More Information
ISBN: 9789966003065
Imprint: HippoBooks
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 149 x 22
Publication Date: 14/05/2012
Pages: 336
Series: Africa Bible Commentary Series
Language: English


Special Price £14.39 Regular Price £17.99

The study of the epistle of Romans is essential for any Christian theology. This commentary interprets the most systematic text of the New Testament from an African perspective and suggests contextualized explanations and applications that address the needs of the church in Africa, and around the world. It is divided into preachable units, each of which ends with questions for the reader.

Author Bios

Solomon Andria

Dr Solomon Andria (Andriatsimialomananarivo) heads the Department of Theology at FATEAC in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. He chairs the board of the Africa Bible Commentary and oversaw the French and Malagasy translations. Born in Madagascar, he holds a BSc in Engineering and Electro-mechanics (Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar), an MTh (FLTE, Vaux-sur-Seine, France), and a PhD in Missiology (UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa). He made a major contribution to the Africa Bible Commentary, serving as one of the New Testament theological editors and overseeing the production of the French edition, the Commentaire Biblique Contemporain.

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Table of Abbreviations
  4. Introduction
      1. Unit 1 Romans 1:1-7
        1. Identity
      2. Unit 2 Romans 1:8-15
        1. Dreams
      3. Unit 3 1:16-17
        1. Pride
      4. Unit 4 Romans 1:18-23
        1. Pride and Guilt
      5. Unit 5 Romans 1:24-32
        1. From Guilt to Condemnation
      6. Unit 6 Romans 2:1-6
        1. Our Judgement and God’s
      7. Unit 7 Romans 2:7-16
        1. God’s Justice and Impartiality
      8. Unit 8 Romans 2:17-29
        1. The Righteousness of the Jews
      9. Unit 9 Romans 3:1-20
        1. The Plea
      10. Unit 10 Romans 3:21-31
        1. The Verdict: You Are Declared Just
      1. Unit 11 Romans 4:1-12
        1. The History of Salvation
      2. Unit 12 Romans 4:13-25
        1. From Abraham to His Offspring
      3. Unit 13 Romans 5:1-11
        1. Truth and Reconciliation
      4. Unit 14 Romans 5:12-21
        1. Adam and Christ
      5. Unit 15 Romans 6:1-14
        1. Die to Live
      6. Unit 16 Romans 6:15-23
        1. From Indifference to Difference
      7. Unit 17 Romans 7:1-6
        1. Free From the Yoke of Law
      8. Unit 18 Romans 7:7-12
        1. The Paradox of the Law
      9. Unit 19 Romans 7:13-25
        1. From Slavery to Service
      10. Unit 20 Romans 8:1-11
        1. Life by the Spirit
      11. Unit 21 Romans 8:12-17
        1. Children and Heirs
      12. Unit 22 Romans 8:18-29
        1. Awaiting Glory
      13. Unit 23 Romans 8:28-30
        1. The Final Glory
      14. Unit 24 Romans 8:31-39
        1. Incomparable Love
    4. Introduction to Chapters 9, 10 and 11
      1. Unit 25 Romans 9:1-6
        1. The Wealth of Israel
      2. Unit 26 Romans 9:6-18
        1. Those Chosen and Those Not Chosen
      3. Unit 27 Romans 9::19-33
        1. Rationalism or Fatalism?
      4. Unit 28 Romans 10:1-21
        1. Listening and Hearing
      5. Unit 29 Romans 11:1-15
        1. The Remnant of Israel
      6. Unit 30 Romans 11:16-24
        1. Non-Jews Grafted In
      7. Unit 31 Romans 11:25-36
        1. The Perfect Justice of God
      8. Unit 32 Romans 12:1-8
        1. Get Moving!
      9. Unit 33 Romans 12:9-21
        1. Serving God and Other People
      10. Unit 34 Romans 13:1-10
        1. Human Agents of God’s Justice
      11. Unit 35 Romans 12:11-14
        1. Living in the Light of the Coming Day!
      12. Unit 36 Romans 14:1-12
        1. Judging Before God’s Does
      13. Unit 37 Romans 14:13-23
        1. Conviction and Faith
      14. Unit 38 Romans 15:1-13
        1. Conviction and Acceptance
      1. Unit 39 Romans 15:14-21
        1. In Conclusion
      2. Unit 40 Romans 15:22-33
        1. Time for a New Project
      3. Unit 41 Romans 16:1-16
        1. More Than the Usual Goodbye
      4. Unit 42 Romans 16:17-23
        1. Final Words
  5. Epilogue
  6. Further Reading
  7. Notes

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