Partner Spotlight: Asia Theological Association

2 March 2023

The Asia Theological Association Banner featuring and wide angle photo of the 2022 General Assembley

The Asia Theological Association (ATA) is a body of theological institutions, committed to evangelical faith and scholarship, networking together to serve the Church. The association is guided by a commitment to strengthening interaction, enhancing scholarship, promoting academic excellence, fostering spiritual and ministerial formation, and mobilizing resources to fulfil God's global mission within diverse Asian cultures. The organisation has been in operation for over fifty years and serves more than 300 institutions across Asia.

In addition to its main objective of providing accreditation to its institutional members, the ATA also facilitates consultancy for educational development. It has formed a consortium (Asia Graduate School of Theology) of accredited members who together can offer advanced degrees. What makes the association unique is their desire to invest in the output of research and writing from its members through publishing, through their own journal publications (Journal of Evangelical Theology and Journal of Asian Mission), as well as publishing books under their own name, and in collaboration with other partners.

Langham Publishing and the ATA have partnered together to publish resources since 2014. Our first project together was the Asia Bible Commentary Series. In this series we seek to empower Christian believers in Asia to better read the Bible within their respective contexts. Each exposition of the biblical books combines exegesis and application producing a pastoral and contextual commentary. To date we have published twenty one volumes, with new volumes being released every year.

The Asia Bible Commentary Series. Featuring covers for Psalms 73–150 and 1 & 2 Kings

More recently the ATA have developed further two new and distinct series. The first, Foundations in Asian Christian Thought, delivers essential textbooks on key subjects from Asian perspectives. So far this series has covered topics on theology, ethics, and the Old Testament.

The second, a premier monographs series called Logia, gives a platform to scholars in Asia and aims to dig deeper into topics from Asian perspectives.The first volume in this series is Contextualization and the Old Testament: Between Asian and Western Perspectives.

Logia Series: Contextualization and the Old Testament

Under the current leadership of the General Secretary, Dr. Theresa Lua, the ATA continues to be highly relevant to its institutional members and the church in Asia. At their recent General Assembly in Malaysia, which is held every three years and was attended by stakeholders from across Asia and beyond, the ATA focused on “The Digital Turn in Theological Education: Impact, Opportunities and Challenges.”

A photo of the ballroom from the 2022 General Assembley

Moreover the recent launch of a new initiative, ATA Digital, sees the organisation engaging its members with relevant content in the digital medium. In its first iteration this digital platform unpacks some of the published resources mentioned above, sharing them with a wider audience and fostering further conversations.

ATA Digital Podcast image for episode 3

To learn more about the ATA visit:
See all available volumes in the Asia Bible Commentary Series
See all available volumes in the Foundations in Asian Christian Thought series
See all available volumes in the Logia series

Other books publishing in partnership with the ATA

Missions in Southeast Asia Cover

Missions in Southeast Asia: Diversity and Unity in God's Design

Edited by Kiem-Kok Kwa and Samuel Ka-Chieng Law

Contributors from throughout the region reflect on Christianity in Southeast Asia, providing an overview of missions in the region, and exploring how local churches are defining a uniquely Southeast Asian approach to interreligious engagement.