Books You Might Have Missed In 2023

The cover says: Ten Books You Might Have Missed In 2023
15 December 2023

2023 was a busy year for us.

We released over 40 English, French, and Spanish books, and the year ahead looks just as busy. With so many books released, it can be difficult to keep track of them all. So here are ten books you might have missed this year!

Better than One

Better than One offers the reader a robust theological understanding of loneliness and identifies five different types of loneliness – emotional, social, cultural, existential, and spiritual – and illustrates each type through well-known biblical narratives. Chornobai and Hrytsenko aim to equip all those suffering from loneliness – as well as those walking alongside them, whether pastors, counselors, or social workers – to better understand the inner and outer factors impacting their experience and to find more effective strategies for coping and thriving. 

Transforming Church

The area of community development provides a unique opportunity for the church to partner with God in his mission to see the world transformed. In Transforming Church, Tim Monger draws from over a decade of experience working in integral mission alongside local congregations in East Africa. Providing an overview of the current landscape of African community development, he engages the question of how the church can be truly effective in alleviating poverty and bringing hope to its communities.

Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary

The Central and Eastern European Bible Commentary is a groundbreaking, multi-year work and the first full-Bible commentary to come out of Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of this resource is to provide a contemporary, contextually relevant, church-based commentary written exclusively by biblical scholars from the region.

Can a Christian Be Cursed?

The belief in curses is widespread in Africa, impacting the lived reality of both Christians and non-Christians alike. In this book, Godwin Adeboye provides practical, biblical, and contextual guidelines for addressing the African conception of cursing, and for ministering to the fear and confusion such cursing elicits. This is an excellent resource to empower believers to confront their fear of curses equipped with the truth of Scripture.

Called to Discipleship

Drawing on Jesus’s example in the Gospel of Mark, this book offers an in-depth exploration of the nature of discipleship. A tool to help readers draw close to Jesus, it presents discipleship as a way of life centred on the journey back to God. At a time when secular culture is rediscovering the benefits of discipleship, this book invites readers into a powerful experience of identity formation based on the values of Christ and his kingdom.

Vernacular Bibles in Africa through European Eyes

This study provides detailed historical accounts of the origins of two of Africa’s most revered vernacular Bibles: the Efik Bible of modern-day Nigeria and the Nyanja Bible of Southern Africa. Issuing a powerful warning for those involved in the vast ongoing task of translating Scripture into the world’s vernacular languages, Nyirenda reminds us that we must first reckon with our social, cultural, and historical embeddedness when seeking to communicate gospel truth across linguistic or cultural barriers.

Missionary Statesman, Strategist, and Servant

Edited By Sadiri Joy Tira and Laurie Nichols

This collection of essays draws together a diverse group of scholars and practitioners as they pay loving tribute to Dr. Tetsunao (Ted) Yamamori, one of the great leaders of global mission and mentor to a generation. Far from a reflection on the past, this is a book that looks to the future, drawing on the life and ministry of Dr. Yamamori to cast a vision for how we can meet the challenges and opportunities of global mission in the twenty-first century.

2 Peter and Jude

2 Peter and Jude, though brief, are rich resources for understanding the call to live godly and holy lives. Importantly they provide essential discussion on false teachers, individuals whom many of us today narrowly define based on their unorthodox views or teachings. While there is truth in this definition, Dr. Uytanlet expands on this by skillfully expounding 2 Peter and Jude to show that our understanding of false teachers should be broadened to include lifestyle and character. 

The Priesthood of All Students

Drawing on archival records and firsthand accounts, this work explores the history, theology, and missiology of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). It examines how IFES’s commitment to immediacy, mediation, and participation are grounded upon a firm belief in the priesthood of all believers and a missional ecclesiology that presupposes God’s involvement in all aspects of life, including the university.

Building the Whole Church

Engaging qualitative research from South Asia, Dr. Jessy Jaison demonstrates that both formal and non-formal approaches to theological training can support the church’s missional calling. Not only will readers be introduced to theological education in the the South Asian context, they will also benefit from the practical and collaborative model demonstrated and how they can revitalize the process in supporting the church in its mission.