Arabic Edition of 'God With Us and Without Us' Released

5 September 2022

The Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut, Lebanon recently held a launch event for the release of the Arabic edition of God With Us and Without Us, Volumes One and Two, by Imad N. Shehadeh.


God as Trinity is at the core of the mystery and otherness of the divine nature of God. It has also been a frequent barrier to those who hold to the Absolute Oneness of God. God With Us and Without Us demonstrates the inevitability of the Trinity by exposing the conflict that Absolute Oneness faced historically. It presents the beautiful logic of the Trinity and explains how the display of God’s attributes in creation derives from the self-sustaining relationships in his triune nature as Father, Spirit and Son.



Now, the book has been released in Arabic, published by our friends at Dar Manhal Al Hayat. The project has long been in the works, having faced delays due to COVID restrictions and lockdowns in 2020. At the long-awaited launch event, many people of different ages and backgrounds gathered together to show their support for the work. Author Imad Shehadeh was able to share about the book, which was followed by an in-depth Q&A session. One organiser said, "We could see that our community has longed for such gatherings where believers could learn, open up, share, ask questions, and enjoy fellowship."



We at Langham Publishing are thrilled to see this powerful combined volume released in Arabic. We pray that God would use this book to encourage many believers in the Arab world. Congratulations to Dr. Shehadeh and our partners at Dar Manhal al Hayat on its release!

Imad N. Shehadeh is President and Senior Professor of Theology at Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary, Amman, Jordan, which he founded in 1991. Dr Shehadeh earned his PhD from Dallas Theological Seminary, Texas, USA, and has carried out post-doctoral studies at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium, and the University of Edinburgh, UK. He has a wide-ranging preaching and teaching ministry including online and television series, and speaking at churches, seminaries and conferences. Dr Shehadeh has written a number of articles and books published in both English and Arabic.