More Information
ISBN: 9781839735868
Imprint: Langham Academic
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 8
Publication Date: 28/02/2022
Pages: 154
Series: Studies in Homiletics
Language: English

Spirit-Empowered Witness

A Lukan Theology of Preaching


The witness of Jesus Christ and his disciples was accompanied by mighty words and mighty works. Drawing on the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. David N. Gambo demonstrates that this power came from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, without which neither Jesus nor his disciples would have been able to fulfil their ministry. Gambo utilizes an exegetical analysis to develop a theology of Spirit-empowered preaching – preaching characterized by Spirit-words and Spirit-works.

If ministers of the gospel are to model their ministries on Jesus of Nazareth, into whose image humanity seeks to be transformed, then the role of the Holy Spirit cannot be ignored. Gambo issues a powerful challenge to those interested in homiletics and pneumatology, as well as to all who preach and minister in the name of Jesus Christ.

Author Bios

David N. Gambo

DAVID N. GAMBO has a PhD in Preaching and Pastoral Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Texas, USA. He is the Reverend A. E. and Dora Johnson Hughes Chair of Christian Ministry at Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry, Oklahoma Baptist University, Oklahoma, where he also serves as Assistant Professor of Christian Ministry. Previously, he has served in a variety of ministry roles in both Nigeria and the USA.


Arguing that Spirit-empowered preaching is characterized by Spirit-words and Spirit-works, Dr. Gambo’s research on a Lukan theology of preaching offers fresh insights with regard to the connection between pneumatology and proclamation.

Matthew McKellar, PhD
Professor of Preaching, School of Theology,
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Texas, USA

This work is the fruit of a life that has exhibited the Spirit’s power in witness, preaching, and in teaching students who will be the next generation of Spirit-empowered preachers. This is a voice worth hearing on the topic of Spirit-empowered witness.

Bobby Kelly, PhD
Ruth Dickinson Professor of Religion
Chair, Hobbs School of Theology and Ministry
Oklahoma Baptist University, USA

For any preacher or minister who desires to know if their ministry is empowered by the Holy Spirit, Spirit-Empowered Witness is a must-read. Gambo not only helps the reader identify the presence of the Holy Spirit in ministry, but outlines the conditions necessary for the Holy Spirit to empower one’s preaching and ministry. Readers of Spirit-Empowered Witness will come away both encouraged and challenged.

Adam D. Robinson, PhD
Lecturer in Christian Studies
Christian Heritage College, Brisbane, Australia

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Abstract
  3. Chapter 1 Introduction
    1. Definition and Rationale of Some Terms in This Study
    2. Thesis and Scope of the Study
    3. Methodology
    4. Contemporary Negligence to Pneumatology in Preaching
    5. Contemporary Proposals on Spirit Empowerment in Preaching
      1. Greg Heisler
      2. Arturo G. Azurdia III
      3. James A. Forbes, Jr
    6. Contemporary Lukan Homileticians/Theologians
      1. Robert P. Menzies
      2. Ronald J. Allen
      3. Darrell L. Bock
  4. Chapter 2 Jesus’s Testimony about His Ministry: Luke 4:14–30
    1. Historical Context
    2. Literary Context
    3. Exegesis of Luke 4:16–30
      1. The Testimony of Jesus and the Nature of His Messianic Task
      2. The Empowered Prophet Mighty in Words
      3. The Empowered Prophet Mighty in Works
      4. The Response of the People in Violent Rejection
    4. Theology of the Passage
    5. Conclusion: Implications for Preaching
  5. Chapter 3 Two Disciples’ Testimony about Jesus: Luke 24:13–35
    1. Historical Context
    2. Literary Context
    3. Exegesis of Luke 24:13–35
      1. The Introduction to the Narrative
      2. The Testimony of the Two Disciples About Jesus’s Ministry
      3. The Exposition of the Prophet Mighty in Words and Works
      4. The Result of the Exposition of the Prophet Mighty in Words and Works
    4. Theology of the Passage
    5. Conclusion: Implications for Preaching
  6. Chapter 4 Luke’s Testimony about Jesus: Acts 1:1–5
    1. Historical Context
    2. Literary Context
    3. Exegesis of Acts 1:1–5
      1. Luke’s Testimony of Jesus’s Ministry
      2. Luke’s Testimony of the Post-Resurrection Ministry of Jesus
    4. Theology of the Passage
    5. Conclusion: Implications for Preaching
  7. Chapter 5 Peter’s Testimony about Jesus: Acts 10:34–43
    1. Historical Context
    2. Literary Context
    3. Exegesis of Acts 10:34–43
      1. The Introduction to Peter’s Testimony
      2. Peter’s Testimony of Jesus’s Early Ministry
      3. The Apostolic Testimony of Jesus’s Later Ministry
      4. The Prophetic Testimony of the Ministry of Jesus
    4. Theology of the Passage
    5. Conclusion: Implications for Preaching
  8. Chapter 6 Conclusion: A Theology of Spirit-Empowered Witness
    1. The Divine Cause
    2. The Divine Conditions for Empowerment
      1. There Must Be a Conversion Experience
      2. There Must Be a Pursuit of Holiness
      3. There Must Be a Call to Service
      4. There Must Be Preparation for Service
      5. There Must Be a Commitment to Christocentric Mission
      6. There Must Be a Desire to Be Empowered
    3. The Divine Consequences
      1. Jesus Mighty in Words and Works
      2. A Witness Mighty in Words and Works Today
  9. Bibliography