Reflections on Theological Education
Steven A. Hardy reflects on teaching, learning and the importance of the role of theological education in the formation of leaders.
Steven A. Hardy reflects on teaching, learning and the importance of the role of theological education in the formation of leaders.
The church as the community of the redeemed in Christ is called out of the world not to serve and maintain itself, but to come back and serve society and God’s mission in the world. The church outside of MENA, that has been used to occupying the position of majority in society, is going through a major crisis as it increasingly morphs into a minority community. The church globally needs to learn carefully what it means to live in a post-Christian world. Seminaries will need to play a major role in graduating students with this new sense of purpose, if the church is to continue as God’s transforming agent in a world often without purpose.
Perry Shaw, author of Transforming Theological Education: A Practica Handbook for Integrative Learning explains the story of how one of Langham Publishing's top selling titles came to be a book – a book that answered his own vocational crisis and that has had a growing impact in theological colleges around the globe.
Imad Shehadeh is author of God With Us and Without Us, Volume 1, here he shares some significant aspects of his life and journey with the triune God.