The Seed and the Soil
ISBN: 9781907713095
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The Seed and the Soil explores the power of the Bible that brings about God’s transforming and liberating purposes, as well as its power as an often oppressively misused text. Characterised by a wide variety of storytelling, this book is accessible to all that read it.
Exploring Theological English: Student Textbook
ISBN: 9781907713347
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Hope for the World
ISBN: 9781907713064
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In this clear and accessible survey, which incorporates Asian perspectives, Roland Chia shows how Christian hope presses beyond the limits of both secular and religious world-views and confronts the reality of pain, suffering and death in the light of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Human Condition
ISBN: 9781907713040
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Responding to the challenges of the human condition, Joe Kapolyo recognizes both the authority of the Bible, which teaches that people are created in the image of God but also corrupted by rebellion and sin, and the relevance of distinctly African perspectives on what it means to be human. Although he reads these perspectives critically, they lead him to reaffirm the biblical vision of...
Understanding and Developing Theological Education
ISBN: 9781907713880
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This handbook is about the leadership and curriculum development of theological education. Written primarily for those in leadership roles at theological schools and training institutions, this work intends to lay a theoretical foundation as well as give practical suggestions for the formation and design of theological education.
Making Disciples in Africa
ISBN: 9781907713712
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With two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa professing to be Christian it should be a concern to all Christians that the biblical worldview has had little impact on the shaping of contemporary African culture. In this book Jack Chalk analyses the belief systems of the worldviews that are based on Christianity and African Traditional Religion.
Writing and Research
ISBN: 9781783688951
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Written in a simple yet engaging style, Dr Kevin Smith applies his years of experience and expertise in scholarly writing and research in this one-volume guide. Perfect as an introduction for new and continuing undergraduate or postgraduate students, this publication provides helpful guidelines and illustrations on all the elements that go into producing an academic work.
La doctrine chrétienne dans un monde multiculturel
ISBN: 9781907713682
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Cette étude demande quelle est l’importance de la doctrine et de la théologie dans l’ère de mondialisation. Ce livre est utile en tant que manuel d’études pour les cours d’introduction à la théologie et à la doctrine. Il intéressera également les missionnaires, évangélistes et pasteurs confrontés à la question de comment l’Evangile peut être proclamé de manière fidèle à la révélation divine...
Theological Models of the Doctrine of the Trinity
ISBN: 9781783689064
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Dr Kombo brings a unique and valuable contribution to understanding the Trinity and how God can be understood within the context of any culture and language. He recognises and brings into focus God’s self-presentation in Scripture. Kombo interacts with how various traditions viewed God and their interpretation of the Trinity including a distinctly African view of God from the Luo language...
Christian Reflection in Africa
ISBN: 9781783688975
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This reference collection presents academic reviews of more than twelve-hundred contemporary Africa-related publications relevant for informed Christian reflection in and about Africa. The collection is based on the review journal BookNotes for Africa, a specialist resource dedicated to bringing to notice just such publications, and furnishing them with one-paragraph description and evaluation.
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- The Seed and the SoilISBN: 9781907713095Special Price £10.39 Regular Price £12.99
The Seed and the Soil explores the power of the Bible that brings about God’s transforming and liberating purposes, as well as its power as an often oppressively misused text. Characterised by a wide variety of storytelling, this book is accessible to all that read it.
- Exploring Theological English: Student TextbookISBN: 9781907713347Special Price £20.00 Regular Price £25.00
- Hope for the WorldISBN: 9781907713064Special Price £9.59 Regular Price £11.99
In this clear and accessible survey, which incorporates Asian perspectives, Roland Chia shows how Christian hope presses beyond the limits of both secular and religious world-views and confronts the reality of pain, suffering and death in the light of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The Human ConditionISBN: 9781907713040Special Price £9.59 Regular Price £11.99
Responding to the challenges of the human condition, Joe Kapolyo recognizes both the authority of the Bible, which teaches that people are created in the image of God but also corrupted by rebellion and sin, and the relevance of distinctly African perspectives on what it means to be human. Although he reads these perspectives critically, they lead him to reaffirm the biblical vision of...
- Understanding and Developing Theological EducationISBN: 9781907713880Special Price £31.99 Regular Price £39.99
This handbook is about the leadership and curriculum development of theological education. Written primarily for those in leadership roles at theological schools and training institutions, this work intends to lay a theoretical foundation as well as give practical suggestions for the formation and design of theological education.
- Making Disciples in AfricaISBN: 9781907713712Special Price £13.59 Regular Price £16.99
With two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa professing to be Christian it should be a concern to all Christians that the biblical worldview has had little impact on the shaping of contemporary African culture. In this book Jack Chalk analyses the belief systems of the worldviews that are based on Christianity and African Traditional Religion.
- Writing and ResearchISBN: 9781783688951Special Price £16.79 Regular Price £20.99
Written in a simple yet engaging style, Dr Kevin Smith applies his years of experience and expertise in scholarly writing and research in this one-volume guide. Perfect as an introduction for new and continuing undergraduate or postgraduate students, this publication provides helpful guidelines and illustrations on all the elements that go into producing an academic work.
- La doctrine chrétienne dans un monde multiculturelISBN: 9781907713682Special Price £15.99 Regular Price £19.99
Cette étude demande quelle est l’importance de la doctrine et de la théologie dans l’ère de mondialisation. Ce livre est utile en tant que manuel d’études pour les cours d’introduction à la théologie et à la doctrine. Il intéressera également les missionnaires, évangélistes et pasteurs confrontés à la question de comment l’Evangile peut être proclamé de manière fidèle à la révélation divine...
- Theological Models of the Doctrine of the TrinityISBN: 9781783689064Special Price £11.19 Regular Price £13.99
Dr Kombo brings a unique and valuable contribution to understanding the Trinity and how God can be understood within the context of any culture and language. He recognises and brings into focus God’s self-presentation in Scripture. Kombo interacts with how various traditions viewed God and their interpretation of the Trinity including a distinctly African view of God from the Luo language...
- Christian Reflection in AfricaISBN: 9781783688975Special Price £39.99 Regular Price £49.99
This reference collection presents academic reviews of more than twelve-hundred contemporary Africa-related publications relevant for informed Christian reflection in and about Africa. The collection is based on the review journal BookNotes for Africa, a specialist resource dedicated to bringing to notice just such publications, and furnishing them with one-paragraph description and evaluation.
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