Nelson R. Morales Fredes

Nelson R. Morales Fredes (PhD Theological Studies/New Testament, Trinity International University) is professor of New Testament and Hermeneutics at Seminario Teológico Centroamericano, Guatemala. Originally from Chile, he has lived, studied, and taught in Guatemala since 1993. He has written several articles in the journal Kairós, encyclopedia entries, a commentary on 2 Corinthians in Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo (San Sebastián: Certeza Unida / Buenos Aires: Ediciones Kairós), and Poor and Rich in James: A Relevance Theory Approach to James’s Use of the Old Testament in the Bulletin for Biblical Research Supplement Series (University Park, PA: Eisenbrauns, 2018). He is also a board member of the Evangelical Society for Socio-Religious Studies (SEES) in Guatemala.

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