Posts tagged 'coronavirus'

Living with Disability & COVID-19

Bridget Hathaway and Flavian Kishekwa have worked together for many years in the field of disability in the community and over time have seen a positive change of attitude towards people with disabilities, with a greater awareness of their ability rather than focusing on the prefix of dis.

However, if a COVID-19 outbreak occurs and the question arises “Who shall I treat with our precious resources?” the answer may not be favourable for those with disability.

30 July 2020

COVID-19 Universals

The global pandemic of COVID-19 and the coronavirus, with its ensuing lockdown measures and crippling economic impact shows no sign of abating despite some countries being able to ease restrictions. It has changed everything for everyone. Or has it?

Mark Meynell, Associate Director for Langham Preaching gives some nourishment for our souls with five Bible passages applied to the current crisis.

22 June 2020

Lament During A Pandemic

God is always worthy of our praise, but the Bible is full of rich expressions of relationships with God that cover a wide range of experiences and emotions. God in his infinite wisdom included this in his divine word. Yet so often, all over the world, Christians and the church at wide seem locked in to praise and thanksgiving at the exclusion of pouring out our hearts to our loving Father in heaven. Federico Villanueva helps us to engage with our grief during this time of hardship and trial as a result of the coronavirus pandemic by pointing us to the word of God in Lamentations.

29 May 2020

The Need for a Public Theology (in Africa)

What is the relationship between faith and public life? Specifically, how does religion impact how we live as Christians in religiously and culturally diverse societies? These questions are as prescient as ever with the outbreak of COVID-19, and the answers are ever so slightly different depending on the context being addressed. It is important for these questions to be addressed in every context and the contexts across Africa are no different.

28 May 2020

Reflections On Our Times

Gordon Showell-Rogers reflects on the current golobal situation and how amidst the lament and the appropriate silence, the church has an opportunity to do what Jesus’s people are called to do at all times and in all places – namely, to draw near to God and to make him known in deed as well as in word.

3 May 2020

Coronavirus: The Hidden Enemy

Where is God in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic? Bryson Arthur, as an author of a book devoted to the issue of suffering, is well-placed to offer solace to those struggling mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually from the impact of the world's current number one foe. And solace can be had, and it is found only in that place of ultimate worship of the triune God – the cross of Jesus Christ. We can even begin to learn some of the answers in our search for meaning in this time of global crisis.

29 April 2020

Love in the Time of Pandemic

Soon our scientists will discover the vaccine; human immunity will ramp up; the air’s temperature will rise and possibly limit the lifespan of the virus. All will return to normal. But will we remember the lessons of the time of pandemic when our world was coming to an end? Sadly, most will not, but perhaps some will. Would that we honor the victims of COVID-19 – from Wuhan in China to Codogno in Lombardy, Italy – by retaining the values learned in the time of the pandemic that claimed their lives. Would that the values of God’s Kingdom be remembered and practiced beyond the time of tragedy, suffering, and death.

20 March 2020