More Information
ISBN: 9781839737138
Imprint: Langham Global Library
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 20
Publication Date: 31/10/2022
Pages: 382
Series: Collection ICETE
Language: French

La direction académique dans la formation théologique, volume 2

Conception et gestion de programmes d’études


L’ICETE Programme for Academic Leadership (IPAL) a été officiellement créé en 2010, né de la nécessité de fournir une formation aux institutions théologiques dans différentes régions du monde. L’IPAL propose des outils de développement professionnel pour les responsables académiques évangéliques afin d’aider les institutions théologiques dans leur recherche de qualité et d’excellence.

Ce volume est le deuxième d’une série de trois volumes issus des formations proposées par l’IPAL. Il vise à fournir un accès plus large à des pratiques utiles aux responsables académiques en vue du développement institutionnel et des programmes d’études. Chaque chapitre aborde et illustre la compétence et la compréhension des contributeurs en matière de formation et de conception des programmes d’études dans les institutions théologiques évangéliques. Enrichi par la connaissance d’un large éventail de contextes non occidentaux, ce guide est une ressource précieuse pour les responsables académiques du monde entier.

Author Bios

Fritz Deininger
(Edited By)

FRITZ DEININGER has a ThD in New Testament from the University of South Africa and is an associate professor at Columbia International University, South Carolina, USA. He also taught at the Academy for World Mission in Germany and is the Coordinator of IPAL. With his wife, he served in Thailand from 1981 to 2008 planting churches, training leaders and as the academic dean of Bangkok Bible Seminary where he still teaches courses as a visiting professor. He has been the Coordinator for IPAL for many years.

Orbelina Eguizabal
(Edited By)

ORBELINA EGUIZABAL has a PhD in Educational Studies from Talbot School of Theology, California, USA, where she is Professor of Christian Higher Education. She serves as a visiting professor in seminaries in several Latin American countries and spent twenty years at Seminario Teolóico Centroamericano, Guatemala City, Guatemala. She has been collaborating with ICETE since 2008 and is part of the Spanish-speaking teaching team of Seminars for Academic Leaders in Latin America.


Le programme d’études est un outil essentiel pour déterminer et façonner l’expérience éducative globale et garantir la réalisation des objectifs d’appren- tissage d’une institution. Cependant, l’efficacité d’un programme d’études se mesure à la fois par la qualité de sa conception et sa gestion par les responsables académiques et le corps enseignant.

Dans cet ouvrage, des auteurs de diverses régions du monde, ayant une expertise et une expérience avérées dans la formation théologique et la pédagogie, fournissent une ressource opportune et pertinente qui articule clairement les fondements bibliques et les théories et pratiques d’apprentissage pour une conception et une mise en œuvre efficaces des programmes d’études, en vue d’une expérience éducative enrichissante et transformatrice. Je recommande vivement l’utilisation de ce livre à tous les enseignants et responsables académiques qui aspirent à une formation théologique transformatrice dans leur institution et s’y engagent.

Pasteur Emmanuel Chemengich, DMin
Directeur exécutif,
Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa (ACTEA)

Cet ouvrage est une fresque riche et diversifiée, essentielle et cruciale pour une formation théologique fructueuse, créative et bénie de Dieu. Ce volume sur la conception des programmes d’études a été élaboré par une équipe internationale d’éducateurs doués et avisés. J’ai consacré une grande partie de ma vie à étudier les systèmes, les processus et les ressources en formation, les étudiants et la direction académique, autant d’éléments qui contribuent à la transformation authentique du caractère et à l’excellence inspirée par Dieu dans la formation au ministère. J’imagine déjà l’impact potentiel de cette série d’ouvrages. Partout dans le monde, les formes et structures de formation théologique rencontrent des difficultés – qu’elles soient internes ou externes. Ces difficultés façonneront ces structures en permanence, mais celles qui résistent dépériront et seront absorbées ou disparaîtront. Alors que celles qui embrassent le changement ont une occasion unique d’avoir un impact sur le royaume de Dieu en Christ, en concevant des programmes d’études créatifs pour former le peuple de Dieu au ministère, à tous les niveaux d’éducation et dans toutes les vocations. Je prie pour que nos courageux éducateurs, en particulier ceux qui sont au plus haut niveau de direction académique, soient assez entreprenants pour lire, étudier et mettre en œuvre la sagesse transmise par cette ressource fondamentale.

William D. Taylor, PhD
Ancien professeur, Seminario Teológico Centroamericano Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Trente ans à la Commission Missions, Alliance Évangélique Mondiale

Ce livre offre une compréhension globale du programme d’études et guide les responsables académiques à travers le processus complexe de développement, de mise en œuvre et d’évaluation du programme d’études. Écrit par des formateurs théologiques chevronnés du monde entier, ce livre sert de feuille de route indispensable à la conception de programmes de formation théologique. Il aidera les institutions théologiques à développer des programmes de formation pertinents qui auront un impact sur l’Église et la société dans leurs contextes.

Theresa Roco-Lua, EdD
Secrétaire Générale, Asia Theological Association

J’écris ceci de Rome, en Italie, où je participe aux réunions de l’ICETE avec mes collègues, les dirigeants des neuf associations d’accréditation régionales. Nous parlons de développer l’ICETE Academy for Excellence et les normes d’accréditation mondiales de l’ICETE. En écoutant mes collègues de diverses régions, je suis étonné de voir à quel point l’ICETE Programme for Academic Leadership a aidé les responsables d’institutions théologiques et les professeurs, en posant les fondements de la conception des programmes, en définissant le rôle de la direction académique dans l’enseignement et l’apprentissage transformateurs, en concevant l’évaluation de l’apprentissage et en développant une communauté d’apprentissage dans la formation théologique. J’ai participé aux trois colloques IPAL/Eurasie. Dans le contexte actuel de Europe de l’Est, compliqué par le conflit entre l’Ukraine et la Russie, ces colloques ont particulièrement et profondément façonné ma compréhension de la conception de programmes d’études contextualisés et m’ont encouragé à réfléchir à la question de développer une communauté d’apprentissage, afin que nous restions fidèles au royaume de Dieu et mieux remplir la mission de l’Église.

Taras Dyatlik
Directeur Régional pour Eurasie, Overseas Council Directeur du développement éducatif, représentant de Euro-Asia Accrediting
Association (E-AAA) au conseil d’administration de l’ICETE

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Première partie – Concevoir et développer le programme d’études
    1. Fondements pour la conception de programmes d’études Fritz Deininger
    2. Le rôle des responsables académiques dans la conception de programmes d’études Paul Sanders
    3. Étapes de la conception des programmes d’études Steve Hardy
    4. Concevoir des programmes d’études adaptés au contexte Errol Joseph
    5. La mise en œuvre de changements et l’évaluation dans le développement de programmes d’études John Lillis
  3. Deuxième partie– Favoriser l’enseignement et l’apprentissage
    1. Le rôle des responsables académiques dans la conception d’un enseignement et d’un apprentissage transformateurs Allan Harkness
    2. Évaluer l’apprentissage lors de l’élaboration du programme d’études Charles de Jongh
    3. L’apprentissage hybride. Des programmes conçus pour un apprentissage efficace Rhonda McEwen
  4. Troisième partie – Créer des communautés d’apprentissage
    1. Développer une communauté d’apprentissage en formation théologique Fritz Deininger
    2. L’impact du programme implicite sur l’enseignement, l’apprentissage et le développement spirituel John Kpaleh Jusu
    3. Un programme d’études conçu pour intégrer le développement holistique de l’étudiant Vera Brock
    4. Passer au paradigme du peuple de Dieu. Une étude de cas : Bangkok Bible Seminary Natee Tanchanpongs
  5. Bibliographie
  6. Les auteurs


Vera R. Brock

VERA R. BROCK has a BA in Theology with emphasis on Christian Education from the Word of Life Bible Seminary (WOLBS) in Atibaia, Brazil, and an MA in Education from Universidade São Francisco in São Paulo, Brazil. She served at the WOLBS for twenty-seven years (1986– 2011) as a professor in Christian Education, and was the Academic Dean for seventeen years. For nine years, she was Secretary General for AETAL (1999–2007). She collaborates with AETAL in the Accreditation Committee. She collaborated with ICETE in the IPAL courses in Brazil.

Steven A. Hardy

STEVE HARDY has worked as a missionary educator since the mid-1970s and has lived in Ethiopia, Brazil, Mozambique, South Africa, the UK and the USA. His love is teaching, and he has served as an educational consultant with SIM, Overseas Council, Langham Partnership, and the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education. He is the author of a number of articles and an adult Sunday School curriculum on missions. He is married to LeAnne, a librarian, author of Christian fiction and editor of Christian books. Steve and LeAnne recently retired to northwest Wisconsin, USA. They have two grown daughters and three grandchildren.

Allan Harkness

ALLAN HARKNESS, MA, BD, PhD (Murdoch, Western Australia) is Dean and Education Programs Director of AGST Alliance. He has authored a number of articles and book chapters in the fields of Christian education and theological education. A former editor of the Journal of Christian Education, he is currently on the editorial board of two academic journals in these fields. From New Zealand, Allan and his wife Marven have lived and served in S. E. Asia for most of the time since 1988, as members of OMF International. He is based in Singapore, where he also serves on several medical and research ethics committees and panels. Allan may be contacted by email: allan.harkness@

Charles de Jongh

CHARLES DE JONGH has served as Academic Dean and Lecturer (Biblical and Youth Studies) at Malyon College since 2007, having previously served at the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa and in Hilton Baptist Church. He has studied in the areas of Christian ministry and theology and higher education, achieving a BA, LTh, MA, DLitt et Phil and DEd in the process. At present, he is particularly interested in the interface between learning outcomes and assessment, endeavoring to develop and propose different approaches to assessment, particularly in the higher-education setting. Additionally, he retains a deep interest in the ministry of Mission Aviation Fellowship, having previously served as the South African board chairman. He is married to Susan and has two daughters.

Errol Elton Joseph

ERROL ELTON JOSEPH (BTh, Jamaica Theological Seminary, MACE, Caribbean Graduate School of Theology; and PhD in Organizational Leadership, Regent University in Virginia Beach, USA) has served as high-school Principal, Academic Dean, and President of a theological college and has been involved in theological education since 1982. For more than twenty years he was the Secretary/Treasurer of the Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association. In addition, Rev. Joseph has participated in several national committees related to education, including the National Advisory Committee to the Minister of Education and the Vision 2020 Sub-Committee on Secondary Education. Currently, he serves as Vice-President of Academic Affairs at the West Indies School of Theology, Elder-Director of Christian Education of Open Bible Standard Churches, Executive Member and Accrediting Coordinator of the Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (CETA), and External Examiner for the South African Theological Seminary. He lectures in Spiritual Formation, Principles of Leadership, and Conflict Management, and conducts seminars and workshops in these areas. In addition, he is an evaluator, team chair, programme evaluator, and member of the Accreditation Review Committee of the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago.

John Jusu

JOHN JUSU (PhD) is a missionary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa, seconded to the Africa International University in Nairobi, Kenya. He is an ordained minister of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, Sierra Leone. He is currently on an extended leave of absence from the university and is serving with the Overseas Council International as Africa Regional Director. He works extensively on transformational curriculum issues in response to the context in which formal and non-formal education happens in Africa. His expertise is in understanding the epistemological frameworks of Africans striving to go into pastoral and teaching ministries of the church in Africa, and how that understanding may influence educational practices. In light of this expertise, John serves as Curriculum Consultant for the More Than a Mile Deep – Global Curriculum, Supervising Editor for the Africa Study Bible, Senior Researcher for the Africa Leadership Study, and member of the Global Associates for Transformational Education. John is also involved in faculty development for many educational initiatives in Africa. John is married to Tity. They have three children.

John R. Lillis

JOHN R. LILLIS earned his Doctorate in Education at Michigan State University, USA. Since returning from Southeast Asia as a missionary with his wife, Gail, John has held senior positions at various educational institutions and is currently Provost at Grace College and Seminary, Indiana, USA.

Rhonda M. McEwen

RHONDA M. MCEWEN (PhD Educational Studies, Trinity International University; MA Cross-Cultural Ministries, Dallas Theological Seminary; BA Linguistics, University of Ottawa) served as Assistant Dean at Azusa Pacific University’s University College in Southern California. Before joining APU, Rhonda served as professor in the graduate programs in Intercultural Education/InterculturalStudies at Biola University. Previously, she taught at Wheaton College, Dallas Seminary, and Trinity International University, as well as at several community colleges. In addition to higher education, she has worked with international and community faith-based organizations, such as the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College, Food for the Hungry International, World Concern, and OMF. Rhonda is from Canada, and has lived and worked in a variety of countries in Asia and Africa.

Paul Sanders

PAUL SANDERS was born in the USA to a Swedish father (Baptist pastor) and a Lebanese mother. Paul holds a BA in History from Oregon State University, a Master of Divinity in Christian Education, a Master of Theology in practical theology from Western Seminary in Oregon, as well as the doctorate in Modern History from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne. He is married to Agnès, French physician, and they have three adult children and two grandchildren. After twenty-five years of ministry in the Paris area in church planting and theological education, Paul and his family moved to Beirut (Lebanon) where he served for nearly fifteen years as academic dean and provost of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut (, then as International Director of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education ( and the Middle East Association for Theological Education ( The Sanders now make their home in the city of Nantes in western France.

Natee Tanchanpongs

NATEE TANCHANPONGS is the academic dean of Bangkok Bible Seminary and a pastor at Grace City Church, Bangkok, Thailand. He received his Ph.D. in theological studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 2007, where he worked in the area of contextual hermeneutics. Thereafter he served the World Evangelical Alliance Theological Commission (WEA-TC), in which he worked in a study unit on contextualization. He is married to Bee. They have two children, Maisie and Meno.

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