More Information
ISBN: 9781839738265
Imprint: HippoBooks
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 12
Publication Date: 14/03/2023
Pages: 220
Language: English

Can a Christian Be Cursed?

An African Evangelical Response to the Problem of Curses


The belief in curses is widespread in Africa, impacting the lived reality of both Christians and non-Christians alike. In this book, Godwin Adeboye provides practical, biblical, and contextual guidelines for addressing the African conception of cursing, and for ministering to the fear and confusion such cursing elicits. He argues that African evangelical theology must begin by understanding, and valuing, the unique experiences of African Christians if it is to offer relevant answers to the real dilemmas they face. To this end, Adeboye draws on African traditional beliefs, empirical research, and the teachings of popular African pastors to provide insight into the religious and cultural contexts of the contemporary African church. Against this backdrop, he explores biblical passages on cursing and utilizes the evangelical positions on biblical authority, the atonement, personal conversion, and active mission to evaluate cultural beliefs and bring them into alignment with the gospel.

While this text is an excellent resource for students of theology, missiology, and biblical or cultural studies, it is also immensely practical and deeply pastoral. Ultimately, it is a book to empower believersto confront their fear of curses equipped with the truth of Scripture.

Author Bios

Godwin O. Adeboye

GODWIN O. ADEBOYE has served as the pioneering Director of Research and Innovations at ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria. He currently serves as the African Regional Coordinator at Shepherd’s Academy, Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, UK, where he is also conducting his doctoral research as a Langham scholar. In collaboration with the University of Pretoria, his research seeks to provide a theological model for the survival of Christian missions in Islamic political contexts.


In this well-researched and intentionally easy-to-read book, the author provides an evangelical response to the belief in curses in contemporary African Christianity. This is a gem for the African church and the academy. Every African theological library must have a copy of this book.

Association for Christian Theological Education in Africa, Kenya

This publication is a beautiful juxtaposition of biblical hermeneutics and theological methodology. This is a book that all church and denominational leaders, other gospel ministers, theological educators, and ministers-in-training need to read.

Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomosho

This book empowers African Christians to confront their fear of curses with thorough biblical exposition.

University of Ibadan, Nigeria

Combining biblical theology with practical and pastoral help, this careful, detailed, and wide-ranging book will be useful for pastors, preachers, theologians, seminary students, and lecturers across Africa.

PATRICK SOOKHDEO, PhDPATRICK SOOKHDEO, PhDOxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, UK

This book is timely, simple, and readable. It shines a clear light on how readers can understand and biblically respond to curses. This work will enrich the international discussion and it is my honour to recommend it for use in institutions of higher learning, churches, and society as a whole.

ECWA Theological Seminary, Igbaja, Nigeria

In almost all African ethnic groups, people take curses seriously. Adeboye’s book brings comfort through a focus on the sovereignty of God, who has the power to overrule any human curse.

Institut Universitaire de Développement International, Cameroon

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Abbreviations
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Is the Experience of African Christians Different?
  5. The Problem, the Controversy, and the Debate
  6. Theological Method for a Theology of Curses
  7. Biblical Theology of Curses and Cursing
  8. Curses in Traditional African Religio-Cultural Context
  9. The Reality and Fear of Curses in African Christianity
  10. The Treatment of Curses in Contemporary African Christianity
  11. An Evangelical Solution to the African Dilemma and Fear of Curses
  12. Christian Moral Responsibility and the Dilemma of Curses
  13. A Contextual and Biblical Guideline for Responding to Curses
  14. The Real African Curses
  15. God Is Sovereign and Christ Is Lord Over All Curses
  16. Bibliography
  17. Subject Index
  18. Scripture Index