ministry and teaching. Inspired by the words of the great reformer Martin Luther about shaking every branch of Scripture, Michael A. Eaton helps us understand the meaning of the Bible and taste its fruit so that we can meet the resurrected Jesus Christ in the pages of Scripture.
South Asia Bible Commentary (Hindi)
ISBN: 9789385885310
The first one-volume Bible commentary produced in South Asia by South Asians for South Asians – and for the world. Pastors, students and lay leaders serving the rapidly growing church in South Asia will find this an invaluable resource that helps them to interpret and apply the Bible in the light of South Asian culture and realities. Christians all around the world will also benefit from its...
Comentário bíblico latino-americano
ISBN: 9786559880263
Obra inédita, cuja elaboração envolveu teólogos que representam diferentes nacionalidades, culturas e ministérios, o Comentário Bíblico Latino-americano (CBLA) revela a força e o vigor de uma teologia que alia ampla dimensão missionária e evangelizadora, honestidade intelectual, fidelidade ao texto da Palavra revelada e a mais rigorosa pertinência contextual.
Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary
ISBN: 9781783688227
The Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary is a groundbreaking, multi-year work and the first full-Bible commentary to come out of Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this resource is to provide a contemporary, contextually relevant, church-based commentary written exclusively by biblical scholars from the region.
Commentaire biblique contemporain
ISBN: 9782863143247
Éditeur : Farel
Un commentaire en un seul volume écrit en Afrique par des théologiens africains pour l’Afrique et le reste du monde; 70 auteurs différents d’Afrique francophone et anglophone.
Hevitenin’ny Baiboly
ISBN: 9781783689583
Hevitenin’ny Baiboly manontolo, nosoratan’ireo teolojiana 70 minaka avy aty amin’ny faritr’i Afrika.
Arabic Contemporary Commentary
ISBN: 9789772139996
Publisher: Dar El-Thaqafa
The Arabic Contemporary Commentary is the first of its kind in the Middle East, written in Arabic, by Arabic Christian scholars, which offers Arab theological thinking with a great deal of diversity and pluralism to interpreters. This work is the result of an effort over many years, with 48 writers from six Arab countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan and...
Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo
ISBN: 9789506832520
Escrito por más de 100 autores de toda América Latina, este Comentario bíblico contemporáneo es un sueño que se ha hecho realidad. Contiene aplicaciones para la vida cotidiana, más de 100 artículos temáticos, y preguntas de reflexión.
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- Ufafanuzi wa Biblia Katika Mazingira na Utamaduni wa KiafrikaISBN: 9781783687466£49.99
Kitabu hiki cha Ufafanuzi wa Biblia Katika Mazingira ya Kiafrika ni kitabu cha kipekee kuwahi kuchapishwa –maana ndicho cha ufafanuzi wa kwanza wa Biblia katika juzuu moja lililotolewa Afrika na wanatheolojia Waafrika ili kuyakidhi mahitaji ya wachungaji wa Kiafrika, wanafunzi na viongozi wa kanisa. Kwa kufasiri na kuzingatia matumizi ya Biblia katika mikutadha halisi ya utamaduni wa Kiafrika...
- The Branch Exposition of the BibleISBN: 9781907713897£39.99
A resource for preachers, scholars, and everyday Christians alike, to help open God’s word and shed its light into life, ministry and teaching. Inspired by the words of the great reformer Martin Luther about shaking every branch of Scripture, Michael A. Eaton helps us understand the meaning of the Bible and taste its fruit so that we can meet the resurrected Jesus Christ in the pages of Scripture.
- South Asia Bible Commentary (Hindi)ISBN: 9789385885310£49.99
The first one-volume Bible commentary produced in South Asia by South Asians for South Asians – and for the world. Pastors, students and lay leaders serving the rapidly growing church in South Asia will find this an invaluable resource that helps them to interpret and apply the Bible in the light of South Asian culture and realities. Christians all around the world will also benefit from its...
- Comentário bíblico latino-americanoISBN: 9786559880263£39.99
Obra inédita, cuja elaboração envolveu teólogos que representam diferentes nacionalidades, culturas e ministérios, o Comentário Bíblico Latino-americano (CBLA) revela a força e o vigor de uma teologia que alia ampla dimensão missionária e evangelizadora, honestidade intelectual, fidelidade ao texto da Palavra revelada e a mais rigorosa pertinência contextual.
- Central and Eastern European Bible CommentaryISBN: 9781783688227£49.99
The Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary is a groundbreaking, multi-year work and the first full-Bible commentary to come out of Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this resource is to provide a contemporary, contextually relevant, church-based commentary written exclusively by biblical scholars from the region.
- Commentaire biblique contemporainISBN: 9782863143247£44.99
Éditeur : Farel
Un commentaire en un seul volume écrit en Afrique par des théologiens africains pour l’Afrique et le reste du monde; 70 auteurs différents d’Afrique francophone et anglophone.
- Hevitenin’ny BaibolyISBN: 9781783689583£34.99
Hevitenin’ny Baiboly manontolo, nosoratan’ireo teolojiana 70 minaka avy aty amin’ny faritr’i Afrika.
- Arabic Contemporary CommentaryISBN: 9789772139996£49.99
Publisher: Dar El-Thaqafa
The Arabic Contemporary Commentary is the first of its kind in the Middle East, written in Arabic, by Arabic Christian scholars, which offers Arab theological thinking with a great deal of diversity and pluralism to interpreters. This work is the result of an effort over many years, with 48 writers from six Arab countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan and...
- Comentario Bíblico ContemporáneoISBN: 9789506832520£39.99
Escrito por más de 100 autores de toda América Latina, este Comentario bíblico contemporáneo es un sueño que se ha hecho realidad. Contiene aplicaciones para la vida cotidiana, más de 100 artículos temáticos, y preguntas de reflexión.
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