More Information
ISBN: 9781783682140
Imprint: Langham Preaching Resources
Format: Paperback
Edition: 2
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 14
Publication Date: 14/01/2017
Pages: 256
Language: English

Relational Preaching

Knowing God, His Word, and Your Hearers


Relational Preaching is a guide to help achieve greater depth in your preaching through developing a stronger relationship with the Lord, with Scripture, and with your listeners. Its message is direct and down to earth. Its style is devotional and prayerful. Preachers around the world will be blessed as they join the author in soaking themselves in Scripture and reflecting on what these Scriptures mean for them.

Author Bios

Greg Scharf

Greg Scharf is Professor of Homiletics at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois. He previously served in pastoral roles at All Souls, Church, Langham Place, London; Knox Church, Toronto; and Salem Evangelical Free Church in Fargo, North Dakota. He is author of Let the Earth Hear His Voice: Strategies for Overcoming Bottlenecks in Preaching God's Word. Dr. Scharf has facilitated preaching seminars in many countries under the auspices of Langham Preaching. He and his wife Ruth have three married sons and five grandchildren.


I love this book! I think it is unique in the homiletical literature as a kind of “scriptural theology of preaching” and also as spiritual theology. I strongly recommend it to pastors worldwide, both for individual use and as a resource to be used wherever pastors gather, whether in fraternals in the West or in preaching clubs in the Majority World.

Paul Windsor
Director of Langham Preaching

Although homiletical techniques have their place, what really matters for preachers is our relationship with God. If we take each of these meditations to heart, our preaching will be transformed as we trust God’s word, depend on God’s Spirit, proclaim God’s Son, and build up God’s people.

Jonathan Lamb
CEO of Keswick Ministries

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword to the Revised Edition
  2. Foreword to the First Edition
  3. Preface
  4. Acknowledgements

  5. What Is Relational Preaching?

    1. Part One: Our Relationship with God
      1. God the Creator
        1. Day 1: God Rules
        2. Day 2: Christ Created
        3. Day 3: The Creator Has Power
        4. Day 4: The Creator Acts Today
        5. Day 5: Christ Sustains and Redeems
        6. Day 6: Christ Works in Us
      1. God the Revealer
        1. Day 7: God Reveals Himself
        2. Day 8: God Reveals His Holiness
      1. God the Saviour
        1. Day 9: God Frees Us to Serve
        2. Day 10: God Gives Life to the Dead
        3. Day 11: God Removes the Veil
        4. Day 12: God Calls Us into a Community
        5. Day 13: God Calls Us to Build His Church
      1. God the Giver
        1. Day 14: God Appoints Us Stewards of the Word
        2. Day 15: God Appoints Us to Protect His Body
        3. Day 16: God Gives Gifts to Every Member of His Body
        4. Day 17: God Appoints Us to Equip Others
        5. Day 18: God Supplies the Message and the Messengers
        6. Day 19: God Authorizes Our Speech
      1. God the Holy Spirit
        1. Day 20: The Spirit Accompanies Us
        2. Day 21: The Spirit Gives Us Power
        3. Day 22: The Spirit Enables Us
        4. Day 23: The Spirit Regenerates Us
        5. Day 24: The Spirit Ministers to Us
        6. Day 25: The Spirit Teaches Us
        7. Day 26: The Spirit Gives Us Wisdom and Knowledge
        8. Day 27: The Spirit Illuminates Scripture for Us
        9. Day 28: The Spirit Sanctifies Us
        10. Day 29: The Spirit Helps Us Pray
      1. God the Father
        1. Day 30: God Selects Our Place
        2. Day 31: God Plans Our Opportunities
        3. Day 32: God Prepares Our Inheritance
        4. Day 33: God Secures Us
        5. Day 34: God Loves Us
      1. Our Response of Faith and Love
        1. Day 35: We Acknowledge God’s Reality
        2. Day 36: We Trust in God’s Word
        3. Day 37: We Demonstrate Our Trust
        4. Day 38: We Rest in God’s Sufficiency
        5. Day 39: We Listen to God’s Word
        6. Day 40: We Avoid Distorting God’s Word
        7. Day 41: We Love God and Others
      1. Our Response of Obedience
        1. Day 42: We Love and Obey
        2. Day 43: We Listen and Obey
        3. Day 44: We Learn as We Obey
        4. Day 45: We Encounter God as We Obey
      1. Our Response of Service
        1. Day 46: We Serve with All We Are
        2. Day 47: We Serve Humbly
        3. Day 48: We Serve as Slaves
        4. Day 49: We Serve by Grace
    2. Part Two: Our Relationship with Scripture
      1. The Basics
        1. Day 50: Our Attitude to Scripture
        2. Day 51: The Purpose of Scripture
        3. Day 52: The Preaching of Scripture
        4. Day 53: The Power of Scripture
      1. Our Calling
        1. Day 54: Proclaim All of God’s Word
        2. Day 55: Explain God’s Word
        3. Day 56: Remind People of God’s Word
        4. Day 57: Allow God’s Word to Work in Believers
      1. The Work of God’s Word
        1. Day 58: God’s Word Establishes Believers
        2. Day 59: God’s Word Equips Believers
        3. Day 60: God’s Word Teaches Us about Himself
        4. Day 61: God’s Word Cleanses Us
      1. The Nature of the Bible
        1. Day 62: The Bible Is Necessary and Sufficient
        2. Day 63: The Bible Can Be Understood
        3. Day 64: The Bible Is a Storehouse of Treasure
        4. Day 65: The Bible Is God’s Mirror
        5. Day 66: The Bible Is the Bread of Life
        6. Day 67: The Bible Is a Lamp
        7. Day 68: The Bible Is the Sword of the Spirit
        8. Day 69: The Bible Is Imperishable Seed
        9. Day 70: The Bible Is God’s Testimony to Christ
      1. Our Response to God’s Word
        1. Day 71: We Believe and Speak
        2. Day 72: We Love God’s Word
        3. Day 73: We Respect God’s Word
        4. Day 74: We Submit to God’s Word
        5. Day 75: We Humble Ourselves before God’s Word
        6. Day 76: We Learn God’s Word
        7. Day 77: We Serve God’s Word
        8. Day 78: We Guard God’s Word
    3. Part Three: Our Relationship with Our Listeners
      1. How We Get to Know Our Listeners
        1. Day 79: We Must Know Our Listeners
        2. Day 80: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Praying
        3. Day 81: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Knowing God’s Word
        4. Day 82: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Direct Observation
        5. Day 83: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Listening to them
        6. Day 84: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Listening Discerningly to Eyewitness Reports
        7. Day 85: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Knowing Their History
        8. Day 86: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Asking Questions
        9. Day 87: We Get to Know Our Listeners by Reading Widely and Discerningly
        10. Day 88: Sometimes, Perhaps, We Get to Know Our Listeners by a Gift of Knowledge
      1. Commonalities and Differences
        1. Day 89: Believers’ Equal Status in Christ
        2. Day 90: Believers’ Radical Equality
        3. Day 91: Spiritual Life
        4. Day 92: Different Cultures
        5. Day 93: Different Styles
      1. Handling Differences
        1. Day 94: Be Culturally Sensitive
        2. Day 95: Avoid Assumptions
        3. Day 96: Use Suitable Logic
      1. The Response of Our Listeners
        1. Day 97: They Will Listen and Pray
        2. Day 98: They Will Eagerly Learn
        3. Day 99: They Will Give
        4. Day 100: They Will Love and Grow
        5. Day 101: Some Will Reject Your Teaching
      1. What We Owe Our Listeners
        1. Day 102: Faithfulness
        2. Day 103: Prayer
        3. Day 104: Love
        4. Day 105: Authenticity
        5. Day 106: Humility
        6. Day 107: Respect
        7. Day 108: Patience and Forbearance
        8. Day 109: Kindness, Manifested in Listening
        9. Day 110: Willingness to Serve
        10. Day 111: Passion and Sacrifice
        11. Day 112: Clarity
        12. Day 113: Model Obedience
    4. Epilogue

  6. Scripture Index