More Information
ISBN: 9781786410245
Imprint: Langham Global Library
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 22
Publication Date: 14/11/2024
Pages: 432
Series: Africa Society of Evangelical Theology Series
Language: English

Ecclesiology in Africa


In spite of persecution and waning in some areas of the world, Christianity in Africa has continued to grow. Yet alongside the flourishing of the church comes challenges of syncretism and pluralism.

In this ninth volume from the annual conference of the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology, contributors explore the African Christian’s understanding of church through contextual ecclesiology. These African theologians address irrefutable realities for the African church while covering an extensive range of topics such as the priesthood of all believers, the functions and ministries of church in society, and church growth strategies. Presenting ecclesiology through the lenses of scriptural examinations, historical theology, systematic examinations, and practical theology, these essays work together to build a contemporary understanding of the burgeoning church in Africa through African voices.

Author Bios

David K. Ngaruiya
(Edited By)

DAVID K. NGARUIYA is an associate professor, former acting deputy vice chancellor for academic affairs, and director of the PhD in theological studies program at International Leadership University, Kenya. He has a PhD in intercultural studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Illinois, USA, and previously served as chair of the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology.

Rodney L. Reed
(Edited By)

RODNEY L. REED is a missionary educator who has been serving at Africa Nazarene University in Nairobi, Kenya, since 2001. He is the former deputy vice-chancellor of academic affairs, and prior to that, was the chair of the department of religion. He has a PhD in theological ethics from Drew University, New Jersey, USA, and is an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene.


The rich insights and conversations presented in this volume speak to the interdisciplinary, biblical, historical, and contextual ecclesiological issues facing the church in Africa. These conversations and discourses on ecclesiology from African Christian scholars shed light on some of the ecclesiological issues the church is facing globally and enrich the global conversation. This is a must-read book, for all those who are interested in African Christian theology.

James Nkansah-Obrempong, PhD
Professor of Theology and Ethics,
Dean, Graduate School,
Africa International University, Kenya

This important book provides insightful analysis of a broad range of dynamics in contemporary African church communities. Christians the world over will find profound and mature theological wisdom from African authors in the pages of this book.

Robert J. Priest, PhD
Retired and Adjunct Professor,
Taylor University, Indiana, USA

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. 1 The Priesthood of All Believers and the Celebration of Communion in an African Church
    Alberto Cotelo Gomes and Rowland D. Van Es, Jr
  4. 2 False Prosperity Pronouncements in 1 Kings 22:1–28 and Reflections for the Church Florah M. Kidula
  5. 3 A Clash of Cultures
    Catherine W. Chege
  6. 4 Church Architecture in the African Vernacular
    Robert Falconer
  7. 5 Untethered Agents of Eternal Life
    Cornelia van Deventer and Jesse Fungwa Kipimo
  8. 6 In Pursuit of Contextual Christian Ministry in an African Church
    Edwin Buertey and Abraham Nana Opare Kwakye
  9. 7 The Church as a Household of God in African Theology
    Isaac Ampong
  10. 8 The Case for the Ecclesiastical Title “Apostle” and the Gift of “Apostle”
    Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe
  11. 9 Re-imagining Cross-cultural Missional Ecclesiology in an African Context
    Judy Wanjiru Wang’ombe
  12. 10 Communal Theosis
    Calum Samuelson
  13. 11 Spiritual Parenthood as an Aspect of Emerging Kinship and Ecclesiological Structures in Urban African Pentecostalism
    E. Okelloh Ogera
  14. 12 Ecclesiology in Contemporary Africa
    Benjamin Akano
  15. 13 The Church as the Family Writ Large
    Paul N. Mwangi
  16. 14 Paucity of Meditation in Christian Worship
    Kelechi Bartram
  17. 15 Cash, Cleaning and Cooking
    Marike Blok-Sijtsma
  18. 16 The Necessity of Balanced Church Growth Strategies in Africa
    Victor Umaru
  19. 17 “A Woman Teaches with Heart”
    Tamie Davis
  20. 18 The Camel Has Four Legs
    Joshua Robert Barron
  21. Contributors
  22. Subject Index
  23. Scripture Index


Alberto Cotelo Gomes

Rowland van Es

ROWLAND VAN ES is a mission partner of Reformed Church Global Mission who has been serving at St. Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya, since 2004. Currently, he is the Interim Head of Department for History, Missions, Religion and Practical Theology. Prior to 2004 he and his wife Jane also served in the Gambia, Malawi and Sierra Leone. He has an MDiv and a ThM from Western Theological Seminary, Holland, Michigan, and an MA from Michigan State University. He is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church of America.

Florah Kidula

Catherine W. Chege

Tamie Davis

Robert Falconer

ROBERT FALCONER holds degrees in architecture and theology. After practicing architecture in Scotland and South Africa, he and his wife were called to Kenya as missionaries, where he served as principal of a discipleship training school. Dr. Falconer currently works at South African Theological Seminary as the coordinator of student research. He lives in St. Francis Bay, South Africa, together with his wife and two sons.

Cornelia van Deventer

Jesse Fungwa Kipimo

Edwin Tetteh Buertey

Abraham Nana Opare Kwakye

Isaac Ampong

Dieudonne Komla Nuekpe

DIEUDONNE KOMLA NUEKPE has a PhD in intercultural studies from Torch Trinity Graduate University, South Korea. He is an ordained minister of The Church of Pentecost (The COP), Ghana, with an apostolic ministry. He has served as the national head of The COP in South Korea and an executive council member of The COP worldwide. He is a board member of the Sanneh Institute and lectures at Pentecost University, Ghana. Before his call to full-time ministry, he worked as a bilingual administrator in the missions and evangelism departments of the church. He is currently involved with teaching, pastoral care, training, evangelism, church planting, leadership development, administration, and ordination of church officers and has engaged in cross-cultural ministry in several countries both in and outside of Africa.

Judy Wanjiru Wang’ombe

JUDY WANJIRU WANG’OMBE did her MDiv (Biblical Studies) and MTh (Missions) with Africa International University, Kenya. She is currently a doctoral candidate of Inter-Religious Studies in the same university. She has a keen interest in understanding the lived experiences of Muslims, especially those pertaining to the world of spirits. She has served in various Muslim locations and interacted with Muslims from different cultural settings.

Calum Samuelson

E. Okelloh Ogera

OKELLOH OGERA holds a PhD in Religious Studies from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. He has published several journal articles and book chapters on African Christianity and is an Adjunct Lecturer within the Faculty of Theology at St. Paul’s University. He is currently engaged in researching “Mega Churches in the Global South” organized by the John Templeton Foundation. He is also an ordained priest in the Anglican Church.

Benjamin Isola Akano

Paul N. Mwangi

Bartram Kelechi Onyemaechi

Marike Blok-Sijtsma

Victor Umaru

Joshua Robert Barron

JOSHUA ROBERT BARRON is a theological educator and curriculum developer in Kenya. He is series co-editor for the African Christian Studies Series, series editor for Rethinking Church in the 21st Century (Langham Global Library), and a managing editor of the African Christian Theology journal. He is a PhD candidate at Africa International University, Kenya.

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