More Information
ISBN: 9781783686438
Imprint: Langham Global Library
Format: Paperback
Dimensions (mm): 229 x 152 x 19
Publication Date: 31/07/2019
Pages: 376
Series: Foundations in Asian Christian Thought
Language: English

Asian Christian Theology

Evangelical Perspectives


Asian Christian Theology provides a survey of contextually reflective, robustly evangelical theology for students to engage with the core doctrines of Christianity and their outworking in different cultures across Asia. The contributors of the chapters come from all corners of Asia to systematically examine traditional doctrinal themes and contemporary concerns for the Asian church. Ideal for use as a companion textbook in Asian seminaries and institutions, this book will also provide excellent further reading for those outside of Asia seeking global theological perspectives, and for those in contexts of significant Asian diaspora. Many excellent books surveying theology exist, but this book is a major step forward for students and scholars seeking to understand the dynamic environment of evangelical theology in Asia.

Author Bios

Timoteo D. Gener
(Edited By)

TIMOTEO D. GENER (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary) is President of the Asian Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines ( A practitioner of local theology and a distinguished member of the World Evangelical Alliance Task Force on Ecumenical Affairs, he has coedited The Earth is the Lord’s: Reflections on Stewardship in the Asian Setting (2011), published jointly by OMF Lit and Asian Theological Seminary.

Stephen T. Pardue
(Edited By)

Steve Pardue (PhD, Wheaton College) is Associate Professor of Theology at the Asia Graduate School of Theology, Manila, Philippines. He is the author of The Mind of Christ: Humility and the Intellect in Early Christian Theology (London/New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2012) and co-editor of Asian Christian Theology (Carlisle, UK: Langham Global Library). He grew up in the Philippines and moved back there after finishing his doctoral work. His areas of research include virtue theory, contextual theology, and the doctrine of providence.


This groundbreaking book, authored by Asians from every part of the vast continent, will be standard reading for every Asian student of theology in the evangelical tradition for years to come. But its importance will inspire Asian evangelical scholars as well, and students and scholars from other ecclesial and theological traditions. Rooted in the tradition of the wider church, it embraces Asian methods and concerns in a generous, responsible, and creative way.

Stephen B. Bevans, PhD
Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD Professor of Mission and Culture,
Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Illinois, USA

This groundbreaking book is not vaguely Christian nor parochially Asian. It is, rather, the effort of leading Asian theologians to articulate Christian faith in terms that are biblically rooted, committed to historic orthodoxy, contextually engaged, and suffused with evangelical zeal. As this book shows, the future is bright because Asian Christianity is theologically rigorous and missiologically driven, something the Western churches would seriously benefit from imbibing. This book is simply mandatory reading for anyone interested in theology from the global church, missions, cross-cultural ministry, or serving in multicultural settings.

Rev Michael F. Bird, PhD
Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology,
Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia

Asian Christian Theology: Evangelical Perspectives is a groundbreaking selection of theological reflections from Asia. The sixteen authors represent a wide variety of Asian contexts and include pastors and church leaders as well as seminary professors, offering a historically informed biblical and evangelical take on Asian realities. The editors aim to present a biblical faith for Asian believers; some of us hope and pray this solid presentation of Asian theology will also be readby North American (and European and African) believers. Asian Christian Theology makes an important contribution to that global conversation.

William Dyrness, PhD
Senior Professor of Theology and Culture,
Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, USA

It is with enormous pride that I commend this book to you. We find here a much-needed compendium of contemporary evangelical thinking on many of the key theological issues that define Christianity in Asia today. It is a rare privilege to have, in one book, contributions from some of today’s outstanding Asian creative and biblical thinkers. May the insights found here trickle down to the churches and contribute to helping the growing church in Asia to mature in depth, relevance and national influence.

Ajith Fernando, ThM
Teaching Director, Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka

Decentering the dominant strands of the Western theological tradition in the practice of evangelical theology is of utmost importance for its witness to the gospel among the people of every tribe and nation. This volume contributes admirably to that task by offering a rich and compelling collection of essays on a full range of theological topics and concerns from the perspectives of Asian evangelical theologians. As such, it makes a significant contribution to the formation of a global Christian faith that deserves to be widely read and contemplated, particularly by those interested in the future of evangelical theology.

John R. Franke, PhD
General Coordinator, The Gospel and Our Culture Network

This compendium of essays, with leading evangelical theologians from various parts of this vast continent writing on topics traditional in theology – from revelation and Trinity to Christology – and issues of contemporary concern such as culture, religious plurality, and immigration, is an amazing treasure of voices and insights. What is particularly noteworthy about the book is the presence of comparative theology throughout the discussions of various topics. Unlike most evangelicals, those from Asian soil are accustomed to reflecting on and framing their Christian theology in a sympathetic and critical dialogue with the teachings of other living faiths. This is mandatory reading not only for evangelicals in the global church but also for everyone who wishes to keep updated about the latest theological developments.

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Dr Theol Habil
Professor of Systematic Theology,
Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, USA
Docent of Ecumenics, University of Helsinki, Finland

This book contains sixteen distinguished essays succinctly addressing not only the classical dogmas ranging from revelation to eschatology, but also a variety of contemporary issues on culture and mission. They speak from a shared Asian identity, with an earnest commitment to be “biblically rooted, historically aware, contextually engaged, and broadly evangelical.” A “must read” for all seminary faculty, students, and alumni, whether you are of the Majority World or in the post-Christian West.

Rev Stephen Lee, PhD
President and Lam Ko Kit Tak Professor of Biblical Studies,
China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong

Evangelical theology that is “biblically rooted, historically aware, and contextually relevant” has at times been considered unattainable. But this book effectively demonstrates a mode of Asian reflection and theologizing that supports classical theology and compels us to be more committed to biblical truth.

Jung-Sook Lee, PhD
President, Torch Trinity Graduate University, Seoul, South Korea

Studying and doing theology in ways appropriate and relevant to the Asian situation has been limited for the longest time by the lack of Asian resources and our dependence on systematic theology books from the West. Finally, here is a textbook on Christian theology written by Asian theologians for the Asian church! An excellent resource on thinking theologically in context, I highly recommend this to be required reading in Bible colleges and seminaries as it will definitely help in equipping leaders who are not only rooted in the evangelical tradition but are also responsive to the contextual realities in Asia.

Theresa Lua, EdD
General Secretary, Asia Theological Association

This book is for anyone who cares deeply about making disciples and planting churches in Asia – the most populous and diverse continent in the world. Considering the unprecedented growth of Asian Christianity and the bewildering cultural and religious diversity of the region, we need more books like this that model for us what it looks like to be faithful to the gospel and mindful of the context in which it is delivered. I wish that this volume had been written sooner, and I hope that more like it will be published in the future.

Steve Murrell, DMin
Founding Pastor, Victory Manila, Philippines
Cofounder and President, Every Nation Churches & Ministries

This book marks evangelical mission theology breaking new ground. It embraces the authority of Scripture and the work of the triune God in revelation as creator, sustainer, redeemer, the church and our eschatological hope. Practical insights into the lives of Christians across Asia in the context of the public square, poverty, religious pluralism, cultural identity and demonic power are a goldmine of information inspiration and hope. It is essential for theological students and their teachers wanting to develop their own theology of mission to study this book.

Bruce J. Nicholls, PhD
Senior Adviser, Asia Theological Association

Here is a fantastic and timely example of incarnational theology, in which the Asian church articulates what it means to be faithful, relevant and effective in its time and place. This is a much-needed exercise in all global Christianity, and we thank our Asian sisters and brothers for providing such an excellent precedent and stimulus. This book is a “must read” not only for Asian church leaders, theologians, theological educators and theology students, but for anyone wanting to deeply understand how contemporary Asian Christianity is responding to its challenges today.

Marvin Oxenham, PhD
General Secretary, European Council for Theological Education
Director, ICETE Academy
Educationalist, London School of Theology, UK

For too long, Western theology has set the agenda for theological discussion in the Majority World, while important contextual issues in the Majority World have not been addressed. Asian Christian Theology: Evangelical Perspectives begins to offer a corrective as it provides a robust engagement with some of the best insights of Western evangelical scholarship while also contextually engaging with issues, questions, and concerns within Asian contexts. The volume certainly succeeds in its goal of being “biblically rooted, historically aware, and contextually engaged, and broadly evangelical” and serves as a model for how to engage the church not just theologically but also missiologically.

Rev Andrew Prince, PhD
Director of Centre for Asian Christianity,
Brisbane School of Theology, Australia

This book, featuring leading Asian scholars, offers fresh and relevant theological reflection on the significant issues facing the church throughout our region. Each chapter offers constructive answers to the complexities of Asian realities from an evangelical perspective. It is the best book on contextual theology to date!

Joseph Shao, PhD
President Emeritus, Biblical Seminary of the Philippines
4th General Secretary, Asia Theological Association

With the stunning rise of the Asian church in our day, we welcome this remarkable collection of essays which remind us that evangelical theology is part of a global confession which encircles the world and traces back to the apostolic faith of the earliest Christians. The volume is distinctive in that it not only addresses traditional themes such as Christology, pneumatology and eschatology, but it also speaks seamlessly and compellingly about evangelical perspectives on emigrant communities, public theology and interfaith dialogue. This is truly a wonderful collection of essays and a timely contribution to the global church!

Timothy C. Tennent, PhD
President and Professor of World Christianity,
Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky, USA

The theology expressed here is at once deeply biblical, alert to life-giving voices of the global and historic church, engaged with Asian cultures and contexts, and above all, rooted in the gospel. What falls apart in less careful hands, coheres in these essays around common confession of the Lordship of Christ and love for where in the world the authors bear witness.

Rev Richard R. Topping, PhD
Principal and Professor of Studies in the Reformed Tradition,
Vancouver School of Theology, British Columbia, Canada

This book is a wonderful testimony to the work of representative evangelical theologians striving to balance the importance of staying focused on the text of Scripture and the traditions of its interpretation (“Christian”) while simultaneously engaging the demands and complexities of their various contexts (“Asian”). The editors achieve this balance by asking half the contributors to engage biblical doctrines and the other half realities on the ground that are particularly relevant to Asian Christians. The book as a whole provides further welcome evidence of the truth of Andrew Walls’s observation that each time the gospel is understood in a new context, the whole church – east, west, north, and south – benefits.

Kevin J. Vanhoozer, PhD
Research Professor of Systematic Theology,
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, USA

Asian Christian Theology: Evangelical Perspectives is not just interesting reading but is a timely publication. This is a book that is a comprehensive theological treatise, and will certainly prove to be both informative and useful, especially to those who are concerned with the witness of the church to the grace of God manifested in Jesus Christ.

Brian C. Wintle, PhD
Former Regional Secretary, Asia Theological Association, India
Former Principal, Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India

With this outstanding volume, the Asia Theological Association adds sparkling crown jewels to its long and expanding heritage of significant publications. This richly informative collection is not only a gift to Asian Christian churches and seminaries from some of their own finest theologians, it is also a most welcome gift from the Asian church to the global Christian community. And for that reason it ought to be in the libraries and syllabi of seminaries anywhere that are serious about hearing and understanding mature theological voices outside the echo chambers of the western academy. Thank you, ATA, for such a feast of living theology!

Christopher J. H. Wright, PhD
International Ministries Director, Langham Partnership

This engagement with biblical, historical and contextual materials has resulted in some fine explorations of theology firmly rooted in the Asian soil. Hopefully, many of these essays will be given more extensive treatment and developed into full-fledged volumes in their own right. I commend this book most warmly and pray that in turn it will contribute to the wider development of truly contextual Asian Christian theologies.

Hwa Yung, PhD
Bishop Emeritus, The Methodist Church in Malaysia

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Introduction (Timoteo D. Gener and Stephen T. Pardue)
  4. Part I: Doctrinal Themes
    1. 1. Divine Revelation and the Practice of Asian Theology (Timoteo D. Gener)
    2. 2. On the Doctrine of Scripture: An Asian Conversation (Havilah Dharamraj)
    3. 3. The Trinity in Asian Contexts (George N. Capaque)
    4. 4. Christology in Asia: Rooted and Responsive (Ivor Poobalan)
    5. 5. Creation, New Creation, and Ecological Relationships (Ken Gnanakan)
    6. 6. Lord and Giver of Life: The Holy Spirit among the Spirits in Asia (Wonsuk Ma)
    7. 7. Toward An Asian Evangelical Ecclesiology (Simon Chan)
    8. 8. Eschatology and Hope in Asia (Roland Chia)
  5. Part II: Contemporary Concerns
    1. 9. A Theology of Suffering and Mission for the Asian Church (Kar Yong Lim)
    2. 10. Cultural Identity and Theology in Asia (Lalsangkima Pachuau)
    3. 11. Jesus and Other Faiths (Ivan Satyavrata)
    4. 12. God’s Basileia in Asia’s Res Publica: Situating the Sacred in Asia’s Public Sphere (Aldrin M. Peñamora)
    5. 13. Finding Home for the Unhomed: Helping Diaspora Communities Discover Identity and Belonging (Juliet Lee Uytanlet)
    6. 14. Hans Frei’s Typology of Theology for Religious Encounters in Asian Contexts (Kang-San Tan)
    7. 15. Theology in a Context of Radical Cultural Shift: A Chinese Reflection (Carver T. Yu)
    8. 16. Reconciliation and the Kingdom of God: Reflections from the Middle East (Salim J. Munayer)
  6. Contributors
  7. Index of Names
  8. Index of Subjects
  9. Index of Scripture


George N. Capaque

Simon Chan

Simon Chan (Ph.D., Cambridge) is Earnest Lau Professor of Systematic Theology at Trinity Theological College in Singapore. He is the author of Man and Sin, Pentecostal Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition, Spiritual Theology: A Systematic Study of the Christian Life and Liturgical Theology: The Church as Worshiping Community. He is also the associate editor of the Global Dictionary of Theology and the Dictionary of Mission Theology.

Roland Chia

ROLAND CHIA is Dean of Postgraduate Studies and lecturer in historcal and systematic theology at Trinity Theological College, Singapore. He is the author and editor of several books including Revelation and Theology.

Havilah Dharamraj

HAVILAH DHARAMRAJ, PhD (Durham, UK), is the Academic Dean at the South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies, where she teaches Old Testament. She is one of the editors of, and a contributor to, the South Asia Bible Commentary.

Ken Gnanakan

KEN GNANAKAN (1940–2021) gained his PhD from Kings College London and engaged in education for over forty years. He founded the ACTS Group of Institutions in 1979, and he served as general secretary of the Asia Theological Association for fifteen years, later serving as chairman of the International Council for Higher Education.

Kar Young Lim

Wonsuk Ma

WONSUK MA (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a Korean Pentecostal serving as Distinguished Professor of Global Christianity and PhD Program Director at Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK, USA. He served as a missionary educator in the Philippines (1979–2006), where he launched Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies and Journal of Asian Mission. He also served as Executive Director of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (2007–16), during which time he led the publication of the thirty-five-volume Regnum Edinburgh Centenary Series. He has also participated in various international mission and ecumenical functions, including the Reformed and Pentecostal (Theological) Dialogue (1997–2005), Edinburgh 2010, Lausanne meetings, and various ecumenical conferences including the World Council of Churches and the Global Christian Forum. He has also participated in networks for theological education, including Global Forum of Theological Educators. His research interests include Old Testament theology, Prophets, the Spirit of God in the Old Testament, contextual theology, Asian Pentecostalism, Pentecostal mission, and global Christianity. He has authored and edited thirteen books, in addition to numerous scholarly writings.

Salim J. Munayer

SALIM J. MUNAYER is executive director and founder of Musalaha Ministry of Reconciliation, which has been bringing Israelis and Palestinians together since 1990 and creating a forum for reconciliation. Salim is a Palestinian-Israeli born in Lod, and received his BA from Tel Aviv University in History and Geography, his MA from Fuller Theological Seminary, and his PhD from the Oxford Center of Mission Studies, UK. He also did graduate studies in New Testament at Pepperdine University. He has published books on reconciliation, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Christians in Israel and the Palestinian Authority. His most recent work is Through My Enemy’s Eyes: Envisioning Reconciliation in Israel-Palestine (Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2014) co-authored with Lisa Loden. Salim served as academic dean and professor at Bethlehem Bible College from 1989 to 2008. He is adjunct professor at Fuller Theological Seminary and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Lalsangkima Pachuau

Aldrin M. Peñamora

ALDRIN M. PEÑAMORA earned his PhD in Christian Ethics from Fuller Theological Seminary, California, USA. He is the Executive Director of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission and PCEC Theological Commission. He is also Executive Director of the PCEC-affiliated Center for the Study of Christian-Muslim Relations, and teaches theology and ethics at Asia Graduate School of Theology, International Graduate School of Leadership and Asian Theological Seminary in Manila, Philippines.

Ivor Poobalan

IVOR POOBALAN has a PhD in religious studies from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and has served as the principal of Colombo Theological Seminary, Sri Lanka, since 1998. He has been working in Christian ministry and leadership for over thirty years, and is currently the co-chair of the theology working group of the Lausanne movement, as well as the chairman of Global Impact, a missionary-sending agency in Sri Lanka.

Ivan M. Satyavrata

Ivan Satyavrata serves as Senior Pastor of the assembly of God Church in Kolkata, India. He has played an active role in Christian leadership training and ministerial education, and is currently Board Chair of the Centre for Global Leadership Development (formerly Southern Asia Bible College) in Bangalore, India.

Kang-San Tan

Carver T. Yu

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