ISBN: | 9781839732126 |
Imprint: | Langham Global Library |
Format: | Hardback |
Dimensions (mm): | 235 x 188 x 49 |
Publication Date: | 30/09/2024 |
Pages: | 1744 |
Language: | English |
The Branch Exposition of the Bible
A Preacher’s Commentary of the Old Testament
A great deal of biblical scholarship is written for academics and fails to edify readers or strengthen their Christian ministry. Yet, Christians need to be nourished by the word of God so they can mature in faith and righteousness. Filling this gap, The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a resource for preachers, scholars and ordinary Christians alike, to help open God’s word and shed its light into life, ministry and teaching.
Inspired by the words of the great reformer Martin Luther about shaking every branch of Scripture, and with experience in ministering across Africa, India and the West, Michael A. Eaton helps us understand the meaning of the Bible and taste its fruit. Together with the New Testament volume, this exposition of the Old Testament accessibly engages with the biblical languages, gives application for our lives and leads us through each book of the Old Testament so that we can meet the resurrected Jesus Christ in the pages of Scripture.
The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a great resource for all Christ followers as well as a preacher’s companion. These Old Testament expositions not only increase one’s knowledge of Scripture but help us to experience the historical Jesus in our heart. The Branch is an essential tool to help us hear God; a must-read for every Christian.
Aiah Foday-Khabenje, DMin
General Secretary, Association of Evangelicals in Africa
Eaton’s exposition is as welcome as the shade of a spreading tree in the heat of India’s summer, a country in which he preached and published. I am confident that this generation of readers will find Eaton as fresh and green as the generation he ministered to.
Havilah Dharamraj, PhD
Faculty in Old Testament, South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, India
Editor, Priscilla Papers
I thank God for Eaton’s wholehearted determination to let the text speak for itself and to make it as accessible as possible to his readers. In this excellent volume we can all benefit from his insights and taste something of his passion for truth. May he continue speaking to future generations through these pages.
Terry Virgo
Founder, Newfrontiers Together
In producing The Branch Exposition of the Bible, Michael Eaton has written one of the most helpful tools any preacher or scholar of Scripture could hope for. It is refreshing to have a scholar of Michael’s ability use all that learning, wisdom and insight to open the Scriptures to us, revealing Christ and His Kingdom.
Marcus Herbert
Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Eaton writes with the passion of a scholar, pastor, and preacher. He meets the need of the “ordinary” preacher through scholarly exposition rather than voluminous footnotes. I heartily recommend this massive work to all who want a deeper understanding of the two Testaments. You will delight in his insights and applications.
Charles C. Bing, PhD
Founder and Director, GraceLife Ministries
The Branch Exposition of the Bible is an outstanding commentary of the Scriptures written in Michael Eaton’s unique, illuminating style and with a high degree of scholarship, making difficult biblical topics understandable. This volume is an invaluable resource which I believe will help to ignite widespread passion for God's word!
Craig Botha
Africa Leadership School,
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a down to earth, scintillating biblical commentary from which a rural pastor in the Majority World can benefit as much as an erudite scholar in the West. It is brilliantly clear and easy to understand yet packed with depth and width of scholarship that takes into account the original context of the Old Testament culture and authorship.
Rev Praveen Bunyan
President, Channel of Blessing International
Regional Coordinator – India, Langham Preaching
What a treasure we have with Michael Eaton’s magnum opus, The Branch Exposition of the Bible in this Old Testament instalment. This life-changing volume is the perfect companion for daily Bible reading for every believer. Eaton’s legacy to the church has changed my way of praying, Bible reading and preaching.
Jan-Willem P. de Reus
Volle Evangelie Gemeente Vlaardingen [Full-Gospel Church Vlaardingen],
The Netherlands
I am so pleased that pastors and leaders all over the world, many of whom do not have access to extensive scholarship, can now benefit from Michael Eaton’s depth of knowledge and clarity of expression. This volume will be an invaluable aid for them in understanding and explaining the Bible themselves.
David Devenish
Newfrontiers Together
If I was asked to select an absolute minimum number of books that a pastor may need to deliver a Bible-based sermon, an Old Testament commentary such as this one would be included in the list. A work like this allows the reader to be discipled by Jesus, the writers of the Old Testaments and Michael Eaton.
H. Jurgens Hendriks, PhD
Emeritus Professor, Department of Practical Theology and Missiology,
Faculty of Theology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Program Coordinator, Network for African Congregational Theology (NetACT)
The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a lifework by Michael Eaton. A wonderfully well-informed scholar, preacher, teacher and pastor Michael never stopped sharpening his biblical insights. Enjoy the fruit of his hard work and savour the many surprising delights.
Pieter J. Kwant
Former Programme Director for Langham Literature
What a fantastic resource! The Branch Exposition of the Bible is a unique commentary for churches around the world, written by a skilled theologian, pastor and preacher. This is an invaluable handbook for preachers, providing the foundations for Bible-based, truth-filled, memorably shaped and powerfully relevant preaching.
Jonathan Lamb
Minister-at-Large, Keswick Ministries
Michael had an amazing ability to communicate to the scholar and the everyday believer in his preaching and teaching. This commentary is powerful, relevant and readily accessible, and full of God. I recommend disciples use this resource as part of their daily devotional.
Guy Miller
Apostolic Lead, Commission Churches
This commentary is a lively, lucid, and relevant exposition of the Old Testament based on reliable academic research and an engaging writing style. Drawing from his personal involvement in the Majority World and his pastoral insight, Eaton's commentary offers a valuable resource for exploring the core of the Old Testament.
Finny Philip, PhD
Principal, Filadelfia Bible College
Mission Director, Filadelfia Fellowship Church of India
Udaipur, India
Finding the technicalities of the Bible very exciting, Dr Eaton makes them accessible to both scholars and laymen. This commentary will open up the Scriptures, helping you to understand what God is saying.
Louise Schmidt
Grace Generation Church, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
In one volume, this commentary summarizes, explains and captures the message of each Old Testament book of the Bible. Whether studying the Bible for oneself or preparing a Bible study or sermon, this resource gives the reader a comfortable understanding for scholars and lay people alike.
Rev Devender Verma
Senior Pastor, Delhi Bible Fellowship
Director and Principal, Ezra Theological College
New Delhi, India
This is unique commentary is a resource for those who are interested in understanding the Bible and preaching it, based on good exegesis and relevant application. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and am thankful for the opportunity to endorse it.
Brian C. Wintle†, PhD
Former Principal, Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India
Michael Eaton was one of those rare biblical scholars whose years of pastoral and preaching experience enabled him to write expositions of the biblical text that are profoundly simple without being simplistic and shallow. Having his commentaries on the Old Testament collected into this single volume will be an enormous blessing to the church.
Christopher J. H. Wright, PhD
Global Ambassador, Langham Partnership
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